Daily Evening Prayer is offered each weekday, Monday through Friday, at 6:30 p.m.
PLEASE NOTE: This is an outdated page with inaccurate information, kept here for historical reasons. Please find accurate information on the main Daily Office page here.
UPDATE: Beginning Tuesday, August 3, 2021, the service will be offered in person in Thomsen Chapel on Tuesdays only.
Monday and Wednesday–Friday the service will remain online-only via Zoom.
For many years, Saint Mark's has offered a spoken service of Daily Evening Prayer in Thomsen Chapel most weekdays at 6:30 p.m. (Read more about the history of this service here.) While the cathedral building is closed, the leaders of this ministry are continuing to offer the service online, using the Zoom teleconferencing platform.
To join, all you is a computer or phone with a camera, and a special link.
To participate in the liturgy, it will be helpful to have a copy of the Book of Common Prayer 1979, and an NRSV Bible. However, both are available online, and the leaders of the service will put the text on the screen to help you follow along. If you've never attended this liturgy before, the flow of the service can take a little getting used to, but don't let that deter you! After attending a few services it will become routine.
Contact Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer at mseewer@saintmarks.org with any additional questions you may have. And heartfelt thanks to the lay leaders of this service, especially Sue Tait, for keeping this important offering alive.
3 Responses
Becky Murphree
I’m Michael Murphree’s Sister and would like to get an invite for evening prayer
Hi Becky! If you could email Michael Seewer at mseewer@saintmark.org , he will send you the link privately.
Michael Seewer
Hi everyone, please send an email to Michael Seewer (mseewer@saintmarks.org) if you are interested in joining Evening Prayer. We do not monitor the comments on this page and will not know how to contact you if you leave a comment requesting the link. Thanks!