Sunday April 19, 11:00 a.m. • The Second Sunday of Easter • Service Bulletin
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark’s Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral. You may make a contribution online at (link opens in new tab). You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
(Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license A-706820. On occasion, we will remove sections of music from the archived version of the service, due to licensing restrictions.)
3 Responses
Tim Eastling
How wonderful it is to hear Deacon Earl read the Gospel again. No one does it like he.
Canon Ross gave a wonderful and encouraging sermon.
The musicians have done an excellent job of leading worship under trying circumstances week after week.
Jim and Claudia Frahm
We so appreciate I ate the live streaming on Sundays They are so beautiful and keep us uplifted. We will send a check soon as support. We attend St. Luke’s, Vanc, but only have Facebook there and we don’t do Facebook. We also go back and watch and listen to past sermons. We also do our former church, Grace Memorial, Portland, Or which has been great too. Blessings and peace! Claudia Frahm
Thank you so much for your kind words!