Friday, May 8, 7:30 p.m. • Organ Concert – All-Bach On The Flentrop • Concert Program
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(Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license A-706820. On occasion, we will remove sections of music from the archived version of the service, due to licensing restrictions.)
5 Responses
Deborah Ruppert
I enjoy St Marks.
Martyn Harris
Brilliant recital of great works. Wonderful to hear all about this incredible instrument and enjoy some great music. Especially to be able to enjoy this online here in the UK.
William Beal
What a gift this was! My thanks to Michael Kleinschmidt and all involved for performing, and presenting a first-rate concert. I am pleased to donate to the Music Program with my thanks for the glorious music you provide year round.
Christopher Brown
Thank you so much for your kind words and your support, William. We’re so glad you enjoyed the concert.
Donna Nathan
Thank you, Michael Kleinschmidt and St. Marks, for this wonderful concert! I enjoyed learning about the Flentrop, and the music was powerful and uplifting. What a gift, indeed!