On Thursday, June 11, Associate Organist John Stunteback introduced the hymns to be sung during this coming Sunday's live-streamed service for June 14 at 11 a.m—The Second Sunday after Pentecost. This introduction was presented live on Facebook, and this week it was presented on the Pasi portative organ from Thomsen Chapel, due to renovation work in the choir loft.
The Hymns discussed are:
The God of Abraham Praise (401, stanzas 1, 4, & 5);
Come thou fount of every blessing (686);
My God, thy table now is spread (321);
Lord, you give the great commission (words of hymn #528, but sung to the tune Hyfrydol)
...with a few words about a very interesting organ .
Join us in the future on Thursdays at 4 p.m. for another live hymn chat! Just visit the cathedral's public Facebook page at the time of the broadcast—if you "follow" the cathedral on Facebook, you should receive a notification when we're live.
2 Responses
K Elkins
hard to understand what you are saying–maybe wearing a mic would work better
You are very correct… we’re working on it.