SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 4:30 P.M., via Zoom
Dean Thomason and Canon Kleinschmidt's first Hymn Sing was so much fun, they've decided to throw another one! They invite you to join in singing Advent hymns and carols via Zoom. Do you have a favorite hymn that expresses the Advent themes of longing, hope, and expectation? This is the occasion! Requests are encouraged, from any hymnal. Make your hymn request here. Join via the Zoom link here.
2 Responses
Linda Humphrey
Wasn’t able to get into the Antiphon service, hope this one is available. Love sing-alongs, so thanks for whatever you can do. Knew only about half of the songs in the last hymn sing, but it was great fun.
Margaret Austin
I sat in front of the wood fire with my iPhone. Great to hear Michael chat in his very cheery way. Nice to know that we were each doing the same thing with the spirit connecting us.
Thanks margaret.Austin