SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2020, 1-3 P.M.
Film available upon registration 11/13-11/22
Now, more than ever, we need positive voices in the ecological crisis. Join people from around the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia to see director Damon Gameau's "exercise in fact-based dreaming" titled 2040. The film takes a solutions-based approach to how we can, using the technology we already have, mitigate the enormous global issues we currently face. The main themes/solutions looked at in the film are around: empowerment of women and girls; marine regeneration; regenerative agriculture; renewable energy; and circular economy. It's a story of hope, and a powerful tool to encourage people to take action. The film may be watched for no charge between 11/13 and 11/22 using this link. And then join in a conversation about the film with others on Sunday, November 22, 1–3 p.m. Hosted by the Diocese of Olympia.
See the trailer below:
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