This year, we will be celebrating the birth of Jesus together from home!
Your family may participate in one of the Cathedral services together through a computer or TV, following along with the service leaflet, or you might choose to light candles, sing and pray and read scriptures together on your own. You might even choose to act out the story of the Nativity! It doesn’t matter how you choose to celebrate Christ this year on Christmas Eve. What matters is that our celebrations remind us that nothing stops Christ from coming to be with us—not a pandemic, or a closed cathedral, or anything else!
Below, you’ll find a Christmas Eve activity pack intended for elementary school-aged kids to explore the story of Christmas. Simply print it out at home and offer crayons or a pencil during the live-streamed service. Enjoy the beautiful music, take in the good news, and know you do so with many other families who are participating in various ways from their homes, too.
Click on the image to download.
If watching a livestream doesn’t work for your family, you can also use this very simple at-home worship guide for reading, singing and praying together to remember the story of Jesus’s birth. This brief service can be engaging even for very busy little children, and simple enough for the most uncertain singers!
Click on the image to download.
We know that children are more attentive than we realize, and that any way we engage them with the Christmas story from home is powerful and formative. Adults are not nearly so attentive, but worship from home is still powerful and formative for us, too! So go ahead... make room for Jesus to be born at your house, and rest in the grace of your belovedness to God, and to us here at Saint Mark’s.
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