Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras 2021

with 1 Comment
The Closing of the Doors, Shrove Tuesday 2019

Let's COOK and EAT together by Zoom
as we say farewell to our Alleluias for Lent!

Pancake Making, Alleluia Scroll Burying, "Closing of the Doors" Litrugy and Palm Burning

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021, join using this Zoom link

See below for suggestions about what to prepare in advance of the event.

5:30 p.m. • COOK TOGETHER

Visit each other's kitchens as we cook together virtually! Inspired by the success of the Youth Group communal cookie baking event over Zoom, the whole congregation is invited to take their Zoom device into their kitchen to share the experience of making pancakes, the traditional meal for Shrove Tuesday. Hosted by the Youth of Saint Mark's, we will chat with each other, share our pancake making secrets and learn a few tidbits about the history of Shrove Tuesday celebrations.


At 6 p.m., attendees will be separated into smaller "breakout rooms" for conversation and fellowship while eating.

6:30 p.m. • PRAY TOGETHER

The brief but powerful "Closing of the Doors" liturgy is completely unique to Saint Mark's. At 6:30, everyone attending the Zoom meeting will witness the transformation of nave space for Lent, and say a fond farewell to our alleluias, accompanied by hymns, scripture, and prayers. At this time, you are invited to "bury" your own alleluia scroll or banner! (See below for suggestions about how to make one.)

Conclusion of the service • BURN

As palms are burned on the front patio, all depart in silence. At this time you are invited to prepare dirt or ashes for the following day at home as well.

Preparation Guidelines and Resources for Shrove Tuesday

  • Print your Alleluia banner! If you want to use our template, find it here or make your own with the word Alleluia emblazoned with Easter joy. Kids and adults alike can decorate the banner using crayons, markers, ribbons, or glitter. Ponder where in your house to hide your banner at the end of the night's service.
  • Gather your ingredients and recipe for pancakes before 5:30 p.m. and set up your Zoom device in your kitchen area.
  • Consider where you will eat your meal and how you will see your device during dinner. Set your table!
  • Leaflet for the Closing of the Doors liturgy will be found here when it is ready.
  • The goal is to be able to eat together by 6 p.m. but don't fret if you aren't ready by then! Let's enjoy just being "together" and visiting.

One Response

  1. Ted Eldridge
    | Reply

    Wonderful ideas! And I look forward, after my long absence, to joining you all on Tuesday. (I found Paczki at Freshthyme!

    Ted Eldridge

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