Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
Monthly Newcomers Coffee (first Sunday of every month only): Immediately following the Sunday morning service, come meet people and ask questions at a special virtual coffee hour with clergy over Zoom. Join using this link.Please note: There will be no newcomers' coffee on Palm Sunday, March 28, OR Easter Sunday, April 4. The next offering will be Sunday, May 2.
If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook instead.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
Monthly Newcomers Coffee (first Sunday of every month only): Immediately following the Sunday morning service, come meet people and ask questions at a special virtual coffee hour with clergy over Zoom. Join using this link.Please note: There will be no newcomers' coffee on Palm Sunday, March 28, OR Easter Sunday, April 4. The next offering will be Sunday, May 2.
If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook instead.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
Monthly Newcomers Coffee (first Sunday of every month only): Immediately following the Sunday morning service, come meet people and ask questions at a special virtual coffee hour with clergy over Zoom. Join using this link.Please note: There will be no newcomers' coffee on Palm Sunday, March 28, OR Easter Sunday, April 4. The next offering will be Sunday, May 2.
If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook instead.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral. You may make a contribution online at opens in new tab). You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
Monthly Newcomers Coffee (first Sunday of every month only): Immediately following the Sunday morning service, come meet people and ask questions at a special virtual coffee hour with clergy over Zoom. Join using this link.Please note: There will be no newcomers' coffee on Palm Sunday, March 28, OR Easter Sunday, April 4. The next offering will be Sunday, May 2.
If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook instead.
As we did last for the first time in 2020, the Night Watch at the Altar of Repose will once again be offered via livestream. This virtual Night Watch begins on the usual livestream page as soon as the Maundy Thursday liturgy concludes, and continues until sunrise on Good Friday.
As Jesus asked his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane, "Could you not stay awake with me one hour?" all are invited to spend some time in prayer and stillness at home before the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist, streaming live from the nave all night. Spend the time in whatever way feels meaningful to you: meditating, reading scripture or poetry, journaling, knitting or just sitting in silence.
If you wish, you can sign up so we know who will be keeping watch online, but this is not required. The sign up form will be posted when it is available.
On Thursday, March 25, Canon Michael Kleinschmidt presented this week's Hymn introduction. Rather than repeat the presentation about Palm Sunday's hymns, which were covered last year, Canon Kleinschmidt discusses four hymns from the liturgies of the Triduum. This introduction was presented live on Facebook. The hymns discussed are:
"Three holy days enfold us now" [WLP #733, but sung to the tune Rockingham]
"Now, my tongue the mystery telling" [Hymn #329]
"O sacred Head, sore wounded," sung to David Hurd's exquisite tune Redding [WLP #735].
"Now the green blade riseth" [Hymn #204]
There will be no hymn introduction next week (Holy Thursday). Tune in again on April 8 at 4 p.m. on the cathedral's Facebook pagefor the next installment.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral. You may make a contribution online at opens in new tab). You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
Many people in the Saint Mark’s community are now eligible for COVID-19 vaccination, and the improving availability of the vaccines offers hope that everyone who wishes to be vaccinated soon can be. Securing an appointment, however, can sometimes be complicated and frustrating. If you are eligible but are having difficulty with the sign-up process, parishioners Beatrix and Greg Hamm have offered to help folks navigate the system to get an appointment. If you would like to seek their help, please send an email to Erik Donner,, or one of the clergy, and the connection will be made. Thanks.
On Wednesday, March 17, Saint Mark's was the location for a gathering of faith communities, activists, family, and friends celebrating the reuniting of Jose Robles with his family after 20 months of detention at the Northwest Detention Center. Prior to entering detention, Jose lived for a year in Sanctuary in Gethsemane Lutheran Church in downtown Seattle. This gathering also marked Jaime Rubio’s upcoming two-year anniversary of being in sanctuary at Saint Mark’s, as he continues to work toward a legal remedy.
This event was covered by local media, including KIRO-7 (story includes video) and KUOW (audio available).
Wednesday's event was co-hosted by Saint Mark's, Gethsemane Lutheran, and the Church Council of Greater Seattle. Some photographs from the event, and a complete video may be seen below.
Calling all families with elementary school children! Saint Mark’s faith formation leaders are preparing packets for you to observe Holy Week at home while staying connected to the broader community. We’ll drop off your packet between April 25 and 27, or will mail it to you if you are at a longer distance. We want to be sure to include all families with younger children—please send a note to Canon Jennifer with your name, address, and names of children We’ll let you know when to expect your Holy Week delivery!
On Thursday, March 18, Canon Michael Kleinschmit introduced the hymns that will be sung at the 11 a.m. livestreamed and in-person service of Holy Eucharist this coming Sunday, March 21, 2021, the Fifth Sunday in Lent. This introduction was presented live on Facebook. The hymns discussed are:
"When Christ was lifted from the earth" [Hymn #603]
"Lift high the cross!" [Hymn #473]
"O wheat, whose crushing was for bread" [WLP #760].
Join us in the future on Thursdays at 4 p.m. for another live hymn chat! Just visit the cathedral's public Facebook page at the time of the broadcast—if you "follow" the cathedral on Facebook, you should receive a notification when we're live.
Dean Thomason sent an email message to the community on Thursday morning, March 18, regarding hate crimes against Asian Americans—not just in Georgia, but also in our own city, our own neighborhoods, and our own community.
Dear friends,
The news out of Atlanta over the last 36 hours has been a swirl of tragedy, horror, and a distressing series of comments by police that seek to point anywhere but to the fact that these murders were racially motivated. Sex addiction, mental illness, human trafficking, random gun violence—these are threads woven into the news cycle for reasons yet unclear to me—perhaps meant to humanize the alleged perpetrator (we must ask then, for what purpose?), or perhaps police are striving to avoid stoking the embers of racial protests Atlanta saw last summer.
Whatever the motives, and whatever other “isms” may be involved in this mass murder, it is evident that these were racially motivated hate crimes targeting Asian women. What’s more, I have heard from Asian Americans in the Saint Mark’s community in the last 24 hours expressing a real fear for their lack of safety in this time—and yes, in this place…in Seattle where we have heard accounts of violence against Asian Americans precipitated by an insidious xenophobia seeking to lay blame for a viral pandemic. This is not an issue for a city in the Deep South—it is an epidemic that has swept the nation, and lurks in our midst as well—right here, right now.
The Vestry of this Cathedral is on record as denouncing white nationalism which I believe is at the heart of all this hatred and the violence that flows from it. I write this morning, not primarily to comment on the hate crimes in Atlanta (horrific as they are), but to draw on whatever emotional response you may have in this moment in the wake of those murders, and say to you: we have work to do HERE, in Seattle, and at Saint Mark’s.
An estimated ten percent of the Saint Mark’s community are Asian Americans; 14% of Seattle’s population is Asian. It is not okay that they do not feel safe. It is not okay that they feel the need to watch over their shoulder when they go to the grocery store, or to work…or to church. The collective trauma of decades of disrespect, injustice, and racial violence takes its toll, and I wonder how we might awaken to the haunts of racism, not just as a systemic blight on our society, but also really face racism as the very real weight some in our midst must carry relentlessly while others of us do not.
Do we care enough to make it personal?
Here on the eve of Holy Week, I’m mindful that Jesus says, if we are to follow him, it must be personal. What is our response, beyond horror or outrage for a few days before returning to our routines? What is our response collectively as a faith community? What will you do personally?
Your Brother in Christ,
The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
Dean and Rector
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral. You may make a contribution online at opens in new tab). You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
Check out the first newsletter created by the members of the Seattle Service Corps! In their words:
In this newsletter, you will find stories, musings, and lessons gained from our experiences in Seattle, introductions to a few of our corps member’s service placements, as well as one of our favorite recipes we’ve made for our community meals. We hope you enjoy it!
Click in the lower right of the reader below to read the report full-screen.
In this brief video Dean Thomason talks to us about the “how” and "why" of the good news that Saint Mark’s resumes in-person worship, beginning Sunday, March 21, 2021.
UPDATE: Beginning Sunday, April 11, the procedure for distributing Holy Communion will be modified from what is described in this video (around the 5' mark). Priests will place the bread directly into worshippers' hands. You will still be asked to return to your seat before removing your mask to eat.
Important details:
All in-person services require pre-registration.
Registration opens at 9:00 a.m. six days ahead of any service (so registration for a Sunday is the preceding Monday at 9:00 a.m.).
Of course, livestreamworship will continue for all services!
Several (but not all) Holy Week services will include an in-person congregation: Tenebrae on March 31; Maundy Thursday on April 1; and two services on Good Friday—noon or 7 p.m. Again, registration for each opens at 9 a.m. six days in advance. (Holy Week Monday and Tuesday are online-only via Zoom.)
Please note that, for Saturday’s Easter Vigil, only those being baptized or confirmed, along with their sponsors and families, will serve as the in-person congregation.
On Easter Sundaywe are pleased to offer three services which will include in-person attendance:
On Thursday, March 11, Associate organist John Stuntenbeck introduced the hymns that will be sung at the morning service of Holy Eucharist this coming Sunday, March 14, 2021, the Fourth Sunday in Lent, at Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle. This introduction was presented live on Facebook. The hymns discussed are:
"Come, thou fount of every blessing" [Hymn #686]
"Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness" [Hymn #339]
"Guide me, O thou great Jehovah" [Hymn #690].:
Join us in the future on Thursdays at 4 p.m. for another live hymn chat! Just visit the cathedral's public Facebook page at the time of the broadcast—if you "follow" the cathedral on Facebook, you should receive a notification when we're live.
Help underwrite the beautiful flowers and music of Easter by making a special contribution in honor or memory of someone. Simply fill out the form below, and then make a gift in any amount using the method that is most convenient for you. (Information about payment can be found at the bottom of the form.)
Names submitted by Palm Sunday—March 28, 2021—will be included in the service bulletins for Easter Day.
Sunday, March 7, 2021, 9:30 p.m. • The Office of Compline
See the Order of Service in Lent here. Each week's repertoire can be found here.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral. You may make a contribution online at opens in new tab). You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.