In this brief video Dean Thomason talks to us about the “how” and "why" of the good news that Saint Mark’s resumes in-person worship, beginning Sunday, March 21, 2021.
Details are on our Reopening Planning page: saintmarks.org/reopening.
UPDATE: Beginning Sunday, April 11, the procedure for distributing Holy Communion will be modified from what is described in this video (around the 5' mark). Priests will place the bread directly into worshippers' hands. You will still be asked to return to your seat before removing your mask to eat.
Important details:
- All in-person services require pre-registration.
- Registration opens at 9:00 a.m. six days ahead of any service (so registration for a Sunday is the preceding Monday at 9:00 a.m.).
- Of course, livestream worship will continue for all services!
Several (but not all) Holy Week services will include an in-person congregation: Tenebrae on March 31; Maundy Thursday on April 1; and two services on Good Friday—noon or 7 p.m. Again, registration for each opens at 9 a.m. six days in advance. (Holy Week Monday and Tuesday are online-only via Zoom.)
Please note that, for Saturday’s Easter Vigil, only those being baptized or confirmed, along with their sponsors and families, will serve as the in-person congregation.
On Easter Sunday we are pleased to offer three services which will include in-person attendance:
- an outdoor Sunrise Service at 7 a.m.
- 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. in the nave.
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