Dedication of the Cathedral’s new Electric Vehicle Charging Station

with 2 Comments

SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 10:15 A.M.

Gather on the upper south parking lot and around the Peace Pole as we dedicate the new EV Charging Station in memory of long-time member Jim Mulligan, who was a pioneer in creation care and environmental justice efforts.

The brief ceremony of about ten minutes falls between the two Eucharists that morning.

Here is an article from the Most recent issue of The Rubric about this wonderful gift to the community:

"Building a Charge: The Gift of an E.V. Charging Station"

UPDATE: here are some photos from the dedication (click to enlarge):

2 Responses

  1. Elizabeth Rosen
    | Reply

    This is wonderful?
    I do not know if this is level 2, or one or the other of the two “fast charging” charging stations.
    Also, any idea of least busy times.
    Thanks, much.

    • Saint Mark's Cathedral

      Elizabeth, this is indeed a “level 2” station, and not a fast-charging station. I’m not exactly sure when it’s least busy, but I can say that it is usually available during the day on weekdays. Thank you for your interest!

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