SUNDAYS, JULY 18 & 25, 9:30 P.M., broadcast/livestream only
In the summer of 2019, the Office of Compline was chanted by an ensemble of women for the first time in the six-decade history of Compline at Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle.

These beautifully-sung services were deeply moving to many. In the word of choir director Rebekah Gilmore, "We have many decades—generations worth of women who have wanted to sing Compline at Saint Mark's." And so the decision was made to make the Women's Compline Choir an annual tradition at Saint Mark's each summer. (In the summer of 2020, of course, a gathering of the full choir was not possible, and the Women's Compline Choir was represented by just four solo voices.) See photos and video from previous year's services below.
But now, in 2021, the full complement of 18 singers will return to chant the office at 9:30 p.m. on July 18 and 25.
Due to the unique nature of the Compline service and its congregation, the liturgy remains closed to public at this time. Please join the service via live radio broadcast on KING-FM 98.1 or king.org, or via livestream video at saintmarks.org/livestream, YouTube, the cathedral's Facebook page, or the Compline Choir's Facebook page.
Like the services in 2019 and 2020, these services will feature the world premiere of new works specially commissioned for the occasion from local composers. The service on July 25 will feature two new works by local composer (and former Compline Choir member) Jeff Junkinsmith.
In addition, the services will include music by contemporary Canadian composer Stephanie Martin, professor at York University in Toronto, former organist of the Church of Mary Magdalen (the position once held by Healey Willan), and founder of the noted women's choral ensemble Schola Magdalena.
REPERTOIRE (7/18/21)
Orison: Kevin Siegfried, Holy Manna (Commissioned especially for the Women’s Compline Choir, premiered in 2020)
Psalm: Peter Hallock, Psalm 23
Hymn: Stephanie Martin, Tantum Ergo
Nunc Dimittis: Thomas Morley, fauxbourdon setting, Tone V.1
Anthem: Javier Busto, Salve Regina
REPERTOIRE (7/25/21):
Orison: Stephanie Martin, Alleluia
Psalm: Plainchant, Psalm 14
Hymn: Jeff Junkinsmith, Te lucis ante terminum (WORLD PREMIERE)
Nunc Dimittis: Jeff Junkinsmith, Nunc dimittis for The Women’s Compline Choir (WORLD PREMIERE)
Anthem: Stephanie Martin, The Glorious City
Video from the service of July 18, 2021:
Video from the service of July 25, 2021:
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