UPDATE: Community Forum on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 6:30–8 p.m., via Zoom
Community Conversation on the Formation Consultant’s Report
In May and early June of this year, we held several Listening Groups with our Formation Consultant, Jamie Martin Currie, who captured a great deal of information and insights from these groups and the parish survey (which had more than 200 providing input). Thanks to all who participated. The report delivered in late June has a great deal of information and several recommendations which we have embraced, and all in the Saint Mark’s community are invited to participate in a follow-up conversation about the report. Join using this Zoom link.
Read the full consultant's report here.
Read Dean Thomason's initial announcement of this survey below:
A Message from Dean Thomason
April 26, 2021
Dear Friends,
As we emerge from the pandemic, the ways we form community and encourage one another in the spiritual journey presents challenges and opportunities. Your input is important as we plot a course together, as the cathedral community, in all the ways that takes shape. I am writing to you today to ask you to complete a 10 minute survey that asks several questions about the ways we gather, the ways we learn and grow spiritually, and the ways we can do things differently, better, or more effectively, for people of all ages. Regardless of your level of involvement in the life of the community, I am asking each and every person who counts Saint Mark’s Cathedral as a spiritual resource to please take this survey. I yearn for your voice to be in the mix at this critical juncture for the cathedral.
Your voice matters!
Take the 10-minute survey here.
So important is this process, the vestry has retained a nationally-recognized consultant to guide us in it. Jamie Martin-Currie, M.S. Ed. of Houston, Texas, brings a wealth of experience to this work, and in addition to the parish survey, she will host several Listening Groups in mid-May, focusing especially on Christian formation for all ages at Saint Mark’s. If you would like to participate in one of those, please contact Erik Donner at edonner@saintmarks.org or 206.323.0300 x 217.
As we envision how we move forward in the post-pandemic world, we are mindful of how the ways we gather shape us, form us, as Christians—in worship and prayer, classes and forums, music, fellowship, justice and outreach work, and spiritual exploration—it all matters…and it is a lifelong endeavor. I am glad to be on the journey with you in this wonderful community of Saint Mark’s Cathedral. I am,
Your Brother in Christ,
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