Wisdom School 21/22 Opening Plenary: A Spirituality of Desire

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2021, 6:45 P.M.–8:15 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall and via Zoom.

Dean Thomason introduces the theme for The Wisdom School at Saint Mark's 21/22 program year.

Desire is often understood as existing in the realm of carnal experience, and is therefore to be denied or rejected. But mystics know a deeper truth—that desire is at the core of our spiritual awareness and informs all that we do and are, in response to God’s desire for us, or alternatively, as a shadow that hinders that union through false attachments. Dean Steve Thomason will draw on art, poetry, science, and theology, including writings of the mystics, exploring desire as a deeply-seated (and perhaps divinely hard-wired) spiritual gift that enables us to engage the Other in life-giving union while also reflecting on ways we fall prey to false attachments meant to fill the spiritual whole that only God can fill. No fee. In-person attendees must be vaccinated. 

Click here to download the Powerpoint slides from this presentation.

References related to this presentation include:

  • Coakley, Sarah. The New Asceticism: Sexuality, Gender, and the Quest for God. Bloomsbury, 2015
  • Gudorf, Christine. Body, Sex, and Pleasure: Reconstructing Christian Sexual Ethics. Pilgrim Press, 1994.
  • Guenther, Margaret. The Practice of Prayer. Cowley, 1998
  • May, Gerald. Will and Spirit: A Contemplative Psychology. HarperOne, 1987.

Compline on the 18th Sunday after Pentecost, 2021

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Compline on The 18th Sunday after Pentecost | September 26, 2021, 9:30 p.m.

See the Order of Service here. Each week's repertoire can be found here.


  • Compline is open to all for in-person attendance as of August 22, 2021. Masks must be worn at all times.


  • If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook or YouTube instead.


  • Monthly Newcomers Coffee (first Sunday of every month only): Immediately following the Sunday morning service, come meet people and ask questions at a special virtual coffee hour with clergy over Zoom. Join using this link. The next offering will be Sunday, September 5.


  • The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.


  • Video of past services can be seen here.
  • Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.

Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral

If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.

You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.

The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 2021

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September 26, 2021 | The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost 

Service Leaflet


  • The Service Leaflet contains all you need to fully participate in each liturgy from home.


  • The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.


  • If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook or YouTube instead.


  • Video of past services can be seen here.
  • Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.

Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral

If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.

You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.

Looking for the Livestream video archive? It now has its own page here

2021 St. Francis Day Outdoor Liturgy with Blessing of the Animals

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SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2021, 4:30 P.M., on the outdoor labyrinth and front lawn

On Saturday, October 2, Saint Mark's will once again offer its beloved Saint Francis Day tradition. A few years ago this offering was moved from Sunday morning to Saturday afternoon, and the outdoor celebration has a truly festive community atmosphere. Dogs, cats, bird, bunnies, ponies, chickens, and all creatures great and small are welcome!

The event will again feature contributions from acclaimed Seattle musician James Falzone, and this year, music will also be offered by the young choristers of Choir School. The service will include prayers for healing humanity’s relationship with the earth, and for all the creatures who share the earth with us. Following the service, animals can receive an individual blessing from a priest if desired.

All are invited to attend, with or without their animal companions. Stuffed animals are also welcome to be blessed, as are photographs of pets who would not find attending the event a blessed experience.

Animals should remain leashed or kenneled. Following current recommendations regarding outdoor events with crowds, all attendees must remain masked at all times, and are requested to maintain social distance as much as possible. You are welcome to bring your own chair to use on the lawn, although chairs will also be provided.

UPDATE: Video may be seen below

Service Leaflet

Code Red For Humanity: Reflections on the IPCC Report 6th Assessment Report on Climate Change

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The recent IPCC report shows that heating from humans has caused irreparable damage to Earth that could worsen in the years to come. Come learn about causes, potential impacts and response options while reflecting how we may find hope in our collective efforts for change.

Saint Mark's parishioner and American Geophysical Union president-elect Lisa Graumlich will lead us in making sense of these findings and explore how we may move forward with this information.

Click here to download the slides from the presentation.

Click here to download a list of references and resources.

A video of the event can be seen below :

PLEASE NOTE: Like all cathedral gatherings, both in person and online, this event began with a Land Acknowledgment. However, it was inadvertently not recorded, and so does not appear in the video above. Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe.

Wendy Claire Barrie Called as New Canon for Intergenerational Ministries

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A Message from Dean Thomason

Dear friends,

It is my great delight to announce that Wendy Claire Barrie has accepted the call to serve as Canon for Intergenerational Ministries at Saint Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle. She will begin her work November 1, 2021. Her visionary leadership and vast experience in lifelong spiritual formation and her passion for intergenerational ministry will complement the many gifts our formation team already brings into these areas, and as a lay person herself, she has a keen commitment to the ministry of all the baptized.

Wendy has served more than 25 years in parish-based formation ministry in California, New York and Connecticut, and she has a wealth of experience with many curricula, including Godly Play and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Since March 2020, she has served as Acquisitions Editor and Christian Formation Specialist for Church Publishing, and recently guided the revision of the highly-regarded Journey to Adulthood curriculum. Wendy is a nationally-renowned speaker and teacher in the field of lifelong spiritual formation, and her latest book, The Church Post-Sunday School: How to be Intergenerational and Why It Matters, is due out next summer. She is no stranger to Saint Mark’s, having spoken here in 2017 about home-based faith practices, drawing on her earlier book, Faith at Home: A Handbook for Cautiously Christian Parents. The topic is as timely as ever as we lean into new ways of being Church in the post-pandemic world. She and her husband Phil will move from Brooklyn, New York, to Seattle in the coming weeks while their son Peter continues his education at Bard College.

Ms. Barrie’s call is the culmination of a robust search process in which an extraordinary committee of gifted leaders of Saint Mark’s diligently worked with an excellent pool of applicants, prayerfully discerning unanimous support for Wendy’s call. I am very grateful to committee members Carmen Brady, Maria Coldwell, Cadence Cole, Sonjia Gavin, Emily Meeks, and Peter Snyder. Please join me in thanking them for their good work, and please join me in welcoming Wendy and Phil to the Saint Mark’s community. I am,


The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Dean and Rector


A Message from Wendy Claire Barrie

When I read the position description for this new role, I took immediate notice because, truly, it sounds like my dream job! I was formed by growing up in an intergenerational church—St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Laguna Beach, California—and I’ve brought that experience into my Christian formation work wherever I’ve gone. My family and I are eager for this new adventure. One thing I have missed about parish ministry is holding other people’s babies during Sunday sermons, and one thing Phil and I are hopeful about finding in Seattle is a larger kitchen than we’ve had in Brooklyn. (I have been doing a lot of anxiety baking the last 18 months!) I’m so happy to be coming to Saint Mark’s. I can’t wait to see what we will dream and build here together, as followers of Jesus from all ages and stages of faith.



Learn more about Wendy here.

20s/30s: Art and Jazz Event

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 7:30 P.M., at Epiphany Parish in Madrona

Join an evening of Art & Jazz with other young adults from around the Diocese (7:30–9 p.m.). View art from local artists affiliated with Vibrant Palette Art Center and listen to jazz piano from Jeremy Bacon in the Chapel at Epiphany Parish, Seattle. Artwork will be available for purchase to support Vibrant Palette's mission to empower artists with disabilities and build a more inclusive arts community in Seattle. Light refreshments provided. Questions? Email Emily Meeks (emcmeeks@gmail.com).

Sunday Stairway Walks for 20s/30s

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SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2021, 2 P.M.–5:15 P.M., pre-registration required


Did you know that Seattle has 650 publicly accessible stairways? In the early 1900s, property developers in hilly Seattle would construct public stairways for convenience and to improve access to trolly lines. Now, these scenic passageways provide opportunities to discover off-the-path views through Seattle neighborhoods.

Join with other young adults from around the Diocese of Olympia to explore and learn about different neighborhoods and Episcopal parishes within Seattle. Routes will draw inspiration from Seattle Stairway Walks and range between 2.5–4 miles at an easy pace. The walks start and end at the parish, with an opportunity to connect with clergy and other participants. We’ll also have an opportunity to learn more about the parish, meet clergy and enjoy refreshments after the walk. 

  • OCTOBER 17: St. Paul's and "Southwest Queen Anne"

Cobblestone lanes, historic landmark homes, and expansive views mark this 4.1 mile walk starting from St. Paul’s. Join other young adults from around the Diocese of Olympia to explore and learn more about Southwest Queen Anne with stops at the Wilcox Wall, Parsons Garden and Kerry Park. We’ll also get a brief background and tour of St. Paul’s from Rev. Nat Johnson. Light refreshments provided. Participants have the option of attending a 5 pm service. Learn more and register here. The route is based on this walk.

Contact Emily Meeks (emcmeeks@gmail.com) or Michael Perera (perera.michael@gmail.com) with questions.

Register using this link

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Compline on the 17th Sunday after Pentecost, 2021

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Compline on The 17th Sunday after Pentecost | September 19, 2021, 9:30 p.m.

See the Order of Service here. Each week's repertoire can be found here.

The 17th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 20B)

ORISON: Now cheer our hearts this eventide (Tune: ACH BLEIB BEI UNS) – Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, 1589; harm. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

PSALM 54 – Jason A. Anderson (b. 1976)

HYMN: Lord, whose love through humble service (Tune: SAINT HELENA) – Calvin Hampton (1938-1984)

NUNC DIMITTIS – Plainsong, Tone III; harm. Lodovico Grossi da Viadana (c. 1560-1627) [GWB ed.]

ANTHEM: O bone Jesu – Alonso de Tejeda (c. 1540-1628)


Jason Anderson, director • Joel Matter, reader • Derek Tilton, cantor


  • Compline is open to all for in-person attendance as of August 22, 2021. Masks must be worn at all times.


  • If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook or YouTube instead.


  • Monthly Newcomers Coffee (first Sunday of every month only): Immediately following the Sunday morning service, come meet people and ask questions at a special virtual coffee hour with clergy over Zoom. Join using this link. The next offering will be Sunday, September 5.


  • The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.


  • Video of past services can be seen here.
  • Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.

Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral

If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.

You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.

Funeral Liturgy for Matthew Briggs | Sunday, September 19, 2021

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Funeral Liturgy for Matthew Briggs | Sunday, September 19, 2021 

Service Leaflet  |  The video can also be viewed, and a video file downloaded, at its dedicated Vimeo page: vimeo.com/609194618 


  • The Service Leaflet contains all you need to fully participate in each liturgy from home.


  • The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.


  • If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook or YouTube instead.


  • Video of past services can be seen here.
  • Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.

Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral

If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.

You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.

Looking for the Livestream video archive? It now has its own page here

The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, 2021

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September 19, 2021 | The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost 

Service Leaflet


  • The Service Leaflet contains all you need to fully participate in each liturgy from home.


  • The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.


  • If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook or YouTube instead.


  • Video of past services can be seen here.
  • Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.

Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral

If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.

You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.

Looking for the Livestream video archive? It now has its own page here

Funeral Liturgy for Mary Baldwin Kennedy | September 17, 2021

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Funeral Liturgy for Mary Baldwin Kennedy | September 17, 2021, 4:00pm 

Service Leaflet


  • The Service Leaflet contains all you need to fully participate in each liturgy from home.


  • The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.


  • If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook or YouTube instead.


  • Video of past services can be seen here.
  • Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.

Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral

If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.

You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.

Looking for the Livestream video archive? It now has its own page here

Jim Pannell to leave his role as Director of Operations

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A Message from Dean Thomason

Dear friends,

Cathedral Director of Operations Jim Pannell has resigned to take a new role in San Francisco which he describes in some detail below. We are sad to see him leave, but we wish him well in his new ventures. He came to Seattle from San Francisco just two years ago, and the pandemic intervened just months after he arrived, but he pressed through with grace and good will, and we are grateful for his work among us. His leadership has been key to ensuring our pandemic-related precautions are safely implemented and maintained. His last day on the job will be Friday October 8, 2021. Please join me in thanking him for his service, and sending him with our best wishes as he begins this new role.

While such transitions are always challenging, we are fortunate to have in Canon Marda Steedman Sanborn in her interim role with us this fall. Marda served six years as Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese of Olympia, and in that role had many of the responsibilities that are part of the Director of Operations portfolio. Marda has graciously offered to assume many of the key operational responsibilities in the interim as we conduct a search for a new Director. I will assume some as well, which is to say, we have a plan to ensure key support services are not interrupted.

I also want to specifically acknowledge the skillful work that David Wagner, Chris Brown, Stephen Eddy, Adam Conley, and Erik Donner bring to their operational roles. They are competent, hard-working, and self-motivated, and I have great confidence in them. Indeed, I am very grateful for them for all the ways they support this community behind the scenes, ensuring that the cathedral mission and ministries can flourish.

We will post a new Director of Operations position this week with every hope to have a new person in the role before the end of the year. In the meantime, if you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. And again, we are grateful for Jim’s work and his time with us. I am,


The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Dean and Rector


A Message from Jim Pannell

I’m a big believer in serendipity. Some call it luck. To me, it is an openness to the unexpected. I recently experienced one of those serendipitous events when three weeks ago I was contacted by an independent high school - The Bay School of San Francisco. This was an unexpected, out of the blue, email asking if I would talk to them about an opportunity at the school.

I have been very happy in my two years at Saint Mark’s, with no expectation to leave, look for another position, or disrupt the happy state our family has been in since coming to Seattle. However, I always think it is often a good idea to at least listen. And, fifteen days later, following three Zoom calls, and a quick 24 hour visit to San Francisco, I received an offer from The Bay School to serve as their Chief Financial & Operations Officer. On Sunday afternoon I accepted that position and let Dean Thomason know of my intention to depart in a few weeks.

This was an extraordinarily difficult decision. But, after a lot of conversation and consideration with my family, we decided together that this was also an opportunity from which I should not walk away. With the excitement of a new position comes the sadness of departing a place and people I love. One that pursues a mission that is close to my heart. I am going to miss all of you.

I am grateful for the opportunity to come to St. Mark’s and have learned so much under the leadership of Dean Thomason. Serving with you would have been so much harder if not for my direct reports – Adam Conley, Stephen Eddy, and David Wagner. It has been an honor to serve with all of you, the entire staff, and the beloved parishioners at Saint Mark’s.

As a final note, if I had not come to St. Mark’s and spent the past two years focused on non-profit management, I do not think that The Bay School of San Francisco would have called me to this role. I have learned so much from each of you and your wisdom, intelligence, generosity, kindness, and love have all contributed to this new chapter in our life as a family.

With gratitude,


Meet your Cathedral Yoga Instructor!

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Wendy first came to Saint Mark's in 1996, and has been involved in Cathedral Yoga since its very beginning in 2013. For those who think that yoga teachers are all super-flexible contortionists, it may be interesting to know that Wendy has both scoliosis and spinal stenosis. In 2020, after experiencing terrible pain, she went through serious back surgery— a laminectomy in the lumbar region. After a lot of healing she is now pain-free and practicing yoga as she has been for over 50 years!

How did you first get involved in yoga?

I loved the first yoga class I attended in 1964 in Boston. I then always went to yoga classes wherever I was—in Manila and Sydney and then here in Seattle. Through the years I experienced many different types of yoga and studied with a lot of yoga "stars". Finally I did my teacher training with Ana Forrest and Shari Friederickson.

What are your goals for a Cathedral Yoga class?

My goals for Cathedral Yoga are to have people receive a visceral sense of the sacred, to leave feeling better than when they came, relaxed and stretched out.

If someone was on the fence about attending Cathedral Yoga for the first time, what would you say to them?

Individuals have told me over the years how much they enjoy yoga on the altar platform. No other yoga setting can compete!

The idea of attending a yoga class can be intimidating to someone who has never done it before, but it's worth the adventure. Cathedral Yoga is always taught in a way that will be rewarding for people of all levels, including absolute beginners. Some have found that practicing in the huge space of the cathedral nave actually make them less self-conscious than they feel in the smaller space of a typical yoga studio!

Cathedral Yoga is offered every Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the cathedral nave. Please contact Gregory Bloch at gbloch@saintmarks.org with any questions.



20s/30s Pop-up “Questioning Together” and Compline

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SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 7:30 p.m. in Leffler House

Where is God When Bad Things Happen? We’ll discuss this previously discussed question in the lens of a pandemic year in a special edition of Questioning Together.

Join us for a BYO dinner and conversation at 7:30 p.m. (bring your own, drinks provided) followed by an hour of Questioning Together starting at 8 p.m. For those interested, a group will go to Compline together at 9:30 p.m.

Questions? Email Emily Meeks (emcmeeks@gmail.com) or Seyi Akanni (seyi.akanni@gmail.com).

Seattle Service Corps “Pantry Pounding” and Porch Reception

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SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 12 P.M., Leffler porch

Join the Seattle Service Corps on the front porch of Leffler after the 11 a.m. service for conversation and refreshments hosted by the newly-arrived 2021–2022 cohort! All are invited to bring a "Pantry Pounding" gift to help provision the service corps for the coming year. The wish list items may be seen and signed up for here. Gifts that you can sign up for include kitchen staples like flour, sugar, and oil, but also a bicycle, sleeping bags, or a guitar! Questions? E-mail Adam Conley at aconley@saintmarks.org.

Autumnal Poetry Reading, hosted by Creation Care

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SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 10:10-10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall

Fall is upon us with leaves changing, crisper nights, and fruits for foraging. Drawing from a selection of autumnal poems, parishioner and English professor Doug Thorpe will guide us in a time of reading and reflection to discover creation themes and connections.

View a PDF of the poetry read at the event here.












Choral Evensong in Celebration of Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi

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SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 4:30 P.M., in person and livestreamed

Continuing the celebration of Creation launched with the Blessing of Animals on October 2, Saint Mark's Cathedral commemorates the lives of Saints Clare and Francis of Assisi in Choral Evensong on the Eve of the Feast of Saint Francis. The intergenerational Evensong Choir will offer H. Walford Davies' magical setting of Psalm 121, I lift up my eyes to the hills, John Rutter's beloved setting of For the beauty of the earth, and Stanford's stately settings of the Songs of Mary and Simeon in the key of C.

If you are new to Choral Evensong, learn more about the liturgy and choir here. You can get a taste of the sound of the Evensong Choir in the video below, from 2019.

Compline on the 16th Sunday after Pentecost, 2021

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Compline on The 16th Sunday after Pentecost | September 12, 2021, 9:30 p.m.

See the Order of Service here. Each week's repertoire can be found here.

ORISON: Hope of the world, thou Christ of great compassion (Tune: DONNE SECOURS) – mel. from Trente quatre pseaumes de David, 1551; harm. Claude Goudimel (c. 1514-1572)

PSALM 116 – Peter R. Hallock (1924-2014) [Psalter, p. 171]

HYMN 160: Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow (Tune: CROSS OF JESUS) – John Stainer (1840-1901)

NUNC DIMITTIS – Plainsong, Tone I; harm. Lodovico Grossi da Viadana (c. 1560-1627) [GWB ed.]

ANTHEM: We adore you, O Christ – Richard T. Proulx (1937-2010)


Jeremy Matheis, director • David Gary, reader • Fred McIlroy, cantor


  • Compline is open to all for in-person attendance as of August 22, 2021. Masks must be worn at all times.


  • If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook or YouTube instead.


  • Monthly Newcomers Coffee (first Sunday of every month only): Immediately following the Sunday morning service, come meet people and ask questions at a special virtual coffee hour with clergy over Zoom. Join using this link. The next offering will be Sunday, September 5.


  • The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.


  • Video of past services can be seen here.
  • Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.

Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral

If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.

You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.

The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, 2021

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September 12, 2021 | The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost 

Service Leaflet


  • The Service Leaflet contains all you need to fully participate in each liturgy from home.


  • The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.


  • If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook or YouTube instead.


  • Video of past services can be seen here.
  • Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.

Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral

If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.

You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.

Looking for the Livestream video archive? It now has its own page here

The Rev. Eliacín Rosario-Cruz called as Cathedral Canon

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A Message from Dean Thomason

Dear friends,

It is my great delight to share the exciting news that The Reverend Eliacín Rosario-Cruz has accepted the call to serve as Canon and Priest Associate at Saint Mark’s Cathedral. Eliacín (pronounced “ay-lee-uh-SEEN”) is no stranger to Saint Mark’s, having served as Adult Faith Formation Associate here 2005–2008, and he was ordained a priest in the cathedral in 2015. Since ordination he has served St. Luke’s~San Lucas Episcopal Church in Vancouver, WA, and, more recently, as rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Snohomish since September, 2017.

He is a graduate of Seattle University’s School of Theology and Ministry, and is also a trainer with the College for Congregational Development. His interests include intercultural competency in congregational systems, intersectional justice, and liberation theology. He is a native of Puerto Rico, and his bilingual gifts figure prominently in his ministry.

As Cathedral Canon he will join fellow clergy in our collaborative design of parish ministry, taking his place as preacher, pastor, and teacher, while also serving as a member of the senior leadership team exercising administrative leadership as well. Eliacín’s passion for restorative justice and systemic change lends well to his playing a key and timely role in our community’s efforts in that expression of ministry, and I look forward to his witness and voice in our midst as we plot the course forward together. His first day at Saint Mark’s will be October 26, 2021.

Please join me in welcoming Eliacín, his wife Ricci Kilmer, and their three teenagers, Catherine (Catie) Rosario-Kilmer, Eliacín Gabriel Rosario-Kilmer, Elías Oscar Rosario-Kilmer.

The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Dean and Rector

A Message from The Reverend Eliacín Rosario-Cruz

Dear friends,

It is with great joy that I have accepted the call to join you in ministry and service at Saint Mark’s. I am looking forward to being in community with you. I accepted this call because of your intentional desire to be agents of justice and love in the community with integrity and creativity. I am thrilled to join you in the many ways you show God’s love to your neighbors. See you soon!

Que el Señor omnipotente y misericordioso: Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, los bendiga y los guarde. Amén.

—The Rev. Eliacín Rosario-Cruz

Compline on the 15th Sunday after Pentecost, 2021

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Compline on The 15th Sunday after Pentecost | September 5, 2021, 9:30 p.m.

See the Order of Service here. Each week's repertoire can be found here.

The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

ORISON: Maker of all things, God most high – Thomas Tallis (c. 1505-1585)

PSALM 146 – Plainsong, Tone IV.2

HYMN: Abide with me (Tune: Eventide) – William Henry Monk (1823-1889)

NUNC DIMITTIS: from The First Service – Plainsong, Tone IV; harm. Philip Moore (b. 1943)

ANTHEM: Look down, O Lord – William Byrd (c. 1540-1623)


Jason Anderson, director • J. Scott Kovacs, reader • Jeremy Matheis, cantor


  • Compline is open to all for in-person attendance as of August 22, 2021. Masks must be worn at all times.


  • If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook or YouTube instead.


  • Monthly Newcomers Coffee (first Sunday of every month only): Immediately following the Sunday morning service, come meet people and ask questions at a special virtual coffee hour with clergy over Zoom. Join using this link. The next offering will be Sunday, September 5.


  • The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.


  • Video of past services can be seen here.
  • Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.

Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral

If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.

You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.

The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, 2021

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  • The Service Leaflet contains all you need to fully participate in each liturgy from home.


  • The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.


  • If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook or YouTube instead.


  • Video of past services can be seen here.
  • Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.

Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral

If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.

You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.

Looking for the Livestream video archive? It now has its own page here

Pastoral Care Hotline Update: New Number

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Update 2024: Please note that the information below is no longer accurate. Find the current accurate information here.

The phone number for the Pastoral Care Emergency line has changed.

Saint Mark's parishioners in need of urgent spiritual care can call the cathedral main phone number (206.323.0300), and then request extension 100. A member of the clergy will answer, or call back as soon as possible. Outside of normal office hours, this information will be included in the outgoing voicemail message. Examples of a pastoral care emergency might include: a loved one in the hospital, an unexpected bereavement, or any time you need to speak to a priest urgently.

24/7 Pastoral Care Hotline: 206-323-0300 ext. 100

Radix 6 Opening Plenary: Encounters with God in Times of Transition

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SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 7–8:30 P.M., via Zoom 

This fall, the theme for Radix 6, Encounters with God in Times of Transition, draws inspiration from selected scripture stories and accompanying artwork to invite reflection on current events and how we live and move and have our being in this time. All are welcome to the opening Plenary Presentation, whether or not you plan to participate in the small groups.

Register to receive the Zoom link for the Plenary using this link. (This is different than the link to sign up for a small group.)


Learn more about Radix groups here. Deadline to register for a small group: September 15.

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