COP26 KICK-OFF: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 10 A.M. PST, Register here
UPDATE: The Episcopal Church's Creation Care office has published a piece by Dr. Lisa Graumlich titled COP26 — What to watch for? What to pray for?.
Attend Virtual COP26 Public Events
From October 31 through November 12, 2021, 120 political leaders will gather in Glasgow, Scotland, for the United Nations 26th Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26), which feels to many like the last chance for coordinated global action to prevent the most catastrophic consequences of human-caused climate change. Saint Mark's Parishioner and American Geophysical Union president-elect Dr. Lisa Graumlich has been invited to be part of The Episcopal Church delegation to this potentially historic meeting. You are invited to register and attend the public events below.
Episcopal Climate Advocacy at the UN: COP26 Kick-Off with the Presiding Bishop’s Delegation
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 10 A.M. PST, Register here
Join the Episcopal Presiding Bishop’s Delegates to the United Nations 26th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) and our partners for this public launch event! Participants will meet our delegates and get an introduction to global climate advocacy through a faith lens, just in time for the start of COP26 on October 31st, 2021. We will share Episcopal policy priorities and advocacy strategies, and invite the whole Episcopal Church to join in prayer and witness for this critical global conference.
Liturgy for Planetary Crisis: Episcopal Worship Service during COP26
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 8 A.M. PST, Register here
Please join in prayer and worship with our Episcopal Presiding Bishop’s Delegation and all who have been present in witness and advocacy at this global climate conference. This service is open to all and will focus on the need for swift, just action to bring us back into right relationships across the human family and with all of God’s creation. The liturgy will draw on our Episcopal tradition and beyond and will offer strength to the community at COP26.
COP26 Closing Event: Report Back from the Presiding Bishop’s Delegation
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 11 A.M. PST, Register here
As the 26th Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change draws to an end on November 12th, gather with Episcopal advocates and ecumenical partners for this closing event. Our Presiding Bishop’s Delegation will offer reports from their witness at the conference, as well as top line summaries from the negotiations. We will finish with a faith-led vision of the future for Episcopal advocacy around climate change.
2 Responses
Arthur Lee
Are there any plans for a “watch party” for the liturgy? Not sure I can participate at this point, but would like to know if there are any plans. Thanks.
Marjorie Ringness
Hi Arthur. I do not know of any plans for a watch party. I like the idea though.