A Message from Dean Thomason
Dear friends,
It is my delight to share the news that Bishop Rickel has appointed Linzi Stahlecker to serve a two-year curacy-in-training program at Saint Mark’s Cathedral. Her first day will be January 16, 2022. She is a candidate for the priesthood in this diocese, having been raised up in the community of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Lower Queen Anne. She is scheduled to be ordained a transitional deacon in December, and as a priest next June.
Linzi is a native of London, England, a 1993 graduate of the University of London. She immigrated to the U.S. in 2001 and earned her Master of Divinity earlier this year from Seattle University. Her work history affords an array of life experience—birth doula, mindfulness program leader, corporate executive for Eddie Bauer, and television researcher and producer.
In our tradition, curates are newly ordained priests serving in an internship of sorts as they continue their formation. Linzi brings many gifts to this role, and she will be a capable member of the team of clergy engaging the full array of parish priestly ministry. We are glad for the appointment, and we look forward to her ministry in our midst. One additional note: at my invitation, she was guest preacher at Saint Mark’s in July of this year, and you can listen to her sermon on a very difficult text.
Please join me in welcoming Linzi, her husband Troy, and their teenaged children to the cathedral community. I am,
Yours, in Christ,
The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Dean and Rector
A Message from Linzi Stahlecker
Dear people of Saint Mark’s,
I have followed a somewhat circuitous path into ordained ministry, yet it is a path on which I have lived a lot and learned even more. I look forward to sharing stories from my journey and to hearing yours, to serving and learning together in community, worshipping alongside you, and proclaiming the gospel amongst you. January can’t come soon enough!
I am grateful to Bishop Rickel for this appointment, and to the Dean for his welcome—I could not be more thrilled to be joining the cathedral community. Thanks be to God!
With love,
Linzi Stahlecker
2 Responses
The Rev. Steve Norcross
Linzi, I missed hearing/seeing your sermon back in July because of difficulties in connection. I caught up today. St. John the Baptist is the name of the church in Portland that I attend and serve as an assisting (retired) priest. I very much liked your challenge to your listeners to make no peace with oppression, and the posture of calling into question our cultural assumptions.
I turned 80 since seeing you last, and am now in the decade that may be my last in this life. Probably not based on my general health and fitness, but who of us knows?
I was ordained deacon at St. Mark’s Cathedral on October 5, 1968. I’m blessed with a good memory of the day and who was with me.
I’m sure you’re not leading daily office on line, but should you be so, I’d like to tune in if you’ll send me the link.
Much love to you and the Stahlecker family. Looking forward greatly to June.
Fr. Steve
Coco Rebar
My parents were very committed atheists for legitimate reasons. They felt that the church took away women’s and minority people’s rights in an effort to promote capitalism for rich, white men or men of power of any color. I tend to agree with my parents; rich men of power are evil. However, I did meet Jesus, so I am very happy that I can see that the dark stain of the church does not represent all of the church. I am glad that you met Jesus too. It can be a long journey.