Compline on the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany | February 6, 2022, 9:30 p.m.
Order of Service | Each week's repertoire is posted here.
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February 6, 2022 • The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
ORISON (H 652): Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Tune: REST) – Frederick Charles Maker (1844-1927)
PSALM 138 – Jason A. Anderson (b. 1976)
HYMN: Jesus calls us; o’er the tumult (Tune: RESTORATION) – mel. The Sacred Harp, 1835; arr. Gregory W. Bloch
NUNC DIMITTIS – Plainsong, Tone V
ANTHEM: Ambulans Jesus - Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599)
Jason Anderson, director • William Turnipseed, reader • Fred McIlroy, cantor
- Compline is open to all for in-person attendance as of August 22, 2021. Masks must be worn at all times.
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