Photo of the June 2, 2022, Interfaith March and Prayer Vigil Against Gun Violence by photographer Mark White, via Faith Action Network. Click to enlarge.
Alliance for Gun Responsibility
The Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR) works to end the gun violence crisis in our community and to promote a culture of gun ownership that balances rights with responsibilities. Saint Mark’s Cathedral and Dean Steve Thomason collaborated with other civic leaders to create the Alliance in 2013 to support policy, education and engagement that focuses on reducing gun violence.
NOTE: Late on Wednesday, June 8, Dean Thomason sent a message to the community announcing that the protest that was expected to take place in downtown Seattle on Saturday, June 11, would NOT be occurring. The Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR) is encouraging folks to attend one of the many other demonstrations that are occurring this weekend, particular in Redmond or Olympia. Find other options and sign up here.
How you can help
- Visit the website of the Alliance for resources, announcements and upcoming events
- Review a voter guide for information on candidates supporting gun violence prevention
- Contact an elected official.
- Donate to victims and survivors in Buffalo and Uvalde
How to talk to children about mass shootings and gun violence
- An Age-by-Age Guide to Talking to Children About Mass Shootings [The New York Times]
- What to say to kids about school shootings to ease their stress [NPR]
Additional Resources
- Resources to Respond to Gun Violence from The Episcopal Church
- Episcopal Church Policies on Gun Safety and Gun Reform
- Bishops Against Gun Violence
- See a video below of Dean Thomason's recent sermon, titled "Courageous Hope in the Wake of Gun Violence," in which he lays out specific arguments for a ban on assault-style weapons such as the AR-15. The printed text of the sermon may be found here.
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