The Office of Compline the 12th Sunday after Pentecost | August 28, 2022
The Order of Service and repertoire may be found at:
August 28, 2022 • The 12th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 17C)
ORISON: O Christ, you are both light and day – Tune: COMPLINE by David Hurd (b. 1950)
PSALM 112 - plainsong, Tone I.7
HYMN: Thy kingdom come on bended knee - Tune: ST. FLAVIAN, melody from Day's Psalter, 1562; adapt. and harm. Richard Redhead (1820-1901)
NUNC DIMITTIS – "Marilyn" setting, Peter R. Hallock (1924-2014)
ANTHEM: Visita quaesumus Domine – William Byrd (1540-1623)
Jeremy Matheis, director • Joel Matter, reader • Derek Curtis-Tilton, cantor • William Turnipseed, organist
Thanks to this evening's Compline volunteers—hospitality ministers Priscilla Strand and Ray Miller, and videographer Kathy Wickward.
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