TWO WEDNESDAYS, OCTOBER 5 & 12, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall and online via Zoom. Optional community dinner at 6 p.m. ($6/child; $8/adult; $25/max. family).
Listening as an Act of Solidarity
Facilitated by The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker & The Rev. Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz.
As Christians, we are called to strive for justice and peace among all people and to respect the dignity of every human being. A foundational practice for this work is the ability to listen to the lives and experiences of our neighbors. In these sessions, we will explore how culture shapes our ability to listen and impacts our work of justice. We will learn and practice various ways to cultivate listening as an act of solidarity and how to create spaces that honor complex stories and foster transformative relationships.
Here are the slides from part 1 and part 2 (pdf).
Note: the slide about the listening exercise from part 2 is difficult to read. The full text of that slide is reproduced below the videos.
Portions of the following videos were shown in part 2:
Portions of the following videos were shown in part 2:
Videos of part 1 and part 2 are now available:
The following exercise was used in small groups during part 2, but the instuctions on the slide were difficult to read. Here is the complete text of the slide.
Listening Exercise
*Adapted from Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation
Sharing by one person (3 minutes)
While individuals are sharing, the others listen prayerfully through to the end without interruption.
Silence (2 minutes)
This silence is a time to notice our initial reaction/response and for making space for God, for allowing God to cut through the limits of biases and accustomed ways of responding so that individuals might respond to the presenter from a place of freedom.
Response (about 5 minutes)
There is a period of sharing the questions or comments that have come up on the silence. Trust is honored when individuals listen to the response of others, instead of holding onto a personal agenda for the person.
Silence (about 2 minutes)
During this time people pray for the person who has just presented. The presenter may want to take some notes on what she has heard.
The “Sharing—Silence—Response—
Reflection on the time together (5 minutes)
This reflection is not meant to analyze the time together or to control future outcomes. Instead, it is a gentle looking and noticing, God and the group together, and an honest sharing around what is seen. The focus for this time is the sense of prayerfulness within the group and within individuals. Whatever is addressed — silence, words, the human dynamics within the group — is viewed in terms of that prayerfulness, looking at what has served it or has gotten in its way.
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