UPDATE: Due to an oversight, this presentation was inadvertently not recorded. We apologize for the inconvenience.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2023, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall and online via Zoom. Optional community dinner at 6 p.m. ($6/child; $8/adult; $25/max. family).
Facilitated by Killian Noe. A presentation of The Wisdom School at Saint Mark's.
Most of us suffer from mistaken identity. We identify as the trauma we have endured or the behaviors that emerge from that trauma. The spiritual journey is the life- long journey of reclaiming our truest identity, which is Love. We will reflect on the many ways we numb our pain instead of staying present to and being transformed by our pain and we will celebrate the hope/joy of living from Love.
Killian Noe is the Founder of the Recovery Café Network, and is the author of Finding Our Way Home and Descent Into Love. Read more about Killian here.
Program is free; register here for Zoom link; no need to register for in-person attendance. Optional community dinner served at 6 p.m. ($6/child; $8/adult; $25/max. family).
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