Haters will hate…and yet we have another story to tell!
As we approach Holy Week and the heart-heavy task of walking with Jesus to the cross and beyond, I am keenly aware of the harm that is done when religion is misused to justify crimes against humanity. The One we follow was killed by the deadly concoction of distorted religious fervor by the few, doused with the flammable rhetoric of a politics of hatred.
The sin of transphobia and the devastating effects on the dignity of human beings is not new, but it does seem to be escalating in our country. This week a television talk show host took the further step of twisting theological language to advance the argument, and his rhetoric sent a violent message to his followers. I do not join his echo chamber regularly, but its ripple effects were sobering and fearful for the trans and queer communities. For their sakes, I watched the segment, and feel the need to respond.
This person does not speak for me, or for this cathedral community, and his transphobic tropes are poorly developed, dangerously extrapolated, and provocative of the sort of violence we, as Christians, eschew. We have a different message to share with one another and with the world—it is one of love, mutuality, dignity, respect, all while espousing the Christ-like virtue of non-violence. This is who we are; let us show the world what it means to be Christian!
To that end, I want to highlight a special forum tomorrow evening in which Saint Mark’s is hosting the Rev. Canon Carla Robinson who will facilitate a conversation of hope and respect observing the Transgender Day of Visibility. You are invited to join in Bloedel Hall or via Zoom. Registration is required, and the space will be moderated. Cis-gendered participants should take our cues from our trans siblings.
Canon Robinson is a transgender priest in the Episcopal Church, a leader in this diocese, a blessing to this cathedral community which sponsored her for ordained ministry, and I count Carla+ as a friend, confidante and counselor to me. I marvel at her witness to Christ’s love, and I have learned much from her. We are grateful for her ministry in our midst.
We have a different story to tell, and our world needs it now as much as ever. This cathedral community is committed to this work, and I hope you will join the effort. I am,
Your sibling in Christ,
The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
Dean and Rector
Come join a discussion with The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker and Fraser Reach as we explore the efficacy of prayer. Afterwards, some may wish to go to Compline together. Questions? Email Emily Meeks: emcmeeks@gmail.com
There will be no pre-registration or screening at the door for any of this year's services.
At this time, masks are recommended (not required) in the cathedral buildings. Learn more here. The designated "distanced section" in the nave, where all must remain masked and distanced, remains available.
The following services will be livestreamed:
Palm Sunday 11 a.m.
Palm Sunday Choral Evensong
Palm Sunday Compline
Chrism Mass
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday noon
Good Friday 7 p.m.
The Great Vigil of Easter
Easter Sunday 11 a.m.
Easter Sunday Compline
A Message from Dean Thomason
Dear Friends,
Holy Week is hard work—it drives to the heart of humanity’s deepest yearnings, fears and joys. It is such a special time that we engage the story differently, marking time by the pulse of Christ as he enters Jerusalem joyfully, as a king preparing for coronation, only to have his head pierced days later by a thorny crown, mocked and lashed and crucified as his followers desert him.
But Holy Week is not, at its core, about listening to the story once more—the story whose ending we think we know, because we’ve heard it so many times before. If we just listen with passive ears—our hearts will not quicken, our stomachs will not turn, our thoughts will keep their objective distance…and we will miss the point of it all.
Holy Week has a telos, to be sure, but there is no contraction of time that gets us to Easter without making the journey of Holy Week.
Many have tried, but they bounce off into orbit once more, thinking perhaps that next time it will be different, and the yearning for weighty meaning persists.
We make our way together, and we go with all the senses engaged, trusting that God emboldens us to speak of eternal life even in the face of death—Christ’s, and our own.
I want to note here three services in particular that have not been in our usual schedule of services:
Choral Evensong on Palm Sunday. April 2, 4:30 p.m.
Holy Saturday Contemplative Service. April 8, 12:15 p.m.
Easter Sunrise Service on the labyrinth. April 9, 6:30 a.m.
The full list of services with description follows. I invite you to join in the procession that is Holy Week at Saint Mark’s.
Peace and prayers,
The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
Dean and Rector
The liturgies of this most sacred time are an invitation to enter more fully into the mystery of the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Please participate as you feel called. Consider joining in an experience new to you. The entire community is blessed by your presence, whether in person or online.
Sunday, April 2: PALM SUNDAY—The Sunday of the Passion
The Holy Week journey to the Cross begins with Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem, greeted by shouts of "Hosanna!" At 8 a.m., palms are distributed and blessed, and at 9 & 11 a.m. an outdoor procession follows (weather permitting). In some traditions, these Palm Sunday processions are a solemn affair, but at Saint Mark's it has been our practice to make this procession as boisterous and noisy as the original would have been. This year we welcome back The Super-Krewe, a New Orleans-style brass band, to lead the parade and rhythm instruments are available for the young and young-at-heart.
Once inside the church, the liturgy makes an abrupt turn, as we hear the entire narrative of Jesus' crucifixion as it is told in one of the Gospels. (This year, the Passion according to Matthew is read.) The reading of the Passion Gospel will be punctuated by reflective instrumental interludes. "Palm Sunday" and "Passion Sunday" were at one time observed on two separate days, one week apart, but are combined into one liturgy in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The dramatic shift in tone marks the beginning of the solemnity that will follow in the remainder of the week. Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz will preach.
At the 9 a.m. service, an extended Children’s Chapel will be offered with a gentle, age-appropriate journey through the stories of Holy Week. Children are invited to follow the cross to Thomsen Chapel during the sequence hymn prior to the reading of the Passion Gospel and will return to their families at the Peace.
If you are participating online, you may wish to cut a leafy branch from your own garden in place of the palms, as people throughout the centuries have used what is indigenous in their own context to link them to the story of welcoming the King of Kings.
12:15 p.m. • Bilingual Stations of the Cross Liturgy - Liturgia del Vía Crucis bilingüe • cathedral nave
Following the 11 a.m. Palm Sunday Liturgy, we offer a communal walking of the Stations of the Cross in English and Spanish, as we contemplate the Way that Jesus walked by meditating on scripture and the sculptural interpretations by artist Virginia Maksymowicz. Readings and prayers will alternate languages, and a leaflet with both languages will help you locate yourself in the structure of the liturgy. This will be a moving, prayerful experience, whether or not you speak Spanish yourself. Experiencing these familiar scriptures and prayers in this format may provide a new perspective and fresh insight.
Mark the beginning of Holy Week with the cathedral's monthly offering of Choral Evensong on Palm Sunday. The mood of the service will be austere, with an emphasis on plainchant and unaccompanied singing, but the Evensong Choir's anthem will be Antonio Lotti's soaring and hauntingly expressive 8-part masterpiece, Crucifixus. The liturgy will conclude with all singing the beloved hymn, Abide with me.
The Contemplative Eucharist will be offered as usual on Palm Sunday, with music offered by Rebekah Gilmore. Dean Thomason will preside.
9:30 p.m. • The Office of Compline for Palm Sunday • cathedral nave, livestreamed, and broadcast on Classical KING
Compline on Palm Sunday follows the pattern of the other Compline liturgies in Lent, except that this is the only day of the year when the plainchant responsory Into thy hands, O Lord, is replaced by a polyphonic setting. This year the choir will present a version by the English Renaissance composer John Sheppard. The anthem which concludes the service will be We adore you, O Christ, by Richard Proulx (1937–2010), a sometime member of the Compline Choir.
Monday, April 3: Monday in Holy Week
7 p.m. • Contemplative Eucharist • cathedral nave
On the first weekday of Holy Week, experience a special version of the Contemplative Eucharist liturgy that is offered every Sunday at 7 p.m. in Thomsen Chapel. This is a liturgy of silence and stillness, following the familiar structure of the Holy Eucharist, with generous time for reflection and listening to the still small voice within. If you have never experienced the Sunday 7 p.m. service, you are especially encouraged to attend. There is no homily. Instrumental music helps create the meditative mood and will be offered this year by acclaimed composer and improvisor (and cathedral community member) James Falzone.
Tuesday, April 4: Tuesday in Holy Week
11 a.m. • Chrism Mass • cathedral nave and livestreamed
Bishop Provisional of the Diocese of Olympia Melissa Skelton and Bishop of the Northwest Washington Synod of the ELCA Shelley Bryan Wee join together for a service in which holy oil (chrism) is consecrated for use by faith communities throughout the Episcopal Diocese and Lutheran Synod in the coming year. Bishop Skelton will preside, and Bishop Wee will preach. The service includes an opportunity for priests and deacons to renew their ordination vows. All are welcome.
New this year: Bishop Skelton will remain in McCaw Chapel after the service to offer prayers and anointing for any clergy desiring that.
7 p.m. • Healing Eucharist • cathedral nave
This service of Holy Eucharist is offered in the cathedral nave, but with the chairs and altar rearranged to create a more intimate experience. To the familiar Eucharistic liturgy, special prayers for healing (for yourself or others) are added. There is the option to participate in the ancient practice of anointing and laying on of hands by a priest. Music will be offered by Rebekah Gilmore and Canon Michael Kleinschmidt. The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker will offer a homily.
Wednesday, April 5: Wednesday in Holy Week
7 p.m. • Tenebrae • cathedral nave and livestreamed
Tenebrae is, for many, a highlight of the liturgical year at Saint Mark's, with its plainchant psalms and laments and a cappella meditations. The liturgy for Wednesday of Holy Week as we have it today was created by combining elements of three prayer offices, originally appointed for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, containing unique elements that have inspired composers through the centuries. These elements include the chanting of portions of the Book of Lamentations, with its distinctive Hebrew letters at the beginning of each verse, sung responsories which serve as small windows into the Passion narrative, and a complete rendition of Psalm 51, known as the Miserere. It is, in the words of The Book of Occasional Services, "an extended mediation upon, and a prelude to" the events of the Triduum.
The word tenebrae means "shadows," and the most memorable element of the liturgy is the transformation of the space itself, without electric light: we begin in twilight and are gradually engulfed by darkness as the service progresses.
If you are participating online, consider dimming the electric lights and experience the shadows in your own setting.
Music is offered by the adults of Evensong Choir. A new element for 2023 is the setting of Psalm 51 which concludes the service, adapted from music by Gregorio Allegri, but quite different from the well-known "Allegri Miserere."
TRIDUUM—The Sacred Three Days
The Liturgies of the Triduum—that is, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in Holy Week—are often considered to be a single liturgy stretched over three days. They trace Jesus' journey to the tomb, gradually increasing in intensity, until the proclamation of the Resurrection at the climax of the Easter Vigil, late Saturday night.
April 6: Maundy Thursday
7 a.m. • Morning Prayer on Maundy Thursday • in person in Thomsen Chapel
On this night we remember the Last Supper and Jesus' final teachings to his friends. The word "Maundy" comes from the Latin mandatum, meaning "commandment," referring to "The New Commandment," that is, Jesus' commandment to us to love one another. (The famous text Ubi caritas—"Where charity and love are, God is there"—has its origin in this liturgy, and will this year be sung by the Cathedral Choir in a setting by Morton Lauridsen.) Saint Mark's Deacon, The Rev. Emily Austin, will preach.
This Gospel is followed by a Liturgy of Foot Washing, an enactment of Jesus' gesture of humble service to his followers. At Saint Mark's, it is the tradition to invite the entire congregation to participate in this powerful and intimate act, both washing the feet of others, and allowing your own feet to be washed. It is your choice whether to participate or not.
A service of Holy Eucharist follows the foot washing, after which the ritual Stripping of the Altar is performed. Fundamentally, this ritual is simply preparing the worship space for the next "act" of the Triduum liturgy, since on Good Friday the altar is always kept completely bare. In the context of the Maundy Thursday, the act takes on profound symbolic resonances, reminding us of the stripping of Jesus before his scourging in the final hours before his death, the preparation of Jesus’ body for his entombment, even the stripping bare of our own hearts. At Saint Mark's this ritual contains unique elements—you are invited to find your own meaning in this powerful, ambiguous, and unsettling act.
Music for this liturgy is offered by the Senior Choristers of the Choir School and (for the first time this year) the Cathedral Choir.
If you are watching online, you may wish to prepare a basin of warm water and have a soft towel ready to use with your household for the foot-washing portion of the liturgy.
~8:30 p.m. • Night Watch at the Altar of Repose (in the cathedral nave by reservation and livestreamed)
After Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday, some of the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist are placed on the altar in McCaw Chapel, where they are a focus for prayer and meditation through the night. We remember the agony of Jesus' final night before his crucifixion, and we remember his challenge to the disciples: "Could you not keep awake one hour? Keep awake and pray that you may not come into the time of trial; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Mark 14:37–38)
Volunteers will be present from the conclusion of the liturgy until 8 a.m., and the livestream will be available all night. The livestream will be streamed to the cathedral’s YouTube channel, and available on the usual livestream page of the cathedral website. (You may need to wait a few minutes and refresh the page before the video will appear.)
All are invited to spend some time in prayer and stillness, in whatever way feels meaningful to you: meditating, reading scripture or poetry, journaling, knitting, or sitting in silence.
April 7: Good Friday
11 a.m. • Communal Walking of the Stations of the Cross • cathedral nave
This is a final opportunity to experience this liturgy together with others this year. When we reach Eastertide, the cathedral's Stations will be put away until next year.
12 p.m. • Good Friday Liturgy • cathedral nave and livestreamed
7 p.m. • Good Friday Liturgy • cathedral nave and livestreamed
Recalling the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, the Good Friday liturgy is out-of-joint. On this day, no service of Eucharist is permitted. The Passion—the complete story of Jesus' trials, crucifixion, and entombment—is proclaimed. While on Palm/Passion Sunday the crucifixion narratives of Matthew, Mark, or Luke are read, depending on the year, on Good Friday it is invariably the Passion according to John. At the liturgy at noon, the Passion is read; at 7 p.m., it is chanted by members of the Cathedral Choir. Dean Thomason will preach.
The Passion is followed by a long series of ancient prayers known as The Solemn Collects. These prayers are traditionally accompanied by a distinctive pattern of standing and kneeling, which becomes a sort of sacred dance. Like the Passion, the Solemn Collects are read at noon and chanted at 7 p.m.
Finally, a large cross is brought into the worship space. All are invited to use this cross to meditate on Jesus' redemptive self-sacrifice. At Saint Mark's, this is known as The Contemplation of the Cross.
At noon, the liturgy will be accompanied by instrumental music by composer and improvisor James Falzone. At 7 p.m. music will be offered by the Cathedral Choir and the Schola of the Cathedral Choir School.
(It is the tradition at Saint Mark's to offer The Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as “private confession,” on Good Friday. If this is something you would like, please contact any member of the clergy.)
A short but moving liturgy is appointed for Holy Saturday in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. For many years, the service was offered in the Chapel of the Resurrection, but since the pandemic it has been moved to an unfamiliar corner of the cathedral nave. This placement prompted an expansion and enrichment of the liturgy, with scripture, a brief homily offered by community member Emily Meeks, and silence holding space to contemplate both the grief and promise of the tomb. Note that the time from 12 to 12:15 p.m. is set aside for silent reflection in the nave.
8:30 p.m. • The Great Vigil of Easter • cathedral nave and livestreamed
This is most solemn night of the Christian year. We begin in darkness, then the Bishop kindles the New Fire with flint and steel—a primal act of creation and a symbol of the return of light and life. From the New Fire is lit the Paschal Candle, and from the Paschal candle the light is spread to the candles held by each participant. In this way a tiny spark grows to illuminate the entire cathedral.
A deacon or cantor standing next to the Paschal candle chants the Exsultet, the church's ancient proclamation of Easter. Then, by candlelight, a Service of Lessons from the Hebrew scripture recounts the mighty saving acts of God in history and God’s promise of redemption and salvation. In the candlelit space, the scriptures take on some of the quality of stories told around the campfire.
When the sequence of readings is completed, Baptisms are performed—the Easter Vigil has been an occasion for baptizing new Christians since the earliest centuries of Christianity, connecting the sacrament of new birth to the commemoration of Christ's triumph over death.
At last, we reach the climax of the Great Vigil, the culmination of the Triduum, and the goal of our entire Lenten journey—the Proclamation of the Resurrection. The cathedral is flooded with light, and we sing Gloria in excelsis! At Saint Mark's, this moment is accompanied by the opening of the great doors that were closed on Shrove Tuesday—another liturgical element that can experienced nowhere else. In the now-transformed space, we hear the Gospel story of the empty tomb, and celebrate the first Eucharist of Easter. The service concludes with hymns of rejoicing.
Incense is used at this service, and music is offered by the Senior Choristers, the Schola, and the Cathedral Choir.
If you are participating online, you may wish to kindle a fire of your own by having a fire in the fireplace or simply lighting a candle, Have a bell ready to ring, or a pan to bang on at the Easter Proclamation, and fling on all the lights!
Following the service, all are invited to join together for a midnight breakfast at Lost Lake Café, a 24-hour diner located between Pike and Pine on Capitol Hill.
April 9: Easter Sunday: The Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
6:30 a.m. • Easter Sunrise Eucharist • outdoors on the labyrinth
First offered in 2021, this simple outdoor Eucharist is offered as dawn breaks on Easter morning.
8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. • Easter Day Liturgy • cathedral nave; livestreamed at 11 a.m. only
The Easter Sunday liturgy is one of light and joy. The service includes a Renewal of Baptismal Vows. Music will be offered by the Cathedral Choir with organ, brass, percussion, and hand bells. This year, the Cathedral Choir will offer Charles Villiers Standford’s thrilling Te Deum in B-flat, as adapted by the composer for the coronation of Edward VII in 1902. The 8:30 and 11 a.m. services are identical in most ways, although incense will be used at 11 a.m. only. Our new Bishop Provisional, The Most Rev. Melissa Skelton, will preach.
This year an Easter Egg hunt for kids will be offered on the front lawn immediately after both the 8:30 and 11 a.m. Easter Sunday services. Children turn in their eggs for small prizes, and then may wish to hide eggs for others to find! Please bring your own basket.
This evening Eucharist offers periods of silence for reflection, beautiful meditative music, and candlelight. Anointing and healing blessings are offered after the service. Music will be offered by James Falzone, and Canon Rosario-Cruz will preside.
9:30 p.m. • The Office of Compline on Easter Sunday • cathedral nave, livestreamed, and broadcast on Classical KING
Compline on Easter Sunday always begins with the canticle Pascha nostrum, sung by the Compline Choir in procession with hand bells. The joyous musical setting, with its Alleluia refrain, is by the choir's founder, Peter Hallock. This year the anthem will be Christus surrexit, a Latin motet by Jacob Handl based on the Lutheran chorale Christ ist erstanden.
HYMN: Out of the depths I call (Tune: SAINT BRIDE) – Samuel Howard (1710-1782) and Geoffrey Shaw (1879-1943)
NUNC DIMITTIS – Plainsong setting, Tone IV.2
ANTHEM: Lamentations of Jeremiah (a7) – Costanzo Festa (c. 1485/1490-1545)
Jason Anderson, director • Jeremy Matheis, reader • Kenneth V. Peterson, cantor
Thanks to this evening's Compline volunteers—hospitality ministers Jim Buskirk and Ray Miller.
Compline at Saint Mark's Cathedral has been a Seattle tradition since 1956. All the singers are volunteers. Learn more at: https://saintmarks.org/worship/compline/
and: https://complinechoir.org/
The Service Leaflet contains all you need to fully participate in each liturgy from home.
The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.
Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 5–6 P.M., Madison Park Beach, 1900 43rd Ave E, Seattle
Saint Mark’s 20s/30s and 40s/50s groups invite you to an unusual gathering on the shore of Lake Washington at Madison Beach.
Come experience the enlivening power of a cold water dip and its possible invitation as we enter into Holy Week. We'll gather below the boathouse by the beach area.
You may want to check out some of the possible benefits of cold water dips here! Warm refreshments provided. Bring your own towel and warm clothes. We will meet at the Madison Beach Bathhouse at Madison Park Beach. There are restrooms to change in, if you’d like.
A large elm tree in front of the St. Nicholas building has deteriorated in recent years due to Dutch Elm Disease (the disease which has killed over 75% of all the elm trees in North America over the last hundred years). Certified arborists and the City of Seattle concluded that the tree was irreparably diseased and had become a fall risk, so earlier this week Kemp West Tree Service carefully felled the tree, navigating the power lines and trolley lines under its sprawling canopy.
A ring count suggests the tree was right at 100 years of age, making it the oldest tree on our campus. The wood will be salvaged, seasoned, and used for furniture and a sculpted art piece. We give thanks for this majestic tree and honor its life in our midst. Saint Mark’s will plant a new tree in its place as part of our commitment to Creation Care.
FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 6:30–7:30 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall and online viaZoom
Join The Reverend Canon Carla Robinson, Canon for Multicultural Ministries and Community Transformation in the Diocese of Olympia, the Saint Mark's Cathedral Queer in Christ ministry, and others from across the diocese in observance of Transgender Day of Visibility. Learn about why this observance is important, and hear from transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming individuals and allies from our diocese about what the church can do to increase awareness and support of the transgender community as well as what the church can learn from trans people and their experiences. All are welcome!
Canon Robinson will host this event in person in Bloedel Hall. The Zoom option will still be available. No registration is required to attend in person, just show up! Otherwise, if you wish to attend via Zoom, please complete the Zoom registration here to receive your Zoom link.
UPDATE: In-person participants may wish to attend a portion of the Protest and March for Trans Lives, which begins at 4 p.m. very close to the cathedral at Volunteer Park. Speeches and performances are planned for the first 60–90 minutes in the Volunteer Park amphitheater, followed by a march to Cal Andersen Park. More details here; also see the Facebook event page here.) The doors to Bloedel Hall (at the rear of the cathedral building) will open between 5:30 and 5:45 for the 6:30 p.m. forum.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 2023, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall and online via Zoom. Optional community dinner at 6 p.m. ($6/child; $8/adult; $25/max. family).
Walking in the footsteps of Jesus, in the land of the Holy One, is a transformative journey which thirty souls from the cathedral community recently made. As Christians, we are all called to make pilgrimage as a spiritual practice, drawing on sacred experiences, near and far. This special forum is designed to share a bit of the flavor, rhythms, challenges, and insights gleaned from the experience on the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Many have asked when we might hear more about the trip—this is the opportunity to do so. All are welcome, in person or on Zoom.
March 19, 2023 • The Fourth Sunday in Lent: LAETARE Office for the Dead | 3 Years of COVID
PROCESSIONAL: Requiem aeternam – Plainsong, Mode VI
PSALM 91 – Plainsong, Tone IV.4
HYMN 502: O Holy Spirit, by whose breath, life rises (Tune: VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS) – Plainsong, Mode VIII
NUNC DIMITTIS – Plainsong setting, Tone IV.2
ANTHEM: Lamentations – Peter R. Hallock (1924-2014)
Klaglied, BuxWV 76 - Dieterich Buxtehude
Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, BWV Anh. 78 - J.S. Bach
Récit de Nazard - Bengt Hambraeus
Berceuse & Final from Firebird - Igor Stravinsky, arr. Maurice Besly
Jason Anderson, director • Page Smith, violoncellist • William Turnipseed, reader • Derek Tilton, cantor • Mark McDonald, organ recitalist
We are blessed to be joined by the Dean of Saint Mark’s Cathedral, The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason. For the opening procession, the crucifer is Ray Miller and the thurifer is Marc Aubertin.
Thanks to this evening's Compline volunteers—hospitality ministers Priscilla Strand and Estephan Meza, and videographer Michael Perera.
Compline at Saint Mark's Cathedral has been a Seattle tradition since 1956. All the singers are volunteers. Learn more at: https://saintmarks.org/worship/compline/
and: https://complinechoir.org/
The Service Leaflet contains all you need to fully participate in each liturgy from home.
The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.
Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
SATURDAY, APRIL 8, after the Easter Vigil Liturgy (approx. 11:30 p.m.) at Lost Lake Cafe (on Capitol Hill—10th Ave between Pike and Pine)
All are welcome to join members of the 20s/30s group for a late-night breakfast following the Easter Vigil! After the service concludes, and Easter has been proclaimed, we will celebrate at Lost Lake Cafe in Capitol Hill. It will be a joyous feast. Questions or more information? Contact Luke Abdow at: labdow@saintmarks.org
In this Sunday morning Forum on 19 March, on the eve of the vernal equinox, Saint Mark’s parishioner and Emeritus Professor of Environmental Studies at Seattle University Gordon Miller will share ideas and images from two of his books: Wisdom of the Earth, which displays relatively unknown ecological riches of the Christian tradition, and The Metamorphosis of Plants, his photographic edition of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s 18th-century botanical classic that encourages readers to look beyond the surface of the natural world to its nonmaterial depths.
THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 9:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave, livestreamed, and broadcast on Classical KING
This Sunday marks the three-year anniversary of the closure of the cathedral and the suspension of in-person liturgies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While on the surface most aspects of our lives and the life of the cathedral are "back to normal," the grief, loss, and division from that difficult time remain. Our tradition teaches the importance, even the necessity, of lament as a response to such painful events. The Office of Compline this Sunday will be offered with special intention for all that we have lost—and the relationships that were broken—during the events of 2020–2022. The service will begin with the chant from the Office of the Dead, Requiem aeternam, sung in procession with incense, and will conclude with a presentation of Lamentations, written in 1973 for the Compline Choir and solo cello. Cathedral member Page Smith, the cellist for whom the work was written, will join the choir, as will Dean Steve Thomason. Join in person or via livestream for this special observance. Please note that incense will be used.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2023, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall and online via Zoom. Optional community dinner at 6 p.m. ($6/child; $8/adult; $25/max. family).
Sallie Crotty is a writer, educator, and mental health advocate. Her mission is to help erase the stigma surrounding mental health. Author of the 2022 memoir Out of the Ashes: A Story of Recovery and Hope, Sallie will talk about the essential role that her faith plays in her healing from and living with mental illness. She’ll also share insights from other writers. Sallie and her husband moved from Texas to Seattle in 2019 and joined Saint Mark’s in 2020.
Program is free. Optional community dinner served at 6 p.m. ($6/child; $8/adult; $25/max. family).
The 20s/30s Group will gather for an Agape Meal in Leffler House before the Maundy Thursday liturgy. An Agape Meal is a Christian fellowship meal recalling the meals Jesus shared with his disciples during his ministry. We will use the prayers found in the Book of Occasional Services to bless our meal. We will have vegetarian lentil soup and salad to share, and other simple, vegetarian dishes are welcome—bread, vegetables, hummus, nuts, cheeses, etc.
PSALM 95 – Plainsong, Tone IV.4 (mislabeled as IV.5)
HYMN: Lord Jesus, think on me (Tune: SOUTHWELL) – from Daman’s Psalter, 1579; adapt. Hymnal 1940; fauxbourdon harm. by Peter R. Hallock (1924-2014)
NUNC DIMITTIS – Plainsong setting, Tone IV.2
ANTHEM: Lamentations of Jeremiah (a5) – Osbert Parsley (c. 1511-1585)
Jason Anderson, director • Josh Sandoz, reader • James Wilcox, cantor
Thanks to this evening's Compline volunteers—hospitality ministers Priscilla Strand and Ray Miller.
Compline at Saint Mark's Cathedral has been a Seattle tradition since 1956. All the singers are volunteers. Learn more at: https://saintmarks.org/worship/compline/
and: https://complinechoir.org/
The Service Leaflet contains all you need to fully participate in each liturgy from home.
The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.
Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.
SATURDAY, MARCH 25, in the cathedral nave. Start time varies by ministry—see below. Registrationrequested.
On Saturday, March 25, Dean Thomason and Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer will host a Liturgical Ministers Training in the Cathedral nave. All current and aspiring liturgical ministers are invited to attend, and active liturgical ministers are asked to attend one of these trainings at least once every 3 years. Please register to attend using this form. The training will be divided into three sessions:
9 a.m. SESSION 1: For acolytes, lectors, ushers, and greeters.
10 a.m. SESSION 2: Plenary for everyone, facilitated by Dean Thomason.
11 a.m. SESSION 3: For Eucharistic ministers, Eucharistic visitors, Altar Guild, and vergers.
Make a note of the correct start time for your particular ministry. Please email Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer with questions: mseewer@saintmarks.org
The Early Music Youth Academy chamber orchestra, part of Seattle Historical Arts for Kids, joins forces with the teen choristers of the Saint Mark's Cathedral Schola for a program of glorious Baroque choral-orchestral favorites. This short and sweet concert of favorite highlights from Baroque choral-orchestral masterworks will include movements from Vivaldi's Gloria, Handel's Messiah, and (especially appropriate for Lent) Pergolesi's Stabat Mater. String students using period bows are joined by their colleague on Baroque bassoon and by guest artist coach Henry Lebedinsky, organ, guest artist Brian Shaw, trumpet, and director Shulamit Kleinerman, violin. Saint Mark's Cathedral Choir School Director Rebekah Gilmore will conduct the ensemble joined by the exceptionally skilled young singers of the cathedral Schola.
Admission is free; free-will donations will be accepted at the event in support of music education at Seattle Historical Arts for Kids and Saint Mark's Cathedral.
Each year at this time, all are invited to make a special contribution in honor or in memory of a loved one, in order to help underwrite the beautiful flowers and music of the celebration of the Feast of the Resurrection, which this year includes a full complement of brass and percussion for Charles Villiers Stanford's Te Deum in C, as adapted for the coronation of Edward VII in 1902.
Fill out the form below, or use the paper form in the Sunday service leaflets. Then make a gift in any amount, using the method that is most convenient for you—by check, saintmarks.org/give, or Venmo.
Contributions received by Palm Sunday, April 2, will be acknowledged in the Easter service bulletins. Contact Erik Donner in the cathedral office with questions: edonner@saintmarks.org.
ORISON: Reminiscere miserationum tuarum – Plainsong, Mode IV
PSALM 121 – H. Walford Davies (1869-1941)
HYMN: Our Father, while our hearts unlearn the creeds that wrong thy name (Tune: BALFOUR) – Scottish hymn; harm. Geoffrey Shaw (1879-1943) and Gregory Bloch (b. 1977) [new]
NUNC DIMITTIS – Plainsong setting, Tone IV.2
ANTHEM: Lamentations of Jeremiah (a4/a5) – Juan de Lienas (c. 1617-1654)
Jason Anderson, director • Jeffrey Ricco, reader • Joel Bevington, cantor
Thanks to this evening's Compline volunteers—hospitality ministers Estephan Meza and Robin Ethridge, and videographer Michael Lee.
Compline at Saint Mark's Cathedral has been a Seattle tradition since 1956. All the singers are volunteers. Learn more at: https://saintmarks.org/worship/compline/
and: https://complinechoir.org/
The Service Leaflet contains all you need to fully participate in each liturgy from home.
The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.
Audio and printed text of sermons can be found here.
Support the Mission and Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral
If you watch and enjoy our live-streamed or archived services, please consider making a donation in support of the mission and ministry of this cathedral.
You may also donate using the Venmo mobile app from your smartphone (search for @SaintMarksCathedralSeattle ) Thank you for your generosity.