SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 10:20 A.M. and 12:20 P.M. (two duplicate sessions), in the cathedral nave
As part of a comprehensive review of our emergency and disaster responses, this brief (15-minute) orientation is designed to assist worshippers in basic procedures in the event of violent person enters the cathedral during worship.
Junior Warden for Facilities Scott Kovacs and Dean Thomason will share the information outlined in this Quick Reference Guide from the Department of Homeland Security, along with details specific to Saint Mark's, including appropriate actions to take, location of safe rooms should they be necessary, expectations of law enforcement and first responders.
These sessions will begin approximately 15 minutes after the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services conclude, allowing folks to opt in or opt out, as you are inclined. Parents should consider whether to have their children present. No one must attend, but all are welcome. For more information, please contact Dean Thomason or Junior Warden for Facilities Scott Kovacs.
2 Responses
Judith Raunig-Graham
This seems to be a wise approach. 🙏🏻
Carolyn J Woodward
Thank you. Although I was not able to physically be in the cathedral today, I have downloaded and saved the pamphlet, and I have identified my escape route.