Compline on the 12th Sunday after Pentecost | August 20, 2023
Order of Service | Each week's repertoire is posted here
The Order of Service and repertoire may be found at:
August 20, 2023 • The 12th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 15A)
ORISON (H 33): Christ, mighty Savior (Tune: CHRISTE, LUX MUNDI) – Plainsong, Mode VII, Freiburg MS., 14th cent.
PSALM 67 – Plainsong, Tone VIII.1
OFFICE HYMN 44: To you before the close of day (Tune: TE LUCIS ANTE TERMINUM) – Plainsong, Mode VIII, Antiphonale Sarisburiense, Vol. II
NUNC DIMITTIS – Plainsong, Tone III.4
ANTHEM: I will call upon God – Charles Wood (1866-1926)
Charles-Marie Widor (1844–1937), Symphonie No. 5, mvt 4: Adagio
Calvin Hampton, (1938–1984) Suite No. 2, Variation 1: "Lullaby"
Alfred Lefébure-Wély (1817–1869), from Recueil de Six Morceaux pour l’Orgue: No. 2, Élévation in E major; and No. 6, Marche in F major
Dieterich Buxtehude (1637–1708), Gigue-Fugue in C Major, BuxWv 174
Charles Callahan (b. 1951), Prelude on NICAEA
Paul Leddington Wright (b. 1951), Postlude on GUITING POWER
Ken Pendergrass, director • J. Scott Kovacs, reader • Fred McIlroy, cantor • Alan Lynch, post-compline organ recitalist
Thanks to this evening's Compline volunteers: hospitality ministers Estephan Meza and Priscilla Strand, and videographer Michael Perera.
Compline at Saint Mark's Cathedral has been a Seattle tradition since 1956. All the singers are volunteers. Learn more at:
- The Service Leaflet contains all you need to fully participate in each liturgy from home.
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