MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 8 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed
Saint Mark’s Cathedral will offer a special Vigil and Eucharist in observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance 8 p.m. on Monday, November 20, in the cathedral nave and livestreamed, hosted by the Queer in Christ ministry. Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on November 20 which honors the memory of transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. The Reverend Linzi Stahlecker will preside.
UPDATE: A video of the service may be seen below:
4 Responses
Ariel Strickland
I’m Ariel Strickland, a transgendered Episcopalian of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Aurora CO parish. Thank you for having this TDoR service. To God be the glory!
Our church is not having a TDOR service this year. I would very much like to participate in St. Mark’s Seatle’s TDOR livestream. However, I don’t see on your website the specific instructions for participating in the live stream. Will the livestream be viewable on the website, or must I go some other place like Facebook or YouTube to participate?
FHS & In God’s love
Ariel Strickland
Saint Mark's Cathedral
Ariel, thank you so much for your interest and for your kind words! To join via livestream, just go to the livestream page on this website (or saintmarks.org/livestream ) at the time of the event on Monday evening. It will also appear simultaneously on the cathedral’s youtube channel (youtube.com/@saintmarksseattle )
Ariel Strickland
Thank you, Saint Mark’s, for this very life-giving Eucharist and Vigil of Remembrance. As an Episcopalian who has become more devoted in worship in a short time, this service was more meaningful than the ones I have attended before because of our liturgy. I was very much moved by the Holy Spirit as I attended the live streamed service. God bless you all.
FHS & In God’s Love,
Ariel Strickland
Parishioner of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church of Aurora, CO
Saint Mark's Cathedral
Ariel, thank you for your kind words. It is a blessing to us to know that this liturgy was meaningful to you. Please come to visit if you ever find yourself in Seattle. The peace of the God of love and liberation be with you! <3