Saint Mark’s is exploring the redevelopment of the Saint Nicholas property for affordable housing as a key strategy in the broader vision of the Cathedral’s mission and purpose to seek and serve Christ in all persons. 

The Vestry formed the Affordable Housing (AH) Committee to further assess the opportunity of affordable housing on campus. This work is guided by the Cathedral's commitment to Restorative Justice and Systemic Change, Intergenerational and Innovative Community, and Creation Care and Carbon Reduction and builds upon the Cathedral's longstanding leadership addressing housing insecurity in the City of Seattle. No decisions have been made, and the Committee is still in a predevelopment phase of the project. Check back to this page for updates.

UPDATES (September 2024):

The online magazine The Urbanist recently published an article explaining recent developments in the cathedral's affordable housing project. Check out the article here.

The Seattle Times discussed these same developments in the context of other Seattle-area churches in comparable situations. Read that article here.

UPDATES (April 2024):

  • The Committee is now accepting submissions Expressions of Interest.
  • The Committee is happy to announce a number of additional developments, including the awarding of an additional grant to continue pre-development studies, sustainability planning work, preliminary architectural consultation, and upcoming forums (see below). Read the full April 2024 Update here.

UPDATE (November 2023)



  • May 2024: Vestry approves continuing to explore affordable housing while shifting timeline of selecting a development partner.
  • March 2024: Vestry approves moving forward into phase to select a development partner.
  • January 2024:  Feasibility study works refines vision of two potential capacity studies on the site;  Vestry believes affordable housing is likely the highest and best mission-related use of the St. Nicholas site and that parishioners are highly supportive.
  • March 2023: Vestry unanimously approved recommendation to move forward with a “formal” feasibility assessment, based on outlined criteria, and engage the services of a development consultant.
  • Winter 2023: Initial exploratory phase includes 20+ interviews with community organization, establishing guiding criteria and outlining plan.
  • February 2023: Affordable housing discussed as part of strategic visioning at annual Vestry Retreat. 
  • September 2022: Formed the Affordable Housing Exploratory (AHE) Committee with Vestry, staff and parishioner representation for a focused exploration.



Committee Chair: John Hoerster
Members: Karen Maeda Allman, Carmen Brady, Maria Do, Stone Fennell, Greg Hamm, Bethany Hoy, Re Knack, Scott Kovacs, Bryan Pansing, and Dean Steve Thomason
Consultant: Tory Laughlin Taylor


Check out this brief (2.5-minute) video from Dean Steve Thomason: Engaging Mission, Exploring Affordable Housing on Campus.

Housing Justice Ministries

Saint Mark’s is committed to addressing a spectrum of issues to respond to housing insecurity issues in Seattle. Click here to read about other housing justice ministries at Saint Mark’s.

Past Events


Updates on Affordable Housing at Saint Mark’s

Saint Mark’s Affordable Housing Committee and Vestry leadership shared two potential redevelopment options—new construction and adaptive reuse of the St. Nicholas School—and discussed unique aspects of the projects and key learnings from the past year of discernment and exploration. The slides from this forum can be downloaded here.

A complete video is now available: 

A Cathedral's Complicity in Redlining and Restrictive Covenants


A forum exploring the impact of Civil Rights history and racial segregation to consider how church communities, including Saint Mark’s, have a responsibility to honest face this and respond in just ways in our time. A complete video and other resources from this forum can now be found here.

F.A.Q. about Affordable Housing and the St. Nicholas Site

Why is Saint Mark’s exploring affordable housing?

The Vestry has identified affordable housing as a missional initiative worthy of Saint Mark’s consideration. The continued rise in the cost of buying and renting homes in Seattle has exacerbated a housing crisis. Growth in the private market housing sector does not address the needs of those with lower incomes. More housing is needed that will remain affordable to lower-income households for the long term.

The Vestry sees the possible redevelopment of the St. Nicholas property as a strategy serving the broader vision of the Cathedral’s mission and purpose to seek and serve Christ in all persons, to strive for respect and dignity for all people, and to build on our long-term commitment to address homelessness and hunger in the Puget Sound region.

If affordable housing is developed on campus, what is envisioned?

Neighborhoods matter to the fabric and well-being of families. This project tangibly creates an opportunity for many individuals and families to experience an affordable home closely connected to schools, transit, urban amenities, and green spaces.

The Affordable Housing (AH) Committee is looking to serve a multigenerational population at a variety of lower income levels. The AH Committee and Vestry envision the design would be fitting architecturally with campus, include initiatives to minimize carbon impact, and create opportunity for meaningful connection for residents, parishioners, and community members to interact as part of daily life including the intentional use of greenspace.

What is the plan for the St. Nicholas building?

Any change in building use would unfold over a period of a few years. The structure has aesthetic beauty, history, and personal connection for many, but also has major repair, maintenance, and operational challenges. The AH Committee is carefully assessing the costs and benefits of preserving the building, modifying the building, or pursuing new construction with the primary goals of safety for residents, sustainability, and financial viability.

Has a decision been made?

No. This exploratory process was initiated by the Vestry at Saint Mark’s and will continue to be guided by its leadership and the work of the AH Committee. Saint Mark’s recognizes there are many stakeholders in this process.

How can I learn more?

Visit this page for updates, contact, or subscribe to the Cathedral’s newsletter here. (Check the "All-parish Announcements & Newsletter" box.)