Holy Eucharist (8)

Thomsen Chapel

A spoken service of Holy Eucharist in Thomsen Chapel, with sermon and hymns.

Holy Eucharist (9)

Cathedral Nave

Liturgy with sermon and hymns. Music is offered by Saint Mark’s Singers or children’s choirs. Children’s Chapel is offered during the 9 a.m. service. After the Gospel is proclaimed, children pre-school through 2nd grade are invited to Thomsen Chapel for Bible stories, singing, and prayer. Parents are welcome to join their children. They return at the Peace. Location: Cathedral Nave This service is not livestreamed.

Sunday Forum: Interfaith Taizé Preview

Bloedel Hall

SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 10:10–10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall Come to Bloedel Hall between the 9 and 11 a.m. liturgies on April 28 for an informational forum in preparation for the Interfaith Taizé liturgy to be offered in the cathedral nave on the evening of Tuesday, May 21, a collaboration between the Saint Mark's Cathedral Taizé Ministry and Clear Mountain Monastery Buddhist Community (the faith community which currently meets on the Saint Mark's property on Saturday mornings). At this Sunday morning forum, the organizers of … Read More

Holy Eucharist (11)

Liturgy and music reflecting the breadth and depth of the Episcopal tradition, with Scripture, sermon, hymns, and choral anthems. Worship in person or online at saintmarks.org/livestream — also streams simultaneously at facebook.com/SaintMarksSeattle  and at youtube.com/c/SaintMarksEpiscopalCathedralSeattle/

Meal Sharing Ministry Planning Mini Retreat

Leffler Living Room

SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 12–3 P.M., in Leffler House Are you interested in getting more involved with Saint Mark’s Meal Sharing Ministry? You are invited to attend a special gathering this Sunday, April 28 from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. in Leffler House. We will share a meal (of course!) and discuss how we currently serve our community and how we may want to serve in the future. We welcome all people who are interested—no previous experience required, just interest and … Read More

High School Text Study at the Deanery

The Deanery 901 Federal Ave, Seattle

SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 3–5 P.M., meet at the Deanery (three blocks south of the cathedral—901 Federal Ave, at Aloha) Dean Steve and Kathy Thomason will host the high school youth at the Deanery for a time of conversation, snacking, and text study. Come get to know your Dean and together we will dig into challenging texts from a recent and upcoming liturgies. Bring snacks and desserts and bring your opinions! email Rebekah Gilmore to learn more or let her know … Read More

Event Series Contemplative Eucharist

Contemplative Eucharist

Thomsen Chapel

This evening Eucharist offers periods of silence for reflection, simple meditative music, and lots of candlelight. Anointing and healing blessings are offered after the service. Learn more here. MAY 26 is the final Sunday evening contemplative Eucharist before a summer hiatus. The service will resume on SEPTEMBER 8, 2024.

The Office of Compline

Cathedral Nave

EVERY SUNDAY, 9:30 P.M. in the cathedral nave A beloved Seattle institution since 1956, the all-male Compline Choir sings the last monastic office of the day every Sunday at 9:30 p.m. The service is broadcast live each week on KING 98.1 FM, or streaming at king.org. The service is livestreamed on the cathedral's livestream page, or on complinechoir.org, or on Facebook: facebook.com/SaintMarksSeattle or facebook.com/complinechoir or on YouTube: youtube.com/c/SaintMarksEpiscopalCathedralSeattle Video of recent services may be seen on the Compline page.  The service … Read More

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