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Community Math Night at Lowell Elementary

May 23, 2024 @ 3:45 pm - 6:00 pm

WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, at Saint Mark’s and Lowell School (times and location vary depending on volunteer role)

Come join Saint Mark’s in supporting Lowell Elementary’s Community Math Night. Out of a grant from Safeway, Saint Mark’s will serve a hot meal to children and families participating in an evening of activities focused on math skills.

There are several ways to volunteer, including transporting food, serving the meal, and staffing the math activity stations. Click here to sign up.

Questions? Email Stone Fennell: stonef44@gmail.com


May 23, 2024
3:45 pm - 6:00 pm


Lowell Elementary School
1058 E Mercer St.
Seattle, WA 98012 United States
+ Google Map
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