Event Series Cathedral Run Group

Cathedral Run Group

Front Lawn/Labyrinth

Hosted by 20s/30s—All are welcome FIRST SATURDAYS, 7:30 A.M., meet on the outdoor labyrinth On hiatus in December, January, & February All ages are welcome to meet on the outdoor labyrinth in front of the cathedral for a three-mile morning run through Volunteer Park. All paces welcome. Afterward, there will be a chance for fellowship over coffee. Email Adrienne (adriennehub@gmail.com) with questions.

*Clear Mountain Buddhist Monastery: Meditation, Teaching & Social

Skinner Auditorium 1501 10th Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States +1 more

SATURDAYS, 9:30 A.M. – 12 P.M, Skinner Auditorium Those unable to attend in-person are also welcome to tune in via Zoom or YouTube livestream. Saint Mark's Cathedral cathedral is the host this meeting of the Clear Mountain Buddhist Monastery community. Join for a morning of meditation, teaching, and spiritual conversation over coffee! Each Saturday from 9:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m., local practitioners gather together in the Saint Mark’s Cathedral Skinner Auditorium (located in the St Nicholas School Building, just north of the cathedral building, 1501 … Read More

Workshop: Heal Thyself—Spiritual Practices that Lead Us into Joy

Bloedel Hall

THE WISDOM SCHOOL AT SAINT MARK'S PRESENTS The Rev. Erin Jean Warde—Heal Thyself: Spiritual Practices that Lead Us into Joy SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2024, 9:30 A.M.–12:30 P.M., in Bloedel Hall and via Zoom. Registration required.  Author of Sober Spirituality, spiritual director and life coach, the Rev. Erin Jean Warde will guide this day retreat exploring spiritual healing in mind, body, and soul. She offers: “Together we will learn how community, creativity, rest, and joy can care for us when we are struggling, whether that's with mental … Read More

*Seattle Architecture Foundation: Federal Ave. Walking Tour

Front Lawn/Labyrinth

The Olmsted Brothers’ visionary park plan led Seattle’s prominent leaders and their renowned architects to design homes nestled against blossoming Volunteer Park on Seattle’s Capitol Hill. The homes reflect the changing tastes, lifestyles, and times just before and after World War I. Stroll Federal Avenue and learn about these stately monuments to early 20th Century prosperity. On this tour you’ll see a variety of classic architectural styles from notable architects of the day, including Carl F. Gould, Bebb & Mendel, & Joseph … Read More

Event Series Greenbelt Work Party

Greenbelt Work Party

Greenbelt 1245 10th Ave E, Seattle, United States

FIRST AND THIRD SATURDAY IN APRIL, MAY, AND JUNE, 10 A.M.–2 P.M., meet in the lower parking lot; registration required Note: On May 18 and June 15, meet at the Egan House turnout (1500 Lakeview Blvd E, Seattle), at the bottom of the Greenbelt, rather than in the parking lot, due to large events at the cathedral. Spring work parties in the Greenbelt are starting up again! Come commune with the forest while helping weed and maybe plant. Get your … Read More

Holy Eucharist (8)

Thomsen Chapel

A spoken service of Holy Eucharist in Thomsen Chapel, with sermon and hymns.

Holy Eucharist (9)

Cathedral Nave

Liturgy with sermon and hymns. Music is offered by Saint Mark’s Singers or children’s choirs. Children’s Chapel is offered during the 9 a.m. service. After the Gospel is proclaimed, children pre-school through 2nd grade are invited to Thomsen Chapel for Bible stories, singing, and prayer. Parents are welcome to join their children. They return at the Peace. Location: Cathedral Nave This service is not livestreamed.

Event Series Godly Play

Godly Play

St. Nicholas Bldg., 2nd floor

For ages 3 and up. On the first and thirds Sundays of the month, between the 9 and 11 a.m. services, gather in the classroom on the 2nd floor of the St Nicholas Building for storytelling, wondering, and listening, using the Montessori-based Godly Play curriculum. JUNE 2 will be the last Sunday morning Godly Play offering before a summer hiatus. It will resume SEPTEMBER 15, 2024. 

“Friends Talking” Forum: The Rev. Erin Jean Warde

Bloedel Hall

SUNDAY, MAY 5, 10:10–10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall The Rev. Erin Jean Warde, an Episcopal priest, spiritual director, recovery coach, and writer, will join Dean Thomason in Bloedel Hall between the 9 and 11 a.m. services for an informal forum and discussion.

Holy Eucharist (11)

Liturgy and music reflecting the breadth and depth of the Episcopal tradition, with Scripture, sermon, hymns, and choral anthems. Worship in person or online at saintmarks.org/livestream — also streams simultaneously at facebook.com/SaintMarksSeattle  and at youtube.com/c/SaintMarksEpiscopalCathedralSeattle/

Newcomers’ Coffee Hour with Clergy

Leffler Living Room

IMMEDIATELY FOLLOING THE CONCLUSION OF THE 11 A.M. SERVICE For many years, a Newcomers' Coffee with Clergy has been offered on the first Sunday of each month, for guests, newcomers, and anyone with questions about this community and its liturgies. Gather in the back of the nave immediately following the 11 a.m. Sunday service on the first Sunday of the month. Email newcomers@saintmarks.org if you cannot attend in person, or with any other questions.

Leffler Vegetable Garden Tour (and Work Afternoon)

Leffler Garden

THIS SUNDAY, MAY 5, 12:30–2 P.M., Leffler House Gather in the Leffler vegetable garden following the 11 a.m. Eucharist for a chance to see and hear about the exciting updates that have been happening in the garden over the past few weeks! Those interested in garden work can stay to do a few tasks in the garden after the tour if they wish. Light refreshments will be served.

Event Series Choral Evensong

Choral Evensong

FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH, OCTOBER–JUNE, 4:30 P.M., in person in the cathedral nave, and livestreamed The ancient practice of singing evening prayers is a longstanding practice in many Christian traditions. In English cathedrals, this practice developed, through the centuries, into a special sung service, and today Choral Evensong is a treasure among Christian liturgies and a jewel of the Anglican choral tradition. The Saint Mark’s Evensong Choir, an intergenerational choir of children, teenagers, and adults, offers this beautiful service once a … Read More

20s/30s Sober Spirituality Discussion

Diocesan House 1551 10th Ave E, Seattle, United States

Exploring a mindful relationship with alcohol with author/spiritual director/coach/priest The Rev. Erin Jean Warde  SUNDAY, MAY 5, 5:30–7 P.M., Diocesan House Great Room (two doors north of the cathedral at 1551 10th Ave. E, Seattle). Registration required. Donations will be given to Recovery Cafe. Author, spiritual director, and life coach, The Rev. Erin Jean Warde, will meet with 20s/30s following Choral Evensong to engage in conversation around the challenges and blessings of becoming more mindful about alcohol. Register here. A copy of the book Sober Spirituality: The … Read More

Event Series Contemplative Eucharist

Contemplative Eucharist

Thomsen Chapel

This evening Eucharist offers periods of silence for reflection, simple meditative music, and lots of candlelight. Anointing and healing blessings are offered after the service. Learn more here. MAY 26 is the final Sunday evening contemplative Eucharist before a summer hiatus. The service will resume on SEPTEMBER 8, 2024.

The Office of Compline

Cathedral Nave

EVERY SUNDAY, 9:30 P.M. in the cathedral nave A beloved Seattle institution since 1956, the all-male Compline Choir sings the last monastic office of the day every Sunday at 9:30 p.m. The service is broadcast live each week on KING 98.1 FM, or streaming at king.org. The service is livestreamed on the cathedral's livestream page, or on complinechoir.org, or on Facebook: facebook.com/SaintMarksSeattle or facebook.com/complinechoir or on YouTube: youtube.com/c/SaintMarksEpiscopalCathedralSeattle Video of recent services may be seen on the Compline page.  The service … Read More

Event Series Morning Prayer Online

Morning Prayer Online

Online via Zoom

Daily Morning Prayer MONDAY–FRIDAY, 7:30–8 A.M., via Zoom Come just as you are to Morning Prayer on weekday mornings, on Zoom, following the form of the Book of Common Prayer 1979. All are welcome, whether you're still in your pj's, joining from your workplace, or listening on the move. No former experience with the Daily Office is necessary. PLEASE NOTE: Morning Prayer uses the SAME LINK as weekday Evening Prayer: join using this link.

*Capitol Hill Al-Anon Family Group

Cathedral House Room 210

Open to anyone interested in the family disease of alcoholism. Some groups invite members of the professional community to hear how the Al-Anon program aids in recovery. Families Friends and Observers Welcome. Located at St Marks Cathedral. Use the administrative office entrance, and go upstairs to the second floor conference room. On holiday Mondays we meet on Zoom only. Meeting is now in person NOTE: On holidays when the cathedral offices are closed, or on rare occasions when there is … Read More

Event Series Evening Prayer Online

Evening Prayer Online

Online via Zoom

MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, 6 P.M. Lay readers from Seattle-area congregations including the cathedral lead a spoken service of daily prayer following the form of the Book of Common Prayer 1979, every weekday evening at 6 p.m. The service lasts approximately 30 minutes. Learn more here. Join online using this Zoom link.

Event Series Morning Prayer Online

Morning Prayer Online

Online via Zoom

Daily Morning Prayer MONDAY–FRIDAY, 7:30–8 A.M., via Zoom Come just as you are to Morning Prayer on weekday mornings, on Zoom, following the form of the Book of Common Prayer 1979. All are welcome, whether you're still in your pj's, joining from your workplace, or listening on the move. No former experience with the Daily Office is necessary. PLEASE NOTE: Morning Prayer uses the SAME LINK as weekday Evening Prayer: join using this link.

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