The fifth and final film in this year’s series is Israelism, a 2023 American documentary about the portrayal of the Israel/Palestine conflict in American Jewish institutions. It is critical of both Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and of the American Jewish community’s education about the occupation of Palestine. This film interviews academics and political activists as it follows two American Jews as they discover what is going on in the conflict and come to revise their views. This film was shot before October 7, 2023, and sheds light on the significant leadership of Jewish Voice for Peace in our present demonstrations on campuses and in cities today.
The film may not be available on-demand in advance. It will be available for viewing only at 7 p.m. on May 16. A discussion with Dr. Liora Halperin, Distinguished Chair of Jewish Studies at the University of Washington, will follow the film. If you are on the mailing list, watch out for the email with the link, in case we are granted extended viewing times. If you are not yet on the mailing list and wish to participate in the film and discussion, please email: