“Remember Your Baptism!”— A Cathedral Pilgrimage for Everyone

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SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1:30-4:30 P.M. (Renewal of Baptismal Covenant at 3 p.m.), in the cathedral nave and outdoors; registration requested

In the Baptism rite of the Book of Common Prayer, parents and godparents of younger children are asked “by your prayers and witness, will you help this child to grow into the full stature of Christ?” Adult baptizands have sponsors, too, and the entire community is asked if we will “do all in your power to support these persons in their life in Christ?” Living into our baptism, then, is a lifelong pilgrimage.

On the afternoon of Saturday, September 7, 2024, Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle, invites parents, godparents, sponsors, and those baptized of every generation to make a pilgrimage to your cathedral where we consider the fortifying qualities of baptismal waters that mark us sacramentally and indelibly as Christ’s own forever. Those who gather will be invited to explore what it means to have inquiring and discerning hearts across a lifetime, the courage and will to persevere, a spirit to know and to love God, and to have joy and wonder in all God’s works of creation, including you and me. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here! There will be reflection and activity stations for all ages (including the splash mat, weather permitting!).

Activities will be available 1:30–4:30 p.m. in the cathedral nave — arrive any time and stay as long as you wish. Please plan to be present at 3 p.m., when everyone will gather around the font to renew our Baptismal Covenant in community. Other offerings include:

  • Activity and reflection stations based on the six promises of the baptismal covenant
  • Splash pad!
  • Water beads and water table, and sand play-dough and shells for kids
  • Water walk around the cathedral campus
  • Water poetry and scripture
  • Watercolor painting
  • Rock painting using imagery from the Waters of Baptism mural in the nave
  • Special music offered by members of the Schola
  • Remarks by Dean Thomason on the meaning of the sacrament and its elements, just before the renewal of Baptismal promises

Register using this link or by submitting the form below.

Fill out my online form.

Climate Conversations

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SECOND THURSDAYS, 6:30–7:30 P.M., online via Zoom

Looking for practical ways to reduce your impact on the environment? Saint Mark’s Creation Care Ministry is hosting Climate Conversations about everyday things in our lives. These monthly conversations will be held on environmentally-friendly Zoom on the second Thursday evening of each month.

Register to participate using this link (same Zoom link each month).

Scroll down on this page to find materials, slides, and videos of past conversations in this series. 


  • SEPTEMBER 12, 2024: A Season of Creation

Each year from September 1 to October 4, the Christian family unites for this worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home. It is a special season where we celebrate God as Creator and acknowledge Creation as the divine continuing act that summons us as collaborators to love and care for the gift of all that is created. This year, the theme for the season is “To hope and act with Creation”. Amid the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, and eco-anxiety among some, we are called to lift the hope inspired by our faith in concrete actions of prayer, service and solidarity. We will discuss the background of the Season of Creation, what it means for us and actions we can take during the month.

  • OCTOBER 10, 2024: Plant Trees for Cleaner, Healthier, Cooler Air

Trees provide a multitude of benefits, including reducing climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide, protecting against floods, providing shade that cools urban areas and gardens as well as fields or streams, and enhancing neighborhood ambience. Whether you plant a single tree or help communities plant trees, your efforts can help to care for creation. We’ll discuss why and how to plant trees, what species to select for a warmer future, ways to get free or low-cost trees, and how to participate in local or city tree-planting initiatives.

  • NOVEMBER 14, 2024: Eat Pizza for the Planet—Making Meals that Reduce Climate Change

Two of the top 10 things people can do to reverse global warming, Project Drawdown found, are reducing food waste and eating a plant-rich diet. Our response is often, ‘Who, me? I don’t waste and I eat right!’ Despite what we think, our diets may not be as climate-friendly as we think. We’ll dig into the details to find out why our food has so much impact and what we can do about it. You can experiment with new dishes, for example, to eat lower-impact meals and reduce waste. If you’re a meat-eater, you can have less impact by doing something other than giving up meat. Learn how to change the way you shop, prepare different meals and use all the food you buy so you can be eco-friendly.

  • DECEMBER 12, 2024: Reduce Plastic to avoid Gigatons of Carbon Emissions

Plastic is pervasive in our lives. Buying groceries in plastic bags or containers, gadgets and care parts made of plastic, plastic furniture and materials made of plastic and plastic bottles are just a few of the many places we see plastic. Reducing plastic production and usage could avoid 166 million metric tons of plastic by 2050 and avoid more than 5 gigatons of carbon dioxide emissions. We’ll start by considering all the places we use plastic, then discuss how to avoid it. We’ll also look at alternatives to plastic, how we can influence others to use less plastic, and new solutions that can replace plastic. Learn how to use less plastic in your everyday life.

  • TBA: How to Reduce the Huge Impact that Homes & Building have on Climate Change

The concrete, windows, lights, heat, furniture, fittings and other parts of our homes or office buildings cause more than 40% of global warming. How we manage these spaces matters. There are plenty of actions we can take and innovations we can use to reduce the climate impact. Learn what it is about your home or office that causes greenhouse gas emissions, then discuss what innovators are doing to come up with new solutions to reduce the climate impacts of buildings and what you can do at home and at work or even when you travel to minimize your impact.

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