Thanksgiving Day Eucharist and Community Meal, 2024

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10 A.M. (liturgy), in the cathedral nave and livestreamed
11:30 A.M. (community Thanksgiving meal), in Bloedel Hall, registration requested

The tradition of a community Thanksgiving potluck meal is a new one for Saint Mark's Cathedral Parish, launching just last year, but the response was very positive, and the gathering was a joyous celebration.

Begin your holiday observance by offering your thanks to God at a service of Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m. in the cathedral nave, then gather in Bloedel for a festive and abundant community celebration.

All are welcome, and feel free to bring others in your circles to join the fête. Turkeys (and a vegetarian alternative main dish) will be provided; bring a side dish, bread or dessert if you can. No worries if not—just come and be a part as we give thanks together in this place. In order to plan for room setup and the size of the turkeys, please reserve your spot no later than 10 a.m. on Monday, November 25. Register using this link or below.

(Check out some photos from Thanksgiving 2023 at the bottom of this page!)

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Where Spirituality Starts—An Intergenerational Approach to Faith with Canon Vicar Emily Griffin

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DECEMBER 11*, 2024

*rescheduled from November 13 due to power outage

While growth in our relationship with God is a lifelong process, the relationship itself is there from the start. What we often lack—no matter our age—are ways to name and share what we experience of God’s presence. The Rev. Canon Emily Griffin explored the spirituality of childhood and how it provides a foundation for a lifelong faith. How might religious language, community, play, and authentic presence with one another nurture faith—and what might we learn from each other across generations as we journey together?

United We Stand: An Interreligious Prayer Vigil on the Eve of Elections

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(Click the image of the flyer to download the pdf)

PLEASE NOTE: The sacred space of the cathedral will also be open and available to all for prayer, meditation, and reflection on Election Day and the day before.

On Monday, November 4, the nave will be accessible from 9 a.m. until the conclusion of the Prayer Vigil (at approximately 8 p.m.).

On Tuesday, November 5, it will be open from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Signs may direct you to enter through the Hoerster Annex (office entrance).


MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 7–8 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed

In this time of trial and struggle, as we confront challenges to our civil society and our body politic, we are at a crossroads of conscience. And though the voices of vitriol and extremism often resound loudly, it is the judicious wisdom of resilient and courageous peacemakers who will lead us through this crisis. Prayerful reflection stands as a hopeful response to the static of cynicism.

Join local religious leaders and fellow citizens who will gather in Seattle’s Saint Mark’s Cathedral at this important juncture of our nation’s history. All are invited to join in this brief non-partisan interfaith service of hope, either in-person or via livestream. On the cusp of the exercise of our most essential civil right, we ask you to embrace this moment of contemplation and connection, as we affirm the principles that transcend our differences, and the common cause that will bind the wounds of this great nation.

A flyer can be downloaded here.

UPDATE: View the Order of Service here and a complete video can now be seen below.

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A Liturgy for All Hallows Eve

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WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 30, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in person only.

Come in costume, or come as you are on Wednesday, October 30 for the evocative and brief liturgy of All Hallows Eve from the Book of Occasional Services. By candlelight we'll sing and pray and hear the ancient stories of Saul and the Witch of Endor and Ezekiel in the Valley of Dry Bones, and reflect on the deeper meaning of the Triduum of All Hallows, All Saints, and All Souls. Afterwards, enjoy hot cider and a sweet treat.

Forum on Shaker Music and Community

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Building Radical Shaker Community Through Song

"For what came we together to do
but to sing the love of Mother to you?”

Led by Dr. Carol Medlicott, Scholar of the Shakers

Like many forms of Christian faith, Shakerism holds several simple spiritual truths at the forefront, while it also draws richness and strength from deeper theological nuance. The Shakers’ vast song tradition helps to elaborate their complex theology. At the same time, the song tradition reinforces the Shakers' communal identity and their novel conception of social order. Join Dr. Carol Medlicott, who has been studying Shakers and Shaker music for over twenty years, to explore how these socially radical separatists that worshipped through dance have used song to create and sustain community for 250 years.

The packet of materials that will be discussed during the forum can be downloaded here.

A song sheet that will be distributed during the event can be found here.

This forum is presented in conjunction with the Saint Mark's Music Series concert Shaker Harmonies: Celebrating 250 Years of the Shakers in America, featuring the Tudor Choir and the Women's Compline Choir of Saint Mark's Cathedral, on Sunday, November 10, 3 p.m.

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Cozy Compline—A Friday night gathering for all ages

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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 7 P.M., in the cathedral nave.

Come in your p.j.’s for milk and cookies, then get cozy for the Church’s bedtime prayers sung by the high school Schola of Saint Mark’s Choir School. Pillows and stuffed animals welcome! The liturgy will beautiful and brief. It will be especially child-friendly, but meaningful to all members of the community.

Climate Conversations

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SECOND THURSDAYS, 6:30–7:30 P.M., online via Zoom

Looking for practical ways to reduce your impact on the environment? Saint Mark’s Creation Care Ministry is hosting Climate Conversations about everyday things in our lives. These monthly conversations will be held on environmentally-friendly Zoom on the second Thursday evening of each month.

Register to participate using this link (same Zoom link each month).

Scroll down on this page to find materials, slides, and videos of past conversations in this series. 


FEBUARY 13, 2025: How to Stay Warm, Use Less Energy and Save Money

Home energy usage has some of the biggest negative effects on the environment. In the middle of a dark winter, though, it can seem hard to turn the temperature lower or to turn fewer lights on in your home. We’ll discuss easy ways that you can reduce your energy usage at home while still staying comfy, and how those changes can reduce climate change while also saving you money.

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