The Vestry oversees and stewards the cathedral’s finances, facilities and grounds. Membership is comprised of the Dean, the Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia, elected lay parishioners, and Diocesan members who serve from other parishes. Together, they strive to model faithful leadership to prayerfully respond and connect to the ministries of the cathedral community. Elected lay members serve three-year terms. Wardens work alongside the Dean to provide leadership to the Vestry and parish.
Contact Greg Hamm, Senior Warden:
Finance Committee
The purpose of the Finance Committee is to provide support, advice, and guidance that assists the Vestry in maintaining effective administration of the accounting and financial operations of the Cathedral. The committee monitors and maintains accounting systems to assure the Vestry and the Parish that the funds and designated gifts, collected and disbursed, are appropriate and in accordance with the policies of the Vestry, standard accounting practices, and gift restrictions. The Finance Committee is advisory only and does not exercise the authority of the Vestry in the management of the Cathedral or Cathedral funds.
Contact Phil Haas, Junior Warden for Finance:
Facilities Committee
The Facilities Committee works with Cathedral staff on matters of repair, restoration and preservation of the Cathedral, Cathedral House, Leffler House, the Carriage House, the Deanery and the Cathedral grounds. When necessary, it makes recommendations to the Vestry on project funding.
Contact Julia Logan, Junior Warden for Facilities:
Stewardship Ministry
The Stewardship Ministry seeks to foster a countercultural view of giving – all we have been given comes from God, and we hold it lightly and with consideration of our neighbor. The committee plans and implements the annual fall stewardship campaign by adopting a supporting theme, developing written materials and visual displays expressive of that theme, and selecting speakers to share their ministries and gratitude with the parish. Gratitude is a central focus of the ministry and is celebrated through showcasing and displaying the many contributions of time, treasure, talent, and gifts of our generous and faithful stewards. Helpful skills include: knowledge of and interaction with fellow parishioners, ability to take minutes or write simple gratitude exercises, and an interest in coordinating with staff on our audio-visual displays and communications.
Contact Peter Snyder, Junior Warden for Stewardship:
Pastoral Care Team
Saint Mark’s clergy are glad to offer individual pastoral appointments in person, by phone or over Zoom, whatever life issues or questions are on your mind. We are available to visit and pray with you in the hospital and when desired, administer sacraments including anointing and confession. Call the Pastoral Care Hotline by dialing the main cathedral number at 206.323.0300 and then requesting or dialing extension 100. Leave a message, and the on-call chaplain will respond.
Contact The Rev. Canon Rich Weyls:
The Communications Ministry Team oversees the cathedral’s website, social media presence, email communications, livestreamed liturgies and events, videos, print publications (such as informational brochures and The Rubric), signage, and overall visual identity and branding strategy. The committee is always seeking volunteers to help expand this important work.
Contact Gregory Bloch:
A/V Ministry
The Audio Visual Ministry supports and helps further the reach of other important ministries at Saint Marks, including Liturgies, Music, Wisdom School and others. A dedicated team oversees and operates cameras, computers and sound equipment in both the cathedral nave and Bloedel Hall. If you are interested in learning, or have experience with A/V technology, sound mixing, or operating cameras, we encourage you to get involved.
Contact Chris Brown & Michael Seewer:
Office Volunteers
Contact Erik Donner:
The Counters meet weekly to verify the gifts from the offering plate and other donations to the cathedral. The group shares fellowship while providing an important service to the cathedral’s functioning.
Contact Erik Donner:
Medical Equipment Resource Center
The Medical Equipment Resource Center has items such as wheelchairs, walkers (two- and four-wheeled), crutches, canes, etc., available for use at no cost. We welcome donations of clean equipment in good working order. The group also restocks first aid boxes located throughout the campus.
Contact Nancy Cleminshaw:
Cathedral Foundation of the Diocese of Olympia
The Cathedral Foundation of the Diocese of Olympia was established in September 1995 as an independent, tax-exempt organization, and became affiliated with the Bishop’s Office of the Diocese of Olympia in 2011. Its mission is to raise and manage capital and endowment funds to preserve and enhance the buildings and grounds of Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral. For more information about the Foundation, visit the Cathedral Foundation page.
Contact Julia Logan: