OCTOBER 10, 2024: Plant Trees for Cleaner, Healthier, Cooler Air

Trees provide a multitude of benefits, including reducing climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide, protecting against floods, providing shade that cools urban areas and gardens as well as fields or streams, and enhancing neighborhood ambience. Whether you plant a single tree or help communities plant trees, your efforts can help to care for creation. We’ll discuss why and how to plant trees, what species to select for a warmer future, ways to get free or low-cost trees, and how to participate in local or city tree-planting initiatives.

SEPTEMBER 12, 2024: How to Reduce the Huge Impact that Homes & Building have on Climate Change

The concrete, windows, lights, heat, furniture, fittings and other parts of our homes or office buildings cause more than 40% of global warming. How we manage these spaces matters. There are plenty of actions we can take and innovations we can use to reduce the climate impact. Learn what it is about your home or office that causes greenhouse gas emissions, then discuss what innovators are doing to come up with new solutions to reduce the climate impacts of buildings and what you can do at home and at work or even when you travel to minimize your impact.

AUGUST 8, 2024: How to Cope with Seattle’s Shift from Water Deluges to the now-frequent Droughts 

Not long ago, droughts in Western Washington seemed unimaginable. Droughts now seem to happen on a regular basis, though, and water cutbacks have been required. We’ll share some of the science behind these shifts and the outlook for the future. We’ll then look at how we can prepare for drier times in our homes or gardens and how to participate in policy decisions that can help us cope.

The following links were shared:

JULY 11, 2024: Heat! How to Stay Cool, Sustainably, and How to Prepare for Hotter Summers

JUNE 13, 2024: Solar, Wind, and Geothermal Energy, and How to Tap Renewable Energy

The slides from this presentation are now available here.

MAY 9, 2024: Farms for a Sustainable Future and How to Support Farmers with guest, farmer Tyler Morse

The slides from this presentation are now available here.

The following resources were shared:

APRIL 11, 2024: Money for Good: How to Give or Invest with your Values and Climate Goals

The slides from this presentation are now available here.

MARCH 7, 2024: Spring Cleaning

The slides from this presentation are now available here.

FEBRUARY 8, 2024: Innovations to Stop Global Warming

The slides from this presentation can be seen here.

JANUARY 11, 2024: Climate Policy: The Impact on Your Life, Your Pocketbook and the Planet

The slides from this presentation are now available here.


DECEMBER 14, 2023: Food that is Better for the Planet and your Pocketbook

NOVEMBER 9, 2023: Celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with a Creation Care Mindset

The slides from this presentation are now available here.

OCTOBER 12, 2023: Save Money by Caring for Creation

The slides from this presentation are now available here.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2023: Simple Seattle Solutions to be a Voice for Conservation and Creation Care

The slides from this presentation are now available here.

AUGUST 10, 2023: Stay Stylish with Climate-friendly Clothing Choices

The slides from this presentation are now available here.

JULY 13, 2023: Changing our Daily Routine to Save the Planet

The slides from this presentation are now available here.

JUNE 8, 2023: Practical Ideas to Use Renewable Energy

The slides from this presentation are now available here.

THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2023: Plan, Cook, and Eat Great Meals

The slides from this presentation are now available here.

APRIL 11, 2023: Recycle

Download the slides from this presentation here.

Resources from our presenter from Recology:

March 14, 2023: Reuse

The slides from this presentation are now available here.

February 7, 2023: Reduce

The slides from this presentation are available here.

The "Veganuary" cookbook can be downloaded here and additional recipes here.

January 3, 2023: Advocacy for Systemic Change

The slides for this presentation are available here.


December 6, 2022: Creation Care Perspectives on Shopping at Christmas Time

The slides from the presentation may be seen here.

Here is the poem shared during the event: Slow me down, Lord.

November 1, 2022: Investing with Your Values ( with Penelope Jackson & Richard Hartung)

The slides from this presentation may be seen here.

In addition, Penelope Jackson shared the following resources:
ESG (Environmental/Social/Governance criteria) FAQ
Responsible Investing Glossary
How to find an Investment Advisor
The Carbon Almanac

October 4, 2022What you can do about Transportation

The slides from the presentation may be seen here.

September 5, 2022What you can do on the Carbon Tracker

The slides from the presentation may be seen here.

August 2, 2022What you can do about Water

The slides from the presentation may be seen here.



July 5, 2022What you can do about Energy (with Richard Wesley & Richard Hartung)

The slides from this presentation may be seen here.


June 7, 2022What you can do about Food (with Marc Aubertin & Richard Hartung)

The slides from the presentation may be seen here.