20s/30s Group
The 20s/30s group is a vibrant community and vital to the life of Saint Mark’s. Young adults gather regularly to share in food, fellowship, prayer, and conversation. Events and activities integrate community, formation, justice, and play. Look for more information about upcoming gatherings on Sundays and beyond on the 20s/30s page.
Contact Julia Cooper: 20s30s@saintmarks.org
40s/50s Group
This ministry group offers opportunities to gather in fellowship and community with adults in their 40s/50s. To learn more about future offerings, please contact:
Contact Kristine Ekman: krisekman@aol.com
Third-Acters is for anyone age 60 and over. Our goal is to build a community as we enter the "Third Act," of our life cycle. We meet the second Tuesday of every month at 3pm on Zoom, and we also offer in-person potlucks on various Sundays after the 11am service. We support activities that build community such as walks, social activism, and just plain fun.
Contact Elizabeth Clark-Stern: ecstern@yahoo.com
Queer in Christ (QuiC)
Launched in the spring of 2023, QuiC seeks (1) to connect queer people, allies, and families at Saint Mark’s with each other and with resources both inside and outside the church, (2) to increase the visibility of queer people in all areas of ministry at the cathedral, (3) to create opportunities to explore and learn together in ways that are intergenerational, intersectional, and theologically grounded, including special liturgical offerings, and (4) to honor the unity and diversity of the Body of Christ in the hope of continuing to heal its wounds.
Contact Rose Hazard & Michael Seewer: queerinchrist@saintmarks.org
Visual Arts Ministry
The Visual Arts Ministry seeks to create ongoing opportunities for members of our larger community to engage with the visual arts as a medium to explore our diverse relationships to the divine and to one another. Recent exhibits have included Peter Boome’s paintings and serigraphs, Virginia Maksymowicz’s stunning Stations of the Cross, the landmark exhibition of work by 31 female artists from the Middle East titled I AM, and several shows in the intimate Hallway Gallery in Cathedral House.
Contact Wayne Duncan and Deborah Brown: visualarts@saintmarks.org
Writers Group
Saint Mark's Writer's Group is for everyone interested in writing. We meet on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 4:30pm on Zoom. Our goal is to build a ministry of writers who support each other, share our work, share ideas, and offer salons and workshops for the congregation and our community.
Contact Elizabeth Clark-Stern: ecstern@yahoo.com
Cathedral Yoga
In the sacred space of Saint Mark’s Cathedral, this spiritual practice is designed to improve health, release tension, and deepen spirituality. It is a gentle, restorative, and contemplative practice, and the instructors guide the group in ways that welcome newcomers and experienced practitioners alike. Monthly organ prelude, sound bath and community tea socials round out the practice. Pay what you can. Please bring your own mat, although if you do not have one, sanitized mats are available.
Contact Christopher Breunig: yoga@saintmarks.org
Greenbelt Group
Our Greenbelt Ministry aspires to encourage our congregation to become more deeply acquainted and involved with the Saint Mark’s Greenbelt. It is managed under a Conservation Agreement, signed in 1996 by the City of Seattle and Saint Mark's. While Saint Mark's owns the land, the city is ultimately responsible for maintaining, enhancing and restoring the forest. Greenbelt stewards lead spring and fall work parties with members from our congregation and the community, Look for new ways to experience and learn about the trees, plants and birds in this beautiful forest at the Creation Care webpage.
For information about work parties contact Elli Howard: qwertynerd97@gmail.com
Beekeeping Ministry
For several years, Saint Mark’s has kept hives of honeybees on the rooftop of the Cathedral House and elsewhere on the cathedral grounds. Leaders have obtained apprentice certification from the Washington State Master Beekeepers Association, and we are ready to educate any interested community members who wish to participate!
Contact Rob Reid: robreid62@gmail.com
Gardening Ministry
The garden volunteers meet to work on the second Saturday of the month 9 a.m.–noon, from February through November, planting, weeding, composting and making our campus beautiful. Prior gardening experience is not required, only enthusiasm! Bring a water bottle and gloves if you have them.
Contact Norva Osborn: gardening@saintmarks.org
Quilt Ministry
Ministry of Worsted Wool
The Ministry of Worsted Wool is a ministry of faith enrichment as your knitting and crocheting talents contribute to our parish and the wider community. Our major needlecraft emphasis is on making prayer shawls, baby blankets for the Refugee Resettlement Office, and watch caps for the Seafarers. We meet on the first Friday of the month from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a brown bag lunch while our needles and crochet hooks continue to work our yarn. All levels of skill are welcome!
Contact Barbara Erickson: bje46@msn.com
Labyrinth Ministry
On New Year’s Eve each year, and on other special occasions, we lay down a giant labyrinth in the nave to give individuals the space to experience the peace, the quiet and the balance that the labyrinth path can bring. And, of course, the cathedral’s outdoor labyrinth is available at any time for a prayerful meditation walk.
Contact Judy Andrews: judy@judithandrewslaw.com
Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon
Weekly 12-step meetings at the cathedral occur Monday afternoon (Al-Anon) and Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings (A.A.). Check the cathedral calendar to learn more: saintmarks.org/events