“Christian worship is never a solitary undertaking. Both on its visible and invisible sides, it has a thoroughly social and organic character. The worshipper, however lonely in appearance, comes before God as a member of a great family; part of the Communion of Saints, living and dead. His own small effort of adoration is offered “in and for all.” —Evelyn Underhill

Every member of the assembly gathered for worship is a minister of the liturgy. Each Sunday, some people are assigned to particular roles within the context of our worship. We welcome your exploration of any ministries listed here.

Ministry Scheduler Pro - Click to access your schedule online
Saint Mark's uses Ministry Scheduler Pro to organize, schedule and communicate with the many people who serve as liturgical ministers and make the cathedral's liturgies possible. Click the first button to enroll in the system for the first time. The second button will take you to the scheduling portal.
Contact Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer with any questions or problems.


Ministries During Worship

These ministries play important roles during services, but do not vest (i.e., wear the white liturgical garment called an “alb”). 


Ushers are indispensable at cathedral liturgies, ensuring that all who join us for worship are welcomed and assisted with any questions. Ushers serve at most Sunday liturgies and special services. Ushers also assist with the collection, communion flow, and a few other tasks during the service. Sunday morning teams serve approximately once a month. This ministry is open to everyone, including adults and youth.

Contact Don Sutkus: don@sutkus.com or Head Verger, Michael Seewer, mseewer@saintmarks.org


The purpose of this ministry is to welcome all who attend the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday services. We do this by saying "hello" and "welcome" to all who enter the church. We also provide the service leaflet and answer questions that may arise. We want everyone to feel welcome.

Contact John Selberg: jaselberg@aol.com


Lectors proclaim God’s word at our various liturgies by reading lessons from scripture, and they lead the assembly’s prayers and intercessions at Sunday morning and other services. Open to adults as well as to teenagers and younger children, all of whom receive training.
Contact Carrie Kahler: capkahler@gmail.com

Oblation Bearers

During Sunday morning Eucharists, members of the community or an entire family assist the ushers by bringing forward the gifts of bread and wine that we offer to God at the Offertory. Even very young children can help with this important liturgical role.

Contact Michael Perera: perera.michael@gmail.com


Vested Ministries

These ministers vest (i.e., wear liturgical garments called vestments) during services while serving in various capacities during the liturgy. 


Acolytes are ministers who assist with various liturgical processions by carrying the cross, torches, banners, incense, or other items. This ministry is open to everyone, is ideal for youth and young adults, and is scheduled approximately every 3–4 weeks.

Contact Alexandra Thompson: acolytes@saintmarks.org

Chalice Bearers

Chalice bearers are trained and licensed ministers who offer the hospitality of God’s Table as they serve the wine during services of Holy Communion. Open to those 16 years or older.

Contact Hannah Hochkeppel: hannah.hochkeppel@gmail.com

Sunday Evening Chalice Bearers

Sunday evening sacristans, as trained chalice bearers, support the 7 p.m. Contemplative Eucharist service by setting up, hosting, and serving during the liturgy, and cleaning up afterwards.

Contact Hannah Hochkeppel: hannah.hochkeppel@gmail.com


Vergers are ministers of hospitality who support all liturgical ministers by guiding the processions, answering questions, identifying people who may need special assistance, and helping to set a prayerful tone. They can be identified by their purple and black vestments, and the liturgical staff they carry, called a “virge.” This ministry is open to those 16 years of age and older, requires completion of a training course for vergers, and is scheduled once every 3–4 weeks.

Contact Head Verger, Michael Seewer: mseewer@saintmarks.org

Altar Guild

Altar guild members help prepare the community’s Eucharistic meal by setting up bread, wine, vessels, linens and the altar table, assisting the presiding team during the service and caring for the vessels and linens following the service. Altar guild is open to adults and is scheduled approximately once every 3–4 weeks.

Contact James Davidson: altarguild@saintmarks.org

Ministries Before or After Worship

Ministries connected with worship either before or after the liturgy begins or ends. 

Flower Ministry

Flowers give beauty, hope and solace and enhance the fabric of the church. Member of the Flower Ministry create the nave and chapel arrangements, and in doing so, give back a gift of beauty to the One who created us. Flower Ministers work in teams to create flower arrangements for Sunday liturgies and special services, and also volunteer to purchase flowers or clean up for the next week’s arrangement. People of all skill levels are welcome.

Contact Beatrix Roemheld-Hamm: flowers@saintmarks.org

Bread Baker Guild

The Eucharistic Bread Bakers provide bread for the Sunday morning Services as well as special feast days and memorials that take place in the Cathedral space. Bread is prepared in Bloedel kitchen once a month by a dedicated group of volunteers who are committed to this ministry.

Contact René Marceau: marceau_rene@comcast.net


Eucharistic Visitors

Eucharistic visitors are licensed ministers entrusted to bring the sacrament of Holy Communion to members of the community who are sick or otherwise unable to attend services in person. This ministry is open to adults, requires special licensing and training, and is scheduled periodically as Eucharistic visits are requested.

If you would like Holy Communion brought to you, please call the cathedral at 206.323.0300. To accompany a Eucharistic Visitor on a visit or if you’d like to learn more about this licensed ministry contact Kevin Johnson: kevincjohnson@comcast.net

Other Worship & Prayer Ministries

These ministries do not serve during liturgies of Holy Eucharist, but serve in other worship & prayer capacities. 

Worship & Prayer Committee

The Worship and Prayer Standing Committee of the Saint Mark’s Vestry meets several times a year to discuss liturgy and prayer at the cathedral, as part of a strategy driven by the community’s Mutual Ministry Goals. All are welcome to participate. There are frequently articles and resources distributed in advance to be discussed during the meeting. These meetings are held on Zoom.

To learn when the next meeting is scheduled contact Michael Seewer, Cathedral Sacristan & Head Verger: mseewer@saintmarks.org

Newcomers Ministry 

The Newcomers Ministry offers hospitality to all who come to Saint Mark's on their spiritual journey.  We practice welcoming and inclusion by responding to all inquiries both online and from visitors cards at Sunday services; personally greeting and welcoming visitors who come to worship; hosting a monthly newcomers coffee; and following up with attendees to answer questions and help them get involved in various ministries and activities.

Contact: newcomers@saintmarks.org

Compline Hospitality Ministers

Compline Hospitality Ministers are present during the Sunday evening Compline services to greet people, answer questions, and help ensure all attending compline feel welcomed. This ministry is open to all and is scheduled approximately once a month.

Contact Head Verger, Michael Seewer: mseewer@saintmarks.org

Worship Leaders (Daily Office)

Worship leaders are licensed ministers who lead services of the Daily Office (Morning and Evening Prayer), either in person or online, following the rites of the Book of Common Prayer. This ministry is open to all and requires special training and licensure.

All Saints Guild

We provide hospitality and direction for those participating in and attending funerals and celebrations of life at Saint Mark’s. We function under the direction of Michael Seewer, recruiting the requested number of ushers dependent on expected attendance and activities in the service - Eucharist, offertory, etc.

Contact Katherine Sodergren: dksodergren69@gmail.com


Taizé Prayer services occur seasonally at Saint Mark's. These contemplative prayer services are comprised of silence and song, candlelight and stillness, prayer and meditation. Volunteers contribute in a variety of roles: musician (vocalist, instrumentalist), reader, usher, livestream, and sound. In 2025, Taizé will become a monthly offering. To learn more, visit the Taizé webpage or email taize@saintmarks.org

Contact David Poortinga: taize@saintmarks.org

Senior Living Center Eucharists

Saint Mark’s priests partner with clergy from Epiphany, St. Clement’s, St. Paul’s, and Trinity to offer monthly Eucharists at Skyline, Horizon House, and Mirabella. These services draw both Saint Mark’s members who live in these senior living communities as well as other Episcopalians and spiritual seekers. This nurtures bonds of affection and community with members who find it difficult to attend church on Sunday morning.

Contact The Rev. Canon Rich Weyls: rweyls@saintmarks.org