Intergenerational Council
The Intergenerational Council is made up of Saint Mark's community members ranging from youth to elders who gather to review the cathedral's policies, activities, and ministries to broaden and deepen intergenerational perspectives, participation, and leadership. Through intentionally intergenerational programming, small group gatherings, and innovative ways to incorporate those new to Saint Mark's, the council aims to foster spiritual growth and nourishing relationships across the age spectrum as we seek to become Beloved Community.
Contact Wendy Claire Barrie, Canon for Intergenerational Ministries:
Sunday Forum
Sunday Forums foster relationships within the Saint Mark’s community, provide an opportunity to meet distinguished guests, or draw us into a deeper consideration of an element of the Christian faith and life.
Contact Canon Wendy Claire Barrie:
Cathedral Commons
Saint Mark’s offers a variety of formation opportunities on Wednesday evenings. These offerings are known as Cathedral Commons, since they provide a space in which the cathedral community can come together to share, learn, and grow. The evening begins with a Community Dinner served in Bloedel Hall from 6 to 6:30 p.m. (Due to food safety requirements, food service must end at 6:30 p.m. sharp.) Cost: $6/child; $8/adult; $25/max. family. A presentation or forum then frequently follows the Wednesday dinner, 6:45 to 8:15 p.m. Many of these offerings are hybrid events, with a full experience available both to those gathered in person in Bloedel Hall, and to those joining from home online. Others are offered online via Zoom only, and some are offered only in person.
Contact Canon Wendy Claire Barrie:
The Inquirers' Class
This four-week series offered in fall and winter is facilitated by clergy and canons and explores the basics of the Christian faith through the lens of the Episcopal Church. Whether you are new to Saint Mark's or simply interested in sharing and learning, we welcome your participation. After completing the series, many people decide to receive the sacrament of baptism or are confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. Attendees are strongly encouraged to attend all four sessions.
Contact Canon Wendy Claire Barrie:
Contours of the Christian Life
This ministry is on hiatus in 2024.
Contours of the Christian Life builds on the foundation of the Inquirers’ Class, providing an opportunity to continue the journey by going deeper into questions of faith. The approach of Contours of the Christian Life is inspired by ancient patterns of Christian formation going back to the early church, with a focus on what it means to deepen our faith, our practices, and our relationships as Episcopalians. This series provides further preparation for baptism, confirmation and reception into The Episcopal Church.
The Radix Project
Saint Mark’s launched The Radix Project: Small Groups/Deep Roots in January 2020. It was conceived as an opportunity to gather in small groups of 8-12 participants with a threefold focus: reflecting together on Holy Scripture and sacred art, sharing personal stories, and praying for one another with intention. Every Radix series begins with an opening plenary presentation which introduces the theme. Each group is guided by a facilitator and meets for 90 minutes, once a week for six weeks. Some groups meet in person, while others meet only online. Radix group members are both local and far-flung, and do not need to be otherwise connected to Saint Mark’s to participate.
Contact Canon Wendy Claire Barrie:
Sacred Ground
Sacred Ground is an intense, small-group learning cohort which meets over 13 sessions, built around a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories. It is is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. This series is open to all, and especially designed to help white people talk with other white people. Participants are invited to peel away the layers that have contributed to the challenges and divides of the present day.
Contact Hannah Hochkeppel, Heather Millar, Penny Reid:
Education for Ministry (EfM)
Do you want to go deeper into your faith in an intentional, ongoing way? Do you want to form lasting connections with others who also seek that deepening of their spiritual life? Consider registering for Education for Ministry (EfM), the Episcopal Church’s most in-depth adult Christian education course. Study the Bible, history, and theology, as well as connect faith and life experiences through theological reflection. EfM is a program of The University of the South’s School of Theology in Sewanee. Admission requires a solid commitment to attend the weekly seminars and to spend between two and four hours in study and preparation weekly during the academic year (September–June). It is a four-year program, but students commit to one year at a time. Each class is limited to 12 people. EfM is also available online for students who are not able to attend the weekly seminars. Two different classes meet weekly September to June at Saint Mark’s: Mondays, 10 a.m.–2:30 p.m., and Mondays, 6–8 p.m.
Children's Chapel
Children’s Chapel is offered each Sunday at the 9 a.m. service. Children in preschool through second grade are invited to join the Gospel procession around the Deacon as the Gospel is proclaimed. Then they process to Thomsen Chapel for the Gospel story in a developmentally appropriate telling, singing, and prayer. They return to their families at the Peace. Younger children may attend accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
Contact Canon Wendy Claire Barrie:
Godly Play
Between services on Sunday mornings, we create space for children from preschool through elementary school (age 3 up to 5th grade) to deeply experience the texts and stories of the Bible that make us Christian people and form our faith, and also to grow in community with each other and caring adults. Using steadfastly non-digital modalities, we tell the stories and then make space for the children to make the stories their own for life by using the materials or art to expand, retell, and experience the stories in their own ways. For example, it's magical to watch children self-organize to collectively create a "crucifixion and Easter scape" by finding and arranging materials from the room to arrange in a box of sand to exemplify all of Holy Week! We use the Godly Play curriculum. Class sessions are held generally on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month during the school year.
Contact Rebecca Engrav, Canon Wendy Claire Barrie, & The Rev Canon Emily Griffin:
Youth Group
The Youth of Saint Mark’s play, worship, learn, serve, and eat together. Guest speakers, service projects, outdoor activities, retreats, classes, liturgical leadership and inter-generational participation offer the youth many ways to connect with each other and the cathedral community. Deep thoughts, loving spirits and holy silliness are all present when the youth gather.
Contact Rebekah Gilmore:
Second Sunday Book Group
Saint Mark’s Book Group meets the second Sunday of odd-numbered months to share our enthusiasm for books we love and to get introduced to books we might not have chosen on our own. We read both fiction and non-fiction books that we hope will expand our worldview, our knowledge of our own history and culture and, perhaps, will even make us wiser about ourselves. Sometimes an expert in the subject joins the discussion. All are welcome to participate.
Contact Pearl McElhern:
Tuesday Bible Study
Tuesday Bible Study provides a weekly conversation around the scripture readings for the following Sunday. The group meets online via Zoom only, 12–1:15 p.m. for study and prayer over the lectionary. Join early at 11:30 a.m. for social time and chat.
To get the Zoom link for this lively discussion, contact Lynne Cobb:
Center for Spirituality and Action
Our life in Christ is grounded in community and mutuality, and we need companions along the way as we seek to deepen our relationships with God, others, self and creation. Drawing on tried-and-true monastic rhythms of prayer and service, Saint Mark’s is launching a new venture in Fall 2024 inviting individuals who seek to go deeper in their spiritual practices to form intentional community. Participants will form mutual commitments to daily prayer, regular gatherings for worship and spiritual formation, occasional retreats, and spiritual direction—all of which informs our service in the world, which in turn informs our prayer life. Leffler House on the Cathedral campus will serve as base camp for The Center for Spirituality and Action.
If you’d like more information about this new offering, send an email to the Cathedral Dean, Steve Thomason:
The Wisdom School
The mission of the Wisdom School is to offer “a balanced path for spiritual transformation grounded in prayer and practice, drawing on the Christian contemplative tradition while respecting the diversity of experiences born from contemplative practices of other traditions.” Since its launch in 2016 hundreds of people have participated in a variety of offerings including guided retreats, wisdom practice days, workshops and forums, and seasonal contemplative offerings. The space for reasoned discourse, lifelong learning, and spiritual renewal is held sacred for all seekers, whether they worship at the cathedral or not.
Contact The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason: