We are so grateful for your interest in supporting Saint Mark’s Cathedral.

Each year, the generosity of many makes moments of ministry and transformation possible at Saint Mark’s. This community can respond faithfully because of the generosity of your time and resources.

Below are some frequently asked questions about giving at Saint Mark’s.

How is giving serving as an expression of our faith?

All that we have and all that we are—are gifts from God. This is stewardship.

Our response is to be good stewards of these gifts. Generous, joyful giving from what we have been given is a spiritual practice of stewardship.

We are all stewards of how we spend our time and our money and how we use our gifts and talents, and we are all stewards of our beloved community, Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral.

One of the ways we are invited to demonstrate stewardship is to make an annual financial commitment.

If you are new to this practice, know that the majority of what we do as a community is made possible by the support of this parish community.  It’s a tangible way of giving thanks.

If you regularly give but have not made an annual financial commitment to Saint Mark’s before, we are grateful for your support. We invite you to consider making a financial commitment for 2025 so that we may better plan the budget.

All gifts of time, resource and relationship help expand opportunities for ministry, deepen our outreach connections, and help reimagine new ways of living, moving and being in community.

What is an annual financial commitment at Saint Mark’s?

A commitment to financially support the mission and more than 80+ ministries at Saint Mark’s. It’s an intentional way to recount the blessings you have received and discern how these may be shared to support the life of the cathedral. This commitment helps guide our budgeting process as we steward what has been given.

Why make an annual financial commitment? 

We believe that giving is a spiritual discipline that transforms the giver and those who will receive. Making an annual financial commitment is a deeply spiritual and transformative act.

When you complete a financial commitment card, you personally invest in our mission to seek and serve Christ in all people.

You are committing  to be a partner and co-creator of our beloved community.

How is an annual financial commitment different from just giving through the collection plate?

How we choose to spend our money can reflect what is important to us and gratitude for all that God has given us. An annual financial commitment is given in community to show how we intend to give our resources to support the work and mission together. Any amount given in gratitude helps our mission to make the world a better place in real and tangible ways.  Knowing your intention to give helps us better plan for our budget. This is an invitation to review giving as a spiritual practice in how we spend our time, talents, and funds.

How should I decide how much to commit to Saint Mark’s?

All gifts, of whatever amount, are deeply welcomed, valued, and appreciated.

As you consider your annual financial commitment, identify a weekly, monthly, or yearly amount. How does that feel to you? How may God be calling you to grow in your practice of generosity? Explore different amounts, perhaps a little more, perhaps a little less.

When you picture yourself giving an amount, and feel joy and gratitude, that may be your answer.

I’m ready to make an annual financial commitment! Now what?

Fill out your financial commitment card! These are available in print and online.

If you didn’t receive a financial commitment card in the mail, you can pick one up at the Stewardship Ministry booth during any Sunday in October, or request one from Erik Donner.

To turn in your financial commitment card, you can put it into the offering plate any Sunday, mail it to the Cathedral office, or drop it off at the Stewardship Ministry booth. Or submit the online commitment card using the link found at the top of this page.

How do I fulfill my financial commitment?

You can fulfill your financial commitment any number of ways:

  • Through cash or check in the collection plate each week. If you do give cash, please request and use financial commitment envelopes, so that the Cathedral Office can track your gifts.
  • Through the Venmo link:
  • Through the online donation page.

What do I do if I need to change my financial commitment?

We understand that people’s financial situations change unexpectedly. If you need to adjust your financial commitment, please call or email Erik Donner in the Dean’s Office.  All conversations will be confidential.

I’m already financially committing to Saint Mark’s each year.  How else can I give?

There are many other ways you can give to Saint Marks, including:

  • Giving through the collection plate. (Certain services, such as Good Friday or ordinations, have special offerings for particular needs.)
  • Making a planned gift. (Learn about planned giving here.)
  • Contributing to the clergy discretionary funds, Threshold Fund, or any one of the other opportunities for generosity throughout the year. You may wish to schedule a pastoral appointment with one of the clergy to discuss this.

What is the Saint Mark’s Tax ID number?  I need it for my records.

The Saint Mark’s Tax ID number is TIN 91-0579230.  Our legal name: St. Mark’s Cathedral Parish.


Please contact Dean Steve Thomason or Erik Donner with any questions.

Greg Simon on Proportional Giving

Stewardship Speakers: The McCormick Family

Stewardship Speaker: Victoria Szydlowski

Stewardship Speaker: Greg Hamm, Senior Warden