At Saint Mark's, we seek to provide a variety of opportunities for seekers to deepen in relationship with God and to encounter God's liberating love through community and attention to Holy Scripture, tradition, and reason. At Saint Mark's, we refer broadly to these offerings as "Faith Formation."

The Inquirers' Class

NEXT SERIES: FOUR SUNDAYS, STARTING FEBRUARY 2, 2025, 12:30–2 P.M., Leffler Living Room

This series is a hybrid offering, register to receive link. Registration required.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, consider attending this four-class series, facilitated by clergy and staff, where we explore the basics of the Christian faith through an Episcopal lens. Whether you are new to Saint Mark’s, or simply interested in sharing and learning more, you are welcome. More information here.

Winter 2025 dates and topics:

  • WEEK 1: The Way We Worship | February 2, 2025 (This meeting will be in the cathedral nave.)
  • WEEK 2: Images of God | February 9
  • WEEK 3: How We Read Scripture | February 16
  • WEEK 4: Prayer & Spiritual Practices | February 23

Those who are interested in baptism at the Easter Vigil (April 2025) or who would like to prepare for confirmation, reception into the Episcopal Church, or reaffirmation of faith on Cathedral Day (May 2025) are strongly encouraged to attend the Inquirers' Class.

Email Canon Wendy Claire Barrie with questions.

Weekly Tuesday Noon Bible Study

EVERY TUESDAY, 12–1:30 P.M., online via Zoom only. Bible Study is on hiatus in the month of August.

This group provides a weekly conversation around the scripture readings for the following Sunday. Each week a discussion is facilitated by rotating guest leaders, and lively conversation ensues as people share their thoughts about the lessons. The group meets from 12–1:30 p.m. for study and prayer over the lectionary, led by a rotating group of cathedral staff and lay leaders. (Join early at 11:30 for social time and chat.)

The Bible Study group has experimented with in-person and hybrid gatherings, but has now decided to return to Zoom-only gatherings for the time being.

For more information and to get the Zoom link to join online, contact Lynne Cobb at:

Sacred Ground

A Film- and Readings-Based Dialogue Series on Race and Faith

SPRING 2025 GROUP MEETS SIX SATURDAYS BEGINNING JANUARY 18, 2025, AND ENDING APRIL 26, 2025, 10 A.M.–3 P.M., at Saint Mark's Cathedral, location TBA. Registration required.

Sacred Ground circle is an intense, small-group learning cohort which meets over thirteen sessions. The series is built around a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories. Check out much more introductory material here.

The first Sacred Ground circle at Saint Mark's met September 2023 through June 2024, and the second will meet January through April, 2025. Find the information about recent and upcoming session of Sacred Ground at Saint Mark's here.

Second Sunday Cathedral Book Group

SECOND SUNDAY OF ODD-NUMBERED MONTHS, 12:30–2 P.M., in person in Cathedral House Room 210, and online via Zoom

A lively book discussion group, sometimes led by special guests. Books are selected by members of the the group themselves. Recent selections have included The Overstory by Richard Powers, The Second Mountain by David Brooks, The Sword of the Lord by Saint Mark's member Andrew Himes, and Why Religion? by Elaine Pagels. All are welcome. Questions, contact: Pearl McElheran. To get the Zoom link, contact Deborah Brown.

Contours of the Christian Life

WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, (in the Cathedral Commons time slot)

Not offered in 2025—stay tuned for next opportunity

A new offering to go deeper into questions of faith in our daily lives. Living a journey of faith takes inquiry and practice to conform to Christ's way of life and be open to continual transformation. In this series, we’ll focus on what it means to deepen our faith, our practices, and our relationships as Episcopalians. Participants are invited to journey together through Lent and commit to seven formation sessions on Wednesday Evenings. Contours of the Christian Life provides further preparation for baptism, confirmation and reception into The Episcopal Church.

Topics in Spring 2024 included: Listening for God’s Call in Scripture; Made in God’s Image; Celebrate with Reverence; Episcopal Identity; Saint Mark’s Identity; Body, Mind, and Spirit; and Doing Justice, Loving Mercy

Much more information about the most recent iteration of Contours of the Christian Life, including more detailed descriptions of each meeting's topic, can be found here.

The Radix Project: Small Groups/Deep Roots


In January of 2020 Saint Mark's launched The Radix Project: Small Groups/Deep Roots. More than 150 people in 18 small groups met weekly for six weeks to share their stories, reflect on scripture, and pray for one another with intention. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and this was made a regular offering. New groups are formed for each six-session series, offered several times each year.

When the pandemic lock-down came into effect, these groups easily made the transition to virtual meet-ups over the Zoom teleconferencing platform. Many community members have found these small groups profoundly valuable and life-giving, and the groups are welcome to continue meeting on an informal basis following the conclusion of the series, if they wish.

Subsequent series have been on themes such as Why Resurrection?, The Role of Surprise in the Spiritual Journey, Centering Women's Voices, and, most recently, Holy Movement: Exploring Journey and Pilgrimage in Scripture. Learn much more, including video and materials from all the the previous iterations, here.

The Wisdom School at Saint Mark's

The mission of the Wisdom School is to offer “a balanced path for spiritual transformation grounded in prayer and practice, drawing on the Christian contemplative tradition while respecting the diversity of experiences born from contemplative practices of other traditions.” The space for reasoned discourse, lifelong learning, and spiritual renewal is held sacred for all seekers, whether they worship at the cathedral or not. Wisdom School offerings sometimes occur during Wednesday night Cathedral Commons, along with regular contemplative offerings such as the 7 p.m. Sunday Contemplative Eucharist and Cathedral Yoga, and special faith formation events. Read more here.

Education for Ministry


An informational session was offered online via Zoom on June 8, 2022. See a complete video here and below.

Do you want to go deeper into your faith in an intense, ongoing way? Do you want to form lasting connections with others who also seek that connection? Consider registering for Education for Ministry (EfM) [external link]. EfM is a four-year program for lay people to study scripture, church history, and modern theology. Classes connect the material with church tradition, personal experiences, individual beliefs, and current events. EfM is a program of The School of Theology at Sewanee, and is The Episcopal Church’s most in-depth adult Christian education course.

Admission requires a solid commitment to attend the weekly seminars and spend between two and four hours in study and preparation weekly during the academic year (September–June). It is a four-year program, but students commit to one year at a time. Each class is limited to 12 people. EfM is also available online for students who are not able to attend the weekly seminars.

Two different classes meet weekly September to June at Saint Mark’s:

  • Mondays, 10 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
  • Mondays, 6–8 p.m.

Tuition, including books, is $375. Please inquire by contacting class mentors: Monday morning: Maria Coldwell; Monday evening: Tom Hayton

Community Book Study, January/February 2025

Evicted book study groups

In-person discussion of Evicted:
THREE SUNDAYS: JANUARY 12 & 19 and FEBRUARY 2, 12:30–2 P.M.

Zoom discussion of Evicted:

Poverty, by America book study groups

In-person discussion of Poverty, by America:
THREE SUNDAYS: FEBRUARY 9, 16, and 23, 12:30–2 P.M.

Zoom discussion of Poverty, by America:
THREE THURSDAYS: FEBRUARY 13, 20, and 27, 7–8:30 P.M.

Registration required—register using this form.

The Intergenerational Council, the Restorative Justice Council, and the Affordable Housing Committee invite the entire community of Saint Mark's to participate in a book study this winter to help us better understand issues of housing insecurity and houselessness. We've chosen two books by Matthew Desmond, Evicted from 2016 and Poverty, by America, published in 2023. Register using this form.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have lived experience of housing insecurity and are interested in reading Evicted in the safe space of an affinity group, please reach out to co-facilitators Deborah Anderson (, Canon Wendy Claire Barrie (, or one of the clergy.

Also available through the same grant is I See You, a wordless picture book published by the American Psychological Association intended to open a door for kids and parents to begin a conversation about homelessness. I See You is available for families with children and comes with resources for parents, educators, and neighbors.


Special occasional offerings—either one-off gatherings or short series—are often offered to the whole congregation on various topics.

In addition, affinity groups in the cathedral community frequently organize their own opportunities for learning, including: 


20s/30s GROUP:

40S/50S GROUP:



Spirited Women: Gathering Together to Grow Together

Are you longing for a deeper connection at Saint Mark’s? Have you wondered about spiritual practices and how to put those into practice in your daily life? Growing out of the 2019 Women's Retreat, the "Spirited Women" group gathers occasionally throughout the year to talk about practices that help develop and nurture a healthy spirituality. Previous meeting topics have included the practice of praying with Anglican prayer beads, reflecting on "holy ordinary moments," and the spirituality of shared meals. Meetings are currently being held via Zoom. New members are always welcome! Learn more here.