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Sunday Forum on Intergeneration Ministry

The full May 15th Cathedral Commons Forum on Intergenerational Ministry can be found here.

It built upon learnings from a May 9 workshop for ministry leaders hosted by Saint Mark’s which can be found here.

Check out this resources, from The Uniting Church in Australia: Being an Intergenerational Church

Intergenerational Council

The Intergenerational Council is made up of Saint Mark's community members ranging from youth to elders who gather to review the cathedral's policies, activities, and ministries to broaden and deepen intergenerational perspectives, participation, and leadership. Through intentionally intergenerational programming, small group gatherings, and innovative ways to incorporate those new to Saint Mark's, the council aims to foster spiritual growth and nourishing relationships across the age spectrum as we seek to become Beloved Community.

Contact Wendy Claire Barrie, Canon for Intergenerational Ministries: wbarrie@saintmarks.org

How to Cultivate Intentionally Intergenerational Relationships: A Ministry Planning Guide 

  1. Find shared interests, activities, and themes to cultivate connections. One of the easiest starting points is to find an activity or a theme that has commonality among groups or individuals. This creates points of connection for conversation to begin and to share ideas and updates. Spiritual practices can be shared across generations. Art and outdoor activities can be enjoyed by all ages. Encourage people to share their expertise or passion with others who may be new to it.
  2. Invite people into the planning process and intentionally share leadership. If you want participation from a particular age group, ask for their input on what would make the offering meaningful for them – don’t assume or expect attendance by invitation alone. When people feel heard in the planning, they will most likely champion the event or class or activity in their circles of friends. Consider the ways you will share leadership of an event, activity, or class with the demographic you wish to include.
  3. Be flexible. Sometimes this means flexing preferences to accommodate different needs and preferences. For example, when coordinating a meeting with people who work during the day, add an evening or weekend option, or host a virtual “drop in” session. Be open to doing something differently and look for ways to creatively include or adapt to the suggestions you receive.
  4. Consider and align on the goals of the event. Does the event need to be age specific or can it be offered for all ages? One way to bridge interest of a particular group with an intergenerational offering is to have the age or interest cohort host the event and make clear in the invitation that all are welcome to join. The host group can coordinate details and lead the planning while creating space for all to gather and participate.
  5. Plan ways your event can be inclusive of different ages and abilities. For example, when planning a hike, consider having two different pace groups, or alternate between the types of trails chosen. A program with reflection and activity stations allows people to choose how to engage with a theme based on their interests. Be explicit in how you invite people to sit if it’s important that different generations will mix at tables.
  6. Be explicit in the name of the event. Event naming and descriptions are the first clues as to who is invited. Making the information as clear as possible can make all the difference in someone feeling welcome. For example, try using “families with children” instead of “families” if children are welcome. A back-to-school picnic could become an “All Parish Picnic” to extend welcome to parishioners who may not have children or whose children are adults.
  7. Hold a debrief and feedback session following your event or program with the different generations involved. Find an opportunity to report back to the wider community both the blessings and the learnings that the different generations experienced.

by Emily Meeks

About Canon Barrie

Canon for Intergenerational Ministries
Wendy has served more than 25 years in parish-based formation ministry in California, New York and Connecticut, and she has a wealth of experience with many curricula, including Godly Play and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Since March 2020, she has served as Acquisitions Editor and Christian Formation Specialist for Church Publishing, and recently guided the revision of the highly-regarded Journey to Adulthood curriculum. Wendy is a nationally-renowned speaker and teacher in the field of lifelong spiritual formation, and her latest book, The Church Post-Sunday School: How to be Intergenerational and Why It Matters, is due out next summer. She blogs and posts resources and updates at wendyclairebarrie.com

Intergenerational Ministries Newsletter

Canon Barrie sends out a newsletter containing reflections on the current season and highlighting upcoming offering that all ages can participate in together. Sign up to receive newsletters here.





Children's Chapel


Children’s Chapel is offered each Sunday at the 9 a.m. service. Children in preschool through second grade are invited to join the Gospel procession around the Deacon as the Gospel is proclaimed. Then they process to Thomsen Chapel for the Gospel story in a developmentally appropriate telling, singing, and prayer. They return to their families at the Peace. Younger children may attend accompanied by a parent or caregiver.

Contact Canon Wendy Barrie: wbarrie@saintmarks.org

Godly Play

Between services on Sunday mornings, we create space for children from preschool through elementary school (age 3 up to 5th grade) to deeply experience the texts and stories of the Bible that make us Christian people and form our faith, and also to grow in community with each other and caring adults. Using steadfastly non-digital modalities, we tell the stories and then make space for the children to make the stories their own for life by using the materials or art to expand, retell, and experience the stories in their own ways. For example, it’s magical to watch children self- organize to collectively create a “crucifixion and Easter-scape” by finding and arranging materials from the room to arrange in a box of sand to exemplify all of Holy Week! We use the Godly Play curriculum. Class sessions are held generally on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month during the school year.

Contact Rebecca Engrav: rebecca.engrav@gmail.com


Youth Group

The Youth of Saint Mark’s play, worship, learn, serve, and eat together. Guest speakers, service projects, outdoor activities, retreats, classes, liturgical leadership and inter-generational participation offer the youth many ways to connect with each other and the cathedral community. Deep thoughts, loving spirits and holy silliness are all present when the youth gather.

Contact Rebekah Gilmore: rgilmore@saintmarks.org

20s/30s Group

The 20s/30s group is a vibrant community and vital to the life of Saint Mark’s. Young adults
gather regularly to share in food, fellowship, prayer, and conversation. Events and activities
integrate community, formation, justice, and play.

Contact Julia Cooper & Hilary McLeland-Wieser: 20s30s@saintmarks.org

40s/50s Group

This ministry group offers opportunities to gather in fellowship and community with adults in their 40s/50s.

Contact Kristine Ekman: krisekman@aol.com

Third Acters (60+)

Third Acters is for anyone age 60 and over. Our goal is to build a community as we enter the “Third Act,” of our life cycle. We meet the second Tuesday of every month at 3pm on Zoom, and we also offer in-person potlucks on various Sundays after the 11 a.m. service. We support activities that build community such as walks, social activism, and just plain fun.

Contact Elizabeth Clark-Stern: ecstern@yahoo.com

Intergenerational Events and Offerings

A Liturgy for All Hallows Eve
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WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 30, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in person only. Come in costume, or come as you are on Wednesday, October 30 for the evocative and brief liturgy of All Hallows Eve from the Book of Occasional Services. By candlelight we’ll sing and pray and hear the ancient stories of Saul and the Witch of Endor and Ezekiel in the Valley of Dry Bones, and reflect on the deeper meaning of the Triduum of All Hallows, All Saints, and All Souls. Afterwards, … Read More

Cozy Compline—A Friday night gathering for all ages
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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 7 P.M., in the cathedral nave. Come in your p.j.’s for milk and cookies, then get cozy for the Church’s bedtime prayers sung by the high school Schola of Saint Mark’s Choir School. Pillows and stuffed animals welcome! The liturgy will beautiful and brief. It will be especially child-friendly, but meaningful to all members of the community.

2024 St Francis Day Celebration & Blessing of the Animals
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UPDATE (10/11/24): Photographer Julie Austin shared these shots from the day. (click to enlarge): SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 3:30 P.M. (activities), 4:30 P.M. (liturgy), on the front lawn and labyrinth On Saturday, October 5, Saint Mark’s will once again offer its beloved Saint Francis Day tradition. A few years ago this offering was moved from Sunday morning to Saturday afternoon, and the outdoor celebration has a truly festive community atmosphere. The cathedral extends a special invitation to folks in the neighborhood … Read More

Intergenerational Hike on Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Trail—POSTPONED
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SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, meet at the trailhead at 10 a.m. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED. IT WILL BE RESCHEDULED AT A FUTURE DATE TBA. All are welcome to join in a three-mile round-trip hike on the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Trail! We will meet at the trailhead at 10 am. After the first 1.5 miles, more adventurous hikers are welcome to continue along the trail while other folks turn back and perhaps choose to have lunch together in nearby … Read More

Parish Picnic 2024
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SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 12:15 P.M. (following the 11 a.m. service), on the labyrinth and front lawn; RSVP requested. This year, we’re delighted to provide a delicious picnic lunch of grilled burgers and hot dogs (vegan alternative available), macaroni salad, chips, watermelon, and cookies following the 11 am service on the front lawn. There’s no charge, but please register here so we know how many people to cook for. Activities will include: Ministry Fair! (naturally!) Live bluegrass music! Blessing of Backpacks … Read More

“Remember Your Baptism!”— A Cathedral Pilgrimage for Everyone
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SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1:30-4:30 P.M. (Renewal of Baptismal Covenant at 3 p.m.), in the cathedral nave and outdoors; registration requested In the Baptism rite of the Book of Common Prayer, parents and godparents of younger children are asked “by your prayers and witness, will you help this child to grow into the full stature of Christ?” Adult baptizands have sponsors, too, and the entire community is asked if we will “do all in your power to support these persons in … Read More

Urban Birding Day
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SATURDAY, MAY 25, 8 A.M.–12 P.M., Leffler garden, the Greenbelt, and around the cathedral campus Join Creation Care and Intergenerational Ministries for a morning of exploring nature and learning about birds on the campus of Saint Mark’s. Activities will include learning about local birds and making a simple bird feeder. There will two guided bird walks in the Saint Mark’s Greenbelt: at 8 a.m., Gordon and Jacquelyn Miller will lead a bird walk designed for adults and older youth, and … Read More

Being Intergenerational: A Morning of Education & Conversation
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Led by: Chris Barnett Canon Wendy Claire Barrie Dr. Valerie Grissom THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2024, 9:30 A.M.–12:30 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall or online via Zoom; registration required for either option. Resourced and facilitated by Chris Barnett, Canon Wendy Claire Barrie, and Dr. Valerie Grissom, this is a unique opportunity to engage and explore the growing field of intergenerational ministry with others passionate about seeing people of all ages grow in faith together. For pastors, educators, ministry leaders and their … Read More

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