Emily Meeks

Special Projects Coordinator and Interim Staff Support of the 20s/30s Ministry

Emily Meeks will be joining the cathedral staff in a part-time role beginning July 1. She will serve as Special Projects Coordinator and Interim Staff Support of the 20s/30s Ministry Group, assuming the latter role when Luke Abdow moves to Chicago this summer.

Emily is no stranger to the 20s/30s group, serving as a leader on the planning team. Her charge is to continue to encourage others in the ministry to serve in leadership roles. This approach to ministry, in which a staff member supports the lay team who guide the ministry, is a model of excellence that has attracted the attention of many in the broader Church, and we want to continue to build on it. Emily has that vision and existing relationships to support this vibrant ministry.

As Special Projects Coordinator, Emily will employ her considerable gifts and skills to address particular projects from an operational design approach, using continuous improvement models to enhance our ministries in what I expect will be exciting and life-giving ways. The truth is that she has been doing this, as senior warden and cathedral leader for some time, and I am delighted she has agreed to join the staff in this capacity. This is a part-time role, averaging 6–8 hours weekly, so selected projects will be guided by me as dean.