Chapel of the Resurrection Eucharist

Chapel of the Resurrection

A special Eucharist offered in the Chapel of the Resurrection especially for loved ones of those interred in the chapel.

Eucharist in Chapel of the Resurrection

Chapel of the Resurrection

A special service on the Feast of All Saints, to which loved ones of those inurned in the Chapel of the Resurrection are particularly invited.

Holy Eucharist in the Chapel of the Resurrection

Chapel of the Resurrection

A special service of Holy Eucharist in the Chapel of the Resurrection, the space containing the cathedral columbarium, located in the crypt.

Holy Eucharist in the Chapel of the Resurrection

Chapel of the Resurrection

A special service of Holy Eucharist in the Chapel of the Resurrection, the space containing the cathedral columbarium, located in the crypt.

Funeral Liturgy for Audrey Pelles

Chapel of the Resurrection

This a very small service offered in the Chapel of the Resurrection. Please contact Dean Steve Thomason if you are interested in attending: