This is the schedule of events for Advent and Christmas, 2023.
Find the 2024 Liturgy and Event schedule here

NOTE: Weekday Evening Prayer (offered online via Zoom Monday–Friday at 6 p.m.) is offered throughout the season, but is cancelled on Holidays or when the cathedral office is closed. The 7 a.m. Thursday morning service (in person on the first, third, and fifth Sunday of the month; online other Sundays) will continue throughout the season. 


Thursday, November 23

10 a.m. Thanksgiving Day Eucharist (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

11:45 a.m. Thanksgiving Day Community Meal (Bloedel Hall)

New this year—an opportunity to gather in community to share a meal and give thanks together. Registration requested by 11/20)


Wednesday, November 29

6–6:30 p.m. Community Dinner (Bloedel Hall)

6:45–8:15 p.m. Cathedral Commons: Isaiah, the Prophet of Advent [part 1] (presenters on Zoom)


Saturday, December 2

9 a.m.–12 p.m. Wisdom School: Womanist Midrash & Biblical Interpretation with The Rev. Wil Gafney, Ph.D.

3–4 p.m. Queer in Christ Advent Devotional Writing Series [meeting #1] (in Leffler House and on Zoom)



First Week of Advent

Sunday, December 3

8 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (Thomsen Chapel)

9 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (cathedral nave)

10 a.m. Alternative Gift Market (Bloedel Hall)

A festive gathering with unique gifts, opportunities to give to local organizations, and fun for all ages.




11 a.m.  Holy Eucharist (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

NOTE: There will be no first-Sunday Newcomers' Coffee in December. The next offering will be January 7.

12 p.m. Alternative Gift Market (Bloedel Hall)

7 p.m. The "O" Antiphons Service (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

Advent Procession with lessons and carols—a highlight of the liturgical year at Saint Mark's. Incense will be used.




9:30 p.m.  Compline (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

Ancient nighttime prayers—a Seattle tradition since 1956. Learn more here.


Monday, December 4

6 p.m.  "Organ Meditation" prelude to Cathedral Yoga (cathedral nave)

6:30 p.m. Cathedral Yoga with Luna Miller (cathedral nave)


Tuesday, December 5

12 p.m. Tuesday Noon Bible Study (online via Zoom)

6 p.m. 20s/30s First Tuesday Tacos and Contemplative Prayer (Leffler House)

7 p.m.  Contemplative Prayer (cathedral nave)


Wednesday, December 6

6–6:30 p.m. Community Dinner (Bloedel Hall)

6:45–8:15 p.m. Cathedral Commons: Isaiah, the Prophet of Advent [part 2] (presenters on Zoom)


Saturday, December 9

9 a.m.–3 p.m. The World is About to Turn: Exploring Advent with Young Adults (at Diocesan House)

10 a.m. Diocesan Ordinations to the Transitional Diaconate (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

1:30–2:30 p.m. Queer in Christ Advent Devotional Writing Series [meeting #2] (via Zoom only)

*8 p.m. Seattle Choral Company presents A Baroque Christmas at Saint Mark's (not a cathedral event)

Second week of Advent

Sunday, December 10

8 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (Thomsen Chapel)

9 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (cathedral nave)

10:10 a.m. Sunday Forum: A Conversation with Fr. Fadi Diab

11 a.m.  Holy Eucharist (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

12:30 p.m. 40s/50s Holiday Brunch (Leffler House)

7 p.m. Contemplative Eucharist (in person only, Thomsen Chapel)

9:30 p.m.  Compline (in person and livestreamed, cathedral nave)


Monday, December 11

6:30 p.m. Cathedral Yoga with Luna Miller (cathedral nave)


Tuesday, December 12

12 p.m. Tuesday Noon Bible Study (online via Zoom)

7 p.m.  Contemplative Prayer (cathedral nave)


Wednesday, December 13

6-6:30 p.m. Community Dinner (Bloedel Hall)

6:45-8:15 p.m. Cathedral Commons: Isaiah, the Prophet of Advent [part 3] (presenters on Zoom)


Thursday, December 14

6:30 p.m. Climate Conversations (online via Zoom only)


Saturday, December 16

9 a.m.–12 p.m. An Advent Quiet Morning

This morning of Spiritual Retreat will include Centering Prayer, a meditative Breathwork session, and a Contemplative Eucharist. Space is limited and RSVP is required—email Rev. Linzi Stahlecker: UPDATE (12/5): This event is now at capacity and is no longer accepting reservations.




1:30-2:30 p.m. Queer in Christ Advent Devotional Writing Series [meeting #3] (in Leffler House and on Zoom)

*7:30 p.m. Northwest Boychoir presents A Festival of Lessons & Carols at Saint Mark's (not a cathedral event)

Third week of Advent

Sunday, December 17

8 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (Thomsen Chapel)

9 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (cathedral nave)

10:10 a.m. Creation Care Forum: Poetry of the Season with Prof. Doug Thorpe (Bloedel Hall)

11 a.m.  Holy Eucharist (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

7 p.m. Comfort and Peace at Christmas: A Service of Healing for Aching Hearts (cathedral nave Thomsen Chapel [not livestreamed] Note change of location)

A service of prayer and healing for aching hearts (formerly known as the “Blue Christmas” liturgy)




9:30 p.m. Compline (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

10 p.m. Organ by Night (cathedral nave)


Monday, December 18

10 a.m.–2 p.m. (or until finished)  The Greening of the Cathedral All ages are invited to help transform our sacred space!

6:30–8 p.m. Cathedral Yoga with Luna Miller, including 30-minute extended Sound Bath savasana (cathedral nave)


Tuesday, December 19

12 p.m. Tuesday Noon Bible Study (online via Zoom only)

Contemplative Prayer is cancelled on Tuesday, December 19, due to the dress rehearsal for The Pageant of the Nativity


Wednesday, December 20

7 p.m.  The Pageant of the Nativity (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

A Christmas Pageant like no other, bringing together the choirs and children of the community with costumes of cathedral finery, visual art displayed within cathedral architecture, and special instrumental accompaniment to reflect upon the Nativity of Christ as told in Holy Scripture.


No community dinner or Cathedral Commons program on December 20


Saturday, December 23

1:30–2:30 p.m. Queer in Christ Advent Devotional Writing Series [meeting #4] (via Zoom only)


Learn about the special liturgical ornaments of the season of Advent—vestments, altar frontal, and Advent wreath—that are unique to Saint Mark's here.


Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve*

Sunday, December 24

8 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (Thomsen Chapel)

9 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (cathedral nave)

11 a.m.  Holy Eucharist (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

3:45 p.m. Musical Prelude and Carol Sing

4 p.m. Christmas Eve Family Service with Holy Eucharist  (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

A service particularly appropriate for families with young children. Music by the choristers of the Choir School.

7:10 p.m. Musical Prelude and Carol Sing

7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Holy Eucharist with Carols (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

Music by the Evensong Choir with brass and percussion.

10:30 p.m. Musical Prelude and Carol Sing

11 p.m.  Christmas Eve Holy Eucharist with Carols ("Midnight Mass") (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

Music by the Cathedral Choir with brass and percussion. Incense will be used.

*NOTE: In years when December 24 falls on a Sunday, that day is both the Fourth Sunday of Advent and (after sunset) also Christmas Eve.

The cathedral will offer its usual Sunday morning services at 8, 9, and 11 a.m., and then its usual Christmas Eve services at 4, 7:30, and 11 p.m. that evening. The 7 p.m. Contemplative Eucharist is suspended.

Compline will NOT be offered. (This is the only situation when Compline at Saint Mark's is cancelled on a Sunday). Classical KING will broadcast an archive recording at 9:30 p.m.

Christmas Day

Monday, December 25

10 a.m. Christmas Day Festal Eucharist with Carols ( cathedral nave and livestreamed)

Music by The Saint Mark's Singers

Cathedral Yoga is suspended on December 25.

The First Sunday after Christmas

Sunday, December 31

8 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (Thomsen Chapel)

9 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (cathedral nave)

11 a.m.  Holy Eucharist (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

6 p.m. to midnight New Year’s Eve Labyrinth Walk with 9:30 Compline and Midnight Eucharist (in person only, cathedral nave)

Since 1999, Seattle's most peaceful New Year's tradition. With contemplative music by guest musicians. All are welcome.
Since December 31 falls on a Sunday this year, at 9:30 p.m., The Compline Choir will chant the office in the nave as usual. At midnight, a simple service of Holy Eucharist at the center of the labyrinth, observing the Feast of the Holy Name.


Monday, January 1, 2024

Cathedral Yoga is suspended on January 1


Wednesday, January 3, 2024

6–6:30 p.m. Community Dinner (Bloedel Hall)

There is no Cathedral Commons forum or presentation on January 3, although the community dinner will be served as usual


Friday, January 5, 2024

5:30 p.m. Twelfth Night Chilly Dip (at Madison Park Beach, 1900 43rd Ave. E, Seattle)

7 p.m. Twelfth Night Eucharist and Burning of the Greens

A simple, intimate, and brief Eucharist will be offered in the nave, concluding with a lively, lantern lit procession with the Advent Wreath to the outdoor bonfire. Bring Christmas greens to burn as well. Hot spiced cider and s'mores will be served.




The First Sunday after the Epiphany:
The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Sunday, January 7, 2024

8 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Renewal of Baptismal Vows (Thomsen Chapel)

9 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Holy Baptism (cathedral nave)

11 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Holy Baptism (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

12:30 p.m. Newcomers' Coffee Hour (meet in the back of the nave after the 11 a.m. service concludes)

4:30 p.m. Choral Evensong (cathedral nave and livestreamed)

5:30 p.m. Queer Conversations (Cathedral House Room 210)

7 p.m. Contemplative Eucharist (Thomsen Chapel)

9:30 p.m. Compline (cathedral nave and livestreamed)


Monday, January 8, 2024

6 p.m.  "Organ Meditation" prelude to Cathedral Yoga (cathedral nave)

6:30 p.m. Cathedral Yoga with Luna Miller (cathedral nave)


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

12 p.m. Tuesday Noon Bible Study (online via Zoom)

6 p.m. 20s/30s First Tuesday Tacos and Contemplative Prayer [moved to the second Tuesday for January only] (Leffler House)

7 p.m.  Contemplative Prayer (cathedral nave)


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

6–6:30 p.m. Community Dinner (Bloedel Hall)

6:45–8:15 p.m. Cathedral Commons: The Letters of Paul [part 1] (Bloedel Hall or via Zoom)

NOTE: It is cathedral policy that Sunday worship services and liturgies for Principal Feast are never cancelled due to weather, but we ask everyone to consider safety their first priority when making travel decisions. Other cathedral events be canceled or rescheduled as necessary; please check the Winter Weather Advisory page for the most updated information.