The faith community at Saint Mark’s is honored to offer the hospitality of the cathedral to you in this time of loss and sorrow. It is our privilege to assist you in any way we can. As Christians, we proclaim that in death, life is changed, not ended, and we hope our ministry will help you to move forward with assurance that the person you love has passed through death into new life in God, and that in your grief, Christ makes himself present in compassion.
Funeral and memorial services at Saint Mark’s are based on the order of service provided in The Book of Common Prayer. The liturgy and music department will help your family to plan the service, and to choose readings, prayers, hymns, and music that proclaim our faith in resurrection; reflect and celebrate the life of the person who has died; and offer comfort and hope to all who mourn.
To inquire about scheduling a funeral please contact Dean Steve Thomason at or (206) 323-0300 x259.
Chapel of the Resurrection and Columbarium
The Chapel of the Resurrection, which includes a columbarium, was opened in 1969. A columbarium is a permanent resting place for cremated remains. Anyone is welcome to be buried in the Chapel of the Resurrection. Read about the columbarium here.
A conversation has begun about the possibility of interring ashes in a garden area of the front lawn. Please ask if you are interested in learning more about this option.