As we make gradual steps toward the reopening of the cathedral building, some of the services will be streamed online only, and others have limited in-person congregations, as noted below. Service that include an in-person congregation have registration links listed below, but please note that you cannot register to attend until six days before the service. Learn more about the plans for the resumption of in-person worship here.
March 28: Palm Sunday
11 a.m. • Palm Sunday Liturgy • livestream and limited in-person congregation (watch here)
Liturgy of the Palms, Procession, Reading of the Passion, Holy Eucharist. Limited in-person congregation.
Registration opens at 9 a.m. on Monday, March 22, and closes at 12 p.m. on Friday, March 24. Register here.
4:30 p.m. • Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time (more information here)
9:30 p.m. • Compline (watch here)
March 29: Monday in Holy Week
7 p.m. • Contemplative Holy Eucharist • livestream or Zoom only; no in-person congregation (Join via Zoom using this link, or watch on the livestream page.)
A service from Thomsen Chapel. Musical offerings by Page Smith, cellist. Join either via livestream or the Zoom teleconference platform.
PLEASE NOTE: Regular weekday 6:30 p.m. Evening Prayer is suspending during Holy Week.
March 30: Tuesday in Holy Week
11 a.m. • Chrism Mass • livestream only, no in-person congregation (watch using this link:
Bishop Rickel presides at this service, at which oil is blessed for the Diocese for the year.
7 p.m. • Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing • livestream or Zoom only; no in-person congregation (Join via Zoom using this link, or watch on the livestream page.)
A service from Thomsen Chapel. Musical offerings by Rebekah Gilmore, soprano. Join either via livestream or the Zoom teleconference platform.
March 31: Wednesday in Holy Week
7 p.m. • Tenebrae • livestream and limited in-person congregation (watch using this link:
Chanted psalms and lamentation as darkness falls.
Registration opens at 9 a.m. on Thursday, March 25. Register here.
UPDATE: Registration has been extended and now closes at 12 p.m. on the day of the service, Wednesday, March 31.
April 1: Maundy Thursday
7 a.m. • Morning Prayer on Maundy Thursday • Join using this Zoom link.
7 p.m. • Maundy Thursday Liturgy • livestream and limited in-person congregation (watch using this link:
We remember the Last Supper and Jesus' final teachings to his friends. Liturgy of The Word; Invitation to ritual washing. The service concludes with the Stripping of the Altar.
Registration opens at 9 a.m. on Friday, March 26. Register here.
UPDATE: Registration has been extended and now closes at 12 p.m. on the day of the service, Thursday, April 1.
Altar of Repose • begins at the conclusion the Maundy Thursday Service, ends Friday morning
Livestream only. Learn more here.
April 2: Good Friday
Noon • Good Friday Liturgy • livestream and limited in-person congregation (watch using this link:
7 p.m. • Good Friday Liturgy • livestream and limited in-person congregation (watch using this link:
Recalling the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, the Good Friday liturgy is out-of-joint. There is no Eucharist. The Passion Gospel; Solemn Collects; Contemplation of the Cross.
Registration for both Good Friday services opens at 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 27. Register for 12 p.m. here. | Register for 7 p.m. here.
UPDATE: Registration has been extended and now closes at on the day of the service, Friday, April 2. Registration for the afternoon service closes at 9 a.m.; registration for the evening service closes at noon.
It is the tradition at Saint Mark's to offer The Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as “private confession,” on Good Friday. If this is something you would like, please contact any member of the clergy.
April 3: Holy Saturday
8:30 p.m. • The Great Vigil of Easter • Livestream only (watch using this link:
Those who will be baptized and confirmed at this service, along with their sponsors and families, will constitute the in-person congregation for this service. No additional in-person attendees.
The most solemn night of the Christian year.
April 4: Easter Sunday: The Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Registration for all three morning services opens at 9 a.m. on Monday, March 29, and closes at 12 p.m. on Friday, April 2.
NOTE: This registration deadline will not be extended.
7 a.m. • Sunrise Service (in-person, outdoors on the front lawn—bring your own chair. Register here. Also livestreamed—watch using this link:
9 a.m. • Festal Eucharist (in-person, in the cathedral nave, not livestreamed) Register here.
11 a.m. • Festal Eucharist (in-person, in the cathedral nave. Register here. Note: incense will be used. Also livestreamed—watch using this link:
9:30 p.m. • The Office of Compline on Easter (livestream and broadcast only; no in-person attendance. watch here)
April 4: Easter Sunday: The Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Registration for all three morning services opens at 9 a.m. on Monday, March 29, and closes at 12 p.m. on Friday, April 2.
NOTE: This registration deadline will not be extended.
7 a.m. • Sunrise Service (in-person, outdoors on the front lawn—bring your own chair. Register here. Also livestreamed—watch using this link:
9 a.m. • Festal Eucharist (in-person, in the cathedral nave, not livestreamed) Register here.
11 a.m. • Festal Eucharist (in-person, in the cathedral nave. Register here. Note: incense will be used. Also livestreamed—watch using this link:
9:30 p.m. • The Office of Compline on Easter (livestream and broadcast only; no in-person attendance. watch here)
The Lent at Home page contains a collection of resources and suggestions for observing a holy Lent in your own home, including a order of service for an at-home liturgy, and an invitation to contribute to the Lenten prayer banners in front of the cathedral building.
Personal Prayer Time in the Nave
SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 4-6 P.M.
MONDAY, MARCH 22, 6-7 P.M.
PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 12:30-1:30 P.M.
Come to the cathedral nave for a moment of quiet, prayerful reflection during Lent. Several times have been set aside to welcome parishioners to the nave for socially-distanced individual prayer. There is no need to register. Come to the Hoerster Annex entrance (southwest corner of cathedral) where you will be greeted and asked to sign a health waiver. Then you will proceed to the nave for your time of prayer. Total occupancy will be limited. Contact Canon Jennifer, with any questions.
During Lent, Theologian-in-residence The Rev. Canon Walter Brownridge is inviting the community of Saint Mark's to read and engage with Howard Thurman's foundational 1949 text, Jesus and the Disinherited. An introductory presentation will be offered Sunday, February 28. Learn more here.
During Lent, The Community of Saint Mark's is encouraged to register for Dismantling Racism Training from the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing. Learn more here.
This video of "The Way of the Cross," a liturgy from The Book of Occasional Services, premiered during Holy Week 2020, and is available to be engaged with a aid to prayer at any time. It features the sculptural interpretation of the traditional Stations of the Cross by artist Virginia Maksymowicz and music by James Falzone. It was directed and edited by David Wild.