Download a pdf of this week's Cathedral Prayer List using the link or button below. Each week's pdf contains the previous four weeks of prayer requests, along with other special intentions, and weekly petitions from the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, and Cathedral Cycle of Prayer.
PLEASE NOTE: Beginning in Advent 2024, only the most recent Cathedral Prayer List will be posted on this page, and past prayer lists will no longer be publicly accessible. Please contact with any questions.
CURRENT WEEK: January 12, 2025 - The Second Sunday after the Epiphany
The cathedral clergy are available to parishioners in need of pastoral care, and the best way to contact a priest after hours for urgent concerns (e.g. emergency hospitalization, serious injury, etc.) is by calling or texting them on their personal cell phones. These numbers are readily available to all parishioners via the Parish Directory (accessible via a link in the upper right of the cathedral website) or the ChurchLife mobile app. If you have not yet installed this app on your phone, we encourage you to do so—it is a great resource. Erik Donner can assist you with downloading the app or can simply provide you with the priests’ numbers himself; email or call 206.323.0300 ext. 217.
For non-urgent pastoral messages, call the church office and leave a voicemail message, either for one of the priests or in the general mailbox.
Clergy are available for individual pastoral appointments, and when desired, administration of sacraments including anointing and confession. Please call the cathedral office (206.323.0300) or email one one of the clergy directly.
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at: 988
Learn more more about Pastoral Care here.
The Prayer Chain is a group of Saint Mark's community members who receive the names of those for whom prayers have been requested, as they are submitted. Each member prays in their own way. Prayer requests may come because of a death, illness, job loss, military service, or struggles with children or parents. Prayers of thanksgiving for joyous events like births and marriages are also submitted. The Prayer Chain is here for any and all who desire or need the support of a praying community.
To be added to the Prayer Chain list, contact Erik Donner: or 206.323.0300 x217
"Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." —Philippians 4:6
To submit a prayer request to be added to the Cathedral Prayer List, send an email to or call 206.323.0300 x314
Requests will typically be (1) emailed to the prayer chain (see below), (2) added to the printed prayer list (above), and (3) read out during the Prayers of the Assembly during Sunday morning liturgies. If you wish, you may specify where exactly you would like your prayer request to appear or not appear (e.g. read out loud and emailed but not printed, printed and emailed but not read out loud, emailed only, etc.).
To request that a name be included in the prayers read out during the Office of Compline, please contact the Compline Choir directly:
Daily Morning Prayer
MONDAY–FRIDAY, 7:30-8 A.M., via Zoom
Come just as you are to Morning Prayer on weekday mornings, on Zoom, following the form of the Book of Common Prayer 1979. All are welcome, whether you're still in your pj's, joining from your workplace, or listening on the move. No former experience with the Daily Office is necessary.
Join Morning Prayer using this Zoom link.
Daily Evening Prayer
EVENING PRAYER: MONDAY–FRIDAY, 6 P.M., online-only via Zoom
Lay readers from Seattle-area congregations including the cathedral lead a spoken service of daily prayer following the form of the Book of Common Prayer 1979, every weekday evening at 6 p.m. Learn more here.
Join Evening Prayer using this Zoom link.
Evening Prayer (whether online or in person) is always cancelled when the cathedral office is closed for holidays or other reasons, or when a special liturgy is being offered in the nave on a weekday evening.
Please email Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer with any questions.
EVERY SUNDAY, 9:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave, livestreamed, and broadcast
A beloved Seattle institution since 1956, the all-male Compline Choir sings the last monastic office of the day every Sunday at 9:30 p.m. In normal times, hundreds join together in the nave each week for this meditative service, while thousands more listen to the broadcast on KING-FM, 98.1, streaming online at, or via the podcast. The service is now livestreamed on the cathedral website, Facebook, and YouTube. More information can be found at
Please see the Compline page and the Compline Choir website for the more information.
Choral Evensong
FIRST SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH, OCTOBER–JUNE, 4:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed
The ancient practice of singing evening prayers is a longstanding tradition in cathedrals throughout the world, particularly those of the Anglican tradition. The Saint Mark’s Evensong Choir, a intergenerational choir of children, teenagers, and adults, offers this beautiful service once a month. All are welcome. Learn more and see the complete schedule for the current season here.
Thursday Morning Chapel Eucharist
FIRST/THIRD/FIFTH THURSDAYS OF THE MONTH ONLY, 7:30 A.M. [note new time!], in person in Thomsen Chapel
At 7:30 a.m. on the first, third, and fifth Thursdays of the month, an in-person service of Holy Eucharist offered in Thomsen Chapel. Fellowship and a community breakfast follow the service.
UPDATE: Starting in January of 2025, Thursday Morning Chapel Eucharist will be offered at 7:30 a.m., rather than 7 a.m.
Prayer in the Style of Taize
MONTHLY ON TUESDAY EVENINGS, 7 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed
UPDATE: Beginning January 14, 2025, Taizé Prayer services will be offered monthly, on the second Tuesday most months.
A service of prayer in the evening with music in the style of Taizé is offered at Saint Mark's on a seasonal basis. Learn more here.
Cathedral Yoga
EVERY MONDAY, 6:30–7:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave
In the sacred space of Saint Mark’s Cathedral, this spiritual practice is designed to improve health, release tension and deepen spirituality. It is a gentle practice, and the instructors guide the group in ways that welcome newcomers and experienced practitioners alike. Learn more here.
Contemplative Prayer
MOST TUESDAYS*, 7–8 P.M., in the cathedral nave
NOTE: Contemplative Prayer is suspended on the second Tuesday of each month, when the monthly Taizé service is offered in the nave instead. Contemplative Prayer is also occasionally suspended or relocated on other Tuesdays due to other events and conflicts in the nave.
This weekly gathering begins with a period of silent meditation, followed by discussions on a variety of contemplative practices including Centering Prayer
This time of meditative prayer is open to anyone who yearns for a time to simply sit in the presence of the Divine—whether you sit regularly and miss doing it with others, are curious, or think you can’t do it, come, sit together and talk about it. There is no doing it right or wrong; there is only doing it. Read more here. These sessions will be led by Phil Fox Rose, who was introduced to centering prayer by Cynthia Bourgeault in the early 90s and has been practicing and sharing it ever since. Email Phil with questions:
The Labyrinth
On New Year’s Eve each year, and on other special occasions, we lay down a giant labyrinth in the nave to give individuals the space to experience the peace, the quiet and the balance that the labyrinth path can bring. And, of course, since 2018 the cathedral’s outdoor labyrinth has been available at any time for a prayerful meditation walk. Learn more here.