Each week, Saint Mark's posts the worship bulletins ahead of the Sunday morning services.
Click the links below to download a PDF. These typically contain only the order of service for the liturgy—the newsletter printed in the Sunday leaflets each week contains less information than the email newsletter which can be read here. The "online version" of leaflets for livestreamed services also include congregational hymns appended to the end of the PDF.
For the liturgical year beginning on the First Sunday of Advent 2024, through Reign of Christ Sunday, 2025, we are in (RCL) Lectionary Year C, Track 2.
The cathedral prayer list may be found here.

With the first Sunday of Advent, we begin a new liturgical year. Older leaflets may be found on the archive pages:

If you would like to see leaflets from before December 2018, or materials from special events such as weddings and funerals, please contact and we would be glad to send them to you, if we are able.