4:30 p.m. Advent Hymn Sing!

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 4:30 P.M., via Zoom Dean Thomason and Canon Kleinschmidt's first Hymn Sing was so much fun, they've decided to throw another one! They invite you to join in singing Advent hymns and carols via Zoom. Do you have a favorite hymn that expresses the Advent themes of longing, hope, and expectation? This is the occasion! Requests are encouraged, from any hymnal. Make your hymn request here. Join via the Zoom link here.

Event Series Evening Prayer Online

Evening Prayer Online

MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, 6:30 P.M. Lay readers from Seattle-area congregations including the cathedral lead a spoken service of daily prayer following the form of the Book of Common Prayer 1979, every weekday evening at 6:30 p.m. Learn more here. This Offering will continue via Zoom video-conferencing until Phase 3 or 4, when Thomsen Chapel reopens. Join using this Zoom link.

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