5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist

A evening celebration of Holy Eucharist using a liturgy adapted from the Iona Rite — a space of peace and renewal at the close of the day. You are invited to attend the community dinner immediately following the service at 6 p.m. Location: Thomsen Chapel

6:30 p.m. Evening Prayer

Lay readers from Seattle-area congregations including the cathedral lead a spoken service of daily prayer following the form of the Book of Common Prayer 1979, every weekday evening at 6:30 p.m. Contact Name: Sue Tait Contact Number: 206-325-4200 ext. 2043 Contact Email: resource@ecww.org location: Thomsen Chapel

7 a.m. Holy Eucharist

A spoken service of the Holy Eucharist, Rite II. A light community breakfast follows. All are welcome. Location: Thomsen Chapel

7 a.m. post-Eucharist Breakfast

Community breakfast following the 7 a.m. Thursday morning Eucharist service Location: Leffler House Living Room

6:30 p.m. Evening Prayer

Lay readers from Seattle-area congregations including the cathedral lead a spoken service of daily prayer following the form of the Book of Common Prayer 1979, every weekday evening at 6:30 p.m. Contact Name: Sue Tait Contact Number: 206-325-4200 ext. 2043 Contact Email: resource@ecww.org location: Thomsen Chapel

6:30 p.m. Evening Prayer

Lay readers from Seattle-area congregations including the cathedral lead a spoken service of daily prayer following the form of the Book of Common Prayer 1979, every weekday evening at 6:30 p.m. Contact Name: Sue Tait Contact Number: 206-325-4200 ext. 2043 Contact Email: resource@ecww.org location: Thomsen Chapel

9 a.m. Holy Eucharist

Liturgy with sermon, hymns, and music by Saint Mark's Singers or children's choirs. (NB: Choirs are on summer hiatus until September 15, 2019) Children's Chapel occurs during the 9 a.m. service. Childcare available in the Childcare center. Location: Cathedral Nave

10:10 a.m. Forum: Border Report from Canon Ross

Bloedel Hall

The situation for immigrants and refugees at our southern border is fraught and complex. As part of Saint Mark's Sanctuary ministry, Canon Nancy Ross joined colleagues from Houston and Richmond to go to McAllen and Brownsville, Texas, to witness first-hand and meet with organizations working on-the-ground. Come hear what unfolded and ideas developing for how we can be part of the work.

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