Steve Thomason's 20th Ordination Anniversary

Cathedral Dean Steve Thomason was ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, June 26, 2004, in Springdale, Arkansas. The Vestry invites you to join in recognizing this special milestone of 20 years of ministry and to give thanks for Steve’s 12 years of service and continued leadership as Dean of Saint Mark’s Cathedral. Please join Saint Mark's for worship on Sunday, June 23, 2024 – light refreshments and a brief gathering in Steve’s honor will be held in Bloedel Hall after the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services.

Everyone is invited to sign the digital card for Steve.

If you wish, you can also make a gift to the Cathedral’s Threshold Fund in his honor. (The Threshold fund was established in 2018 to assist families and individuals in accessing safe and secure housing.)

UPDATE: The video shared at the Sunday morning reception can now be seen below: