“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me . . . Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” –Matthew 25:35-40
Saint Mark’s is committed to address a spectrum of housing needs in the City of Seattle from acute shelter needs to long term housing.
Affordable Housing
Guided by the Vestry, the Affordable Housing Committee is exploring the feasibility of redeveloping the St. Nicholas property adjacent to the Cathedral for affordable housing for families at a mix of income levels. Learn more here.
Habitat for Humanity
Saint Mark’s Volunteers have been working with the local Seattle/King County affiliate of Habitat forHumanity and participating in national and international building projects for over 25 years. Recently they have been involved with an Interfaith Build and constructing a Tiny House project on site to be transported for permanent housing.
Contact Jacquelyn Miller: jcmiller31@gmail.com or Gordon Miller: glmiller@seattleu.edu
Lowell School Volunteers
Lowell Elementary is located just under a mile from the cathedral and has been a long-time community partner with Saint Mark’s. More than 25 percent of students are unhoused. Saint Mark’s provides support for basic needs in addition to volunteering for events. This ministry seeks to provide a range of support to our neighboring public school which serves a diverse population of students and families. This includes diversity of home languages, ethnicity, special needs and housing security. Support at community events, individual tutoring, Staff Appreciation Week, Alternative Gifts during the holiday season, as well as on-line giving, are some of the opportunities to enter into an on-going partnership.
Contact Cherie Bradshaw: bradshawcherie@msn.com
Tent City 3
Tent City 3 for the past 17 years Tent City residents have used the South parking lot of the Cathedral for temporary shelter. In recent years, the Meals Ministry has provided a hot meal on Sunday evenings and has expanded the offering for parishioners to join alongside Tent City guests.
The Threshold Fund
The Saint Mark’s Cathedral Threshold Fund began as an initiative to help individuals and families experiencing housing insecurity by providing financial assistance with rental deposits and move-in costs, thereby lowering the financial barrier to safe, permanent housing. Since its launch in 2018, more than two hundred individuals and families have benefitted from Saint Mark's Threshold Fund. Qualified recipients typically receive first and last month’s rent and security deposit— half as an outright gift, half as a loan to be repaid when they are able. Saint Mark’s partners with Catholic Community Services (CCS) to administer the program, which includes case management to ensure those in need obtain the support services from which they will benefit. To date, more than $100,000 has been provided through the Threshold Fund, all made possible by donations. Learn more here.
Contact The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason: sthomason@saintmarks.org
Meal Sharing Ministry
Contact Deborah Person: mealministry@saintmarks.org
Operation Night Watch
Operation Night Watch serves our neighbors who are poor and homeless. Saint Mark's participates in the Street Ministry as volunteers build relationships with those sleeping outside and bring basic snacks, socks and hygiene supplies as needed. Saint Mark’s is also exploring ways to support a possible emergency shelter onsite at the Cathedral.